Sentences with phrase «leaf piles too»

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A few too many parties, a culinary over-indulgence or two, and a little over-excitement when gift shopping can leave us feeling exhausted, unhealthy, financially overstretched, and surrounded by giant piles of stuff, so that just when you should be starting the new year with energy, you're instead feeling frazzled and exhausted.
They taught me too that our biggest questions, our deepest desires and fears and joys, often meet us in the quotidian challenges of marriage, parenting and home life — at the 3 a.m. feeding, in the tantrum at Costco, amidst piles of dirty laundry, at the community playground, in the bouquet of weeds left carefully on your pillow.
Too often the church is busily trying to rake up leaves into nice orderly piles, while the gale force winds of the Holy Spirit are intent on scatting them all over the yard.
There is too much nitrogen, so add sawdust, dry leaves, or other high - carbon materials, and turn the pile.
Ketchup, mustard, relish, and «kraut were also banned from the tasting room, which left us with nothing more than nine paper plates heaped with piles of anonymous hot dog, a box of toothpicks, a stack of too - small Dixie water cups, and the fear of God.
Jamie Chadwick was involved in the fight for the win too as she piled the pressure on the leaders, but that was how the order stayed when the red flag was thrown with less than a minute left on the race clock.
We were so focused on piling players in the middle, we left the flanks exposed too much and we got punished as you would expect from the champions of Europe.
All too many of our baby - boom constituents have much more in common with those parts of other cohorts who are left at the bottom of the income pile.
Think about it: If you have a big plate, it may be easy to pile on the food until the plate is full, leaving you with portions that are way too large.
Yoga and exercise became too overwhelming to initiate against the guilt he piled on for leaving him alone, even for an hour.
I too have fallen into that chasm, sometimes I pull out an old favorite and look at myself and say, «that fashion train has left the station» and into the «donate» pile it goes.
As your retirement needs and market conditions change, so should the amount you draw from assets if you want to avoid running through your savings too soon or being left with a big pile of cash in your dotage.
Munger leaves moat creation to entrepreneurs and venture capitalists and feels fine putting that activity in «too hard» pile.
They leave that ratty pile of expense receipts in the drawer (where they left it last year, too).
Unfortunately, this cycle has far too many times in a row and the sky - high Interest and fees continue piling up... leaving many payday lenders in mountains of debt, unable to get out.
Which leaves the UK in my too - hard pile, with Newmark Security (NWT: LN) my only disclosed holding (pattern) here.
Leaf piles: Although leaf piles are fun for the kids to jump in, don't leave them sitting on your lawn for too long.
Give this some thought before making your decision... you don't want to choose a spot close to the house since you're feeling too lazy to take him to the back corner of the yard only to realize once summer rolls around that you've trained him to leave big piles of poo right next to your barbeque pit or outdoor dining area.
«Hey, I left my awesome professional life to become a traveler and you should too» Yeah - but you left with a big pile of money and all your advice is only good for someone else with a software company to sell so they can travel endlessly for years to exotic destinations without having to worry about money — and that left all these 22 year old dropouts with no choice but to admit defeat or hustle like crazy.
Firewood and leaf piles should be moved away from a foundation since pests will find those spots a welcoming home, too.
And a side benefit was our counters were never piled up with dishes or mess because we loved them too much to leave dirty dishes on them!!
Try not to leave that pile of dirty dishes out by the sink for too long.
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