Sentences with phrase «leakage problem on»

Krebs recently wrote about a data leakage problem on Panera's website, whereby crooks could supposedly tease out personal information about a Panera customers, without logging in themselves, by directly searching for likely terms in Panera's online database.

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Underperforming open industrial waste water treatment lagoons are on the way out after more than a century, as industry counts the cost of their pollution, odours, leakage, energy wastage and relative inefficiency in fixing the problems they set out to address.
A constipated child may develop problems with urine leakage, if stool in the lower intestines and rectum put pressure on the bladder.
The one sure way of handling this problem is by the use of nursing pads; you only need to place them inside your bra, right on top of your nipple and they will absorb any milk leakage.
Despite rising awareness about PFD, many people are still embarrassed and ashamed to admit they have problems such as bladder leakage, sexual pain, and problems on the toilet.
Stains on the ceiling may indicate a chronic roof leakage problem or may be simply the result of a single incident.
Symptoms of anal gland problems will vary, however common signs that your dog may exhibit include the following: scooting of the rear end on the floor, licking or chewing beneath the tail, a sudden foul fishy odor or leakage, and / or redness or swelling near the anal area.
His vet put him on 25 mg of Proin once / day, but he still has leakage problems.
The «climate pragmatists,» such as Victor, Stern, and myself, argue that the point of Australian climate policy is not to solve the global climate problem, or to solve the problem of emissions from international trade, but rather to achieve politically feasible forward progress on domestic climate policy that can help set the foundation for future global policy (which as you and Victor have pointed out is the only way to deal with leakage, including coal exports).
What insurers should understand, though, is that getting on top of the premium leakage problem is equivalent to reducing their combined ratio by three to five points.»
Based on anecdotal evidence, there are a range of possible problems that can arise, resulting in leakage.
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