Sentences with word «leafhopper»

* Correction, 15 March: The green leafhopper accelerated at a near constant rate of 152 meters per second squared, not 152 meters per second as originally reported.
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT Insects called leafhoppers (Alnetoidia alneti shown) produce microscopic, antireflective spheres that the bugs rub onto their eggs to camouflage them.
The bacteria grows in the gut of certain species of leafhoppers known as sharpshooters — small, winged insects that feed on plant sap.
Now Murray Fletcher at Industry & Investment NSW in Orange, New South Wales, Australia, and colleagues have seen young Australian leafhoppers spin silk tents on leaves.
First detected in Tahiti, the half - inch - long, mottled brown leafhopper carries a plant disease - causing bacterium, and the insect had spread to other islands in French Polynesia.
Control: Curly top is carried by leafhoppers.
Weeds not only look ugly, they can harbor pests like leafhoppers, which spread curly top virus to pepper plants (which happened with devastating effect throughout New Mexico in 1995).
Aphids and leafhoppers transmit viruses and mycoplasmas from infected plants to healthy plants.
Researchers figured out that the brochosomes, which leafhoppers rub on their bodies, were used primarily to make the insects water - repellent.
I'd be fascinated to watch how water striders or leafhoppers evolved.
Wondering how leafhoppers avoid these expected fractures during their powerful leaps, a team of scientists used a high - speed camera to film the bugs at the moment of takeoff.
By analyzing the footage (above), the researchers discovered that leafhoppers rotate a part of their legs while gearing up for a jump, thereby distributing the stress more equally throughout the limb and creating a safe, constant force between their feet and the leaf launch pad.
Traditional methods used to limit the impact of MSD include insecticides to control leafhopper populations (which are not affordable to most small - scale farmers and can be environmentally damaging), and conventional selective breeding of maize for resistance traits that naturally exist in some varieties.
«We responded to this challenge by proposing to engineer maize viruses, aphids, and leafhoppers such that they can be deployed rapidly to change gene expression in mature maize plants.»
IRRI has been instrumental in developing rice varieties with built - in resistance to common pests and diseases, including brown planthoppers, stem borers, green leafhoppers, tungro virus, blast, and bacterial blight.
One newly recognized form of deception, used by plant - eating insects called leafhoppers, was thought to have a whole different purpose.
Baby Australian leafhoppers (Kahaono montana) pitch silk tents to keep them safe from predators.
Damage: The leafhopper spreads curly top virus and can cause hopperburn.
Leafhoppers that carry the virus do not feed in shady locations.
Most of the crappy stuff that makes your chile plants sick is transmitted by vectors like white fly and leafhoppers that are seriously gnarly.
Have you seen any leafhoppers?
Most gardeners remove and destroy infected plants so that leafhoppers will not transmit the virus to healthy plants.
Generally speaking, leaf mottling is usually a sign of a virus, and most viruses are transmitted by aphids or leafhoppers.
Leafhoppers are found worldwide in temperate and tropical regions.
But the vast majority of specimens were inadvertent visitors, such as gall midges, leafhoppers, and ground beetles (like the false bombardier beetle, pictured above), who had wandered in and were likely looking for the exit.
Using the clever mechanics of the leafhopper leg to build better jumping robots.
If your feet ache after a long day, just be glad you're not a green leafhopper (Cicadella viridis).
Trautwein likened such herbivores as gall midges and leafhoppers to «ill - fated tourists» that get lured in by light or shelter only to find that there's nothing to eat.
Furthermore, continued spraying caused the leafhoppers to develop resistance to the sprays.
Tiny one - millimetre wasps, also called fairy flies, are drawn to suck the sesame flower's nectar; then they lay their eggs into the eggs of the leafhoppers on nearby rice plants.
MSV is transmitted amongst maize and other weed host plants by small insects called leafhoppers.
So when the leafhoppers did arrive they had it easy.
The leafhoppers hadn't even arrived yet but the pesticides killed off their enemies, the ladybugs and wasps.
End result: the leafhoppers are controlled with little or no pesticide and the farmer gets the value of selling their sesame seeds.
Many of these viruses are transmitted by aphids or leafhoppers.
Pasture - raised turkey enjoy eating acorns, beechnuts, pine seeds, grasses, grass seeds, sedges, farbs, tubers, bulbs, crabgrass, wild berries, alfalfa, clovers, beetles, grasshoppers, and leafhoppers.
The pesticides aim to reduced the cicadelle population, a leafhopper believed to spread the Flavenscence dorée bacteria.
Petunias: In addition to providing a splash of color in the garden, petunias can be a great companion plant for peppers due their ability to repel asparagus beetles, leafhoppers, tomato worms, and aphids.
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