Sentences with phrase «lean woman who»

A tall, lean woman who keeps her long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, she conveys a sense of unhurried comfort.
Even the body of a lean woman who has PCOS can have trouble regulating insulin levels.
In another study, lean women who ate meals on a regular schedule had better insulin sensitivity and improved blood lipids.

Not exact matches

Lean In Circles are small groups of eight to twelve men and women who get together regularly to help each other advance in their careers.
My book is more for women who say, «Well, how do I lean in, and what do you mean by that, and maybe I don't feel confident enough to lean in.»
Among the women who joined us in 2016: Jewel (performing and sharing her extraordinary story with us), Apple Head of Global Consumer Marketing Bozoma Saint John, Making a Murderer filmmakers Moira Demos and Laura Ricciardi, Uber Regional General Manager Rachel Holt, Priceline EVP of Global Operations Maelle Gavet, Facebook Head of People Lori Goler, SoulCycle CEO Melanie Whelan, Accompany CEO Amy Chang, designer Rachel Roy, Girls Who Code founder Reshma Saujani, Joyus CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Hearsay Social CEO Clara Shih, WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon, and Lean In lead researcher Marianne Cooper, as well as top executives from leading global companies such as Airbnb, Amazon, Coca - Cola, Google, IBM, NBCUniversal, Nike, Pandora, Target, Twitter, and Walmawho joined us in 2016: Jewel (performing and sharing her extraordinary story with us), Apple Head of Global Consumer Marketing Bozoma Saint John, Making a Murderer filmmakers Moira Demos and Laura Ricciardi, Uber Regional General Manager Rachel Holt, Priceline EVP of Global Operations Maelle Gavet, Facebook Head of People Lori Goler, SoulCycle CEO Melanie Whelan, Accompany CEO Amy Chang, designer Rachel Roy, Girls Who Code founder Reshma Saujani, Joyus CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Hearsay Social CEO Clara Shih, WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon, and Lean In lead researcher Marianne Cooper, as well as top executives from leading global companies such as Airbnb, Amazon, Coca - Cola, Google, IBM, NBCUniversal, Nike, Pandora, Target, Twitter, and WalmaWho Code founder Reshma Saujani, Joyus CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Hearsay Social CEO Clara Shih, WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon, and Lean In lead researcher Marianne Cooper, as well as top executives from leading global companies such as Airbnb, Amazon, Coca - Cola, Google, IBM, NBCUniversal, Nike, Pandora, Target, Twitter, and Walmart.
Sheryl Sandberg, who didn't know her, immediately saw a woman who leaned in hard, and promptly invited her to Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit.
The Bank of Canada leans heavily on its quarterly poll of executives, as the exercise offers a window into the thinking of the men and women who hire and fire.
The leanest women tended to be the ones who were amenorrhic, had the lowest levels of insulin, leptin and estadiol.
Becoming more tolerant to gays, more left leaning, hipper, modern, or whatever else you want to throw out there still doesn't change the fact that Christianity is based on a lie about a man who supposedly walked on water, reincarnated, was born from a woman who claimed to a be virgin, and changed water in to wine.
If the early church could hold together communities made up of Jews and Greeks, slaves and free, men and women, circumcised and uncircumcised, tax collectors and zealots, prostitutes and Pharisees, kosher believers and non-kosher believers, those who ate food sacrificed to idols and those who refused, I guess this evolution - accepting, hell - questioning, liberal - leaning feminist can worship Jesus alongside a Tea Party complementarian who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and that Ghandi and Anne Frank are in hell.
«Studios have misjudged it in the past and thought audiences weren't interested in seeing a woman in an action role who is a capable, intelligent woman — and isn't only leaning on her sex.»
As someone who by admission leans towards rampant domination with «equality» it is perhaps not surprising for you to talk of interchangeable between men and women and otherwise be socially constructed.
And yet the interview was by left - leaning CNN by a woman who struggled to keep her professional composure.
That some of us are crazy ass liberals, who think that women should be able to make decisions for themselves, and some of us are more conservative with our beliefs (that might be a lie, I think we're all left - leaning hippies).
A reserved woman who often speaks so softly that you have to lean in to hear her, she says her belief has been strengthened, not shaken.
The title, which neatly reflects the fact that men, more than women, tend to have anti-authority leanings, proved a winner: when WHO LET THE DADS OUT?
The woman was leaning over her toddler and four - year - old who sat shrinking into their carseats as she screamed in their faces, «Get in the car!
If you follow trends on social media, you have seen the viral tweets and pics from women surgeons who have copied the New Yorker magazine cover showing three women leaning over an operating table.
To applause from spectators, workers in Charlottesville covered two statues of Confederate generals with black tarpaulins in honor of the woman who was killed during a rally by white nationalists in the liberal - leaning college town.
And now that you've climbed to the top of the ladder you are in a position to look round, lean down and give a helping hand to the young men and women who should be on their way up.
For women who are obese before pregnancy (BMI 30 or higher) and put on 5 kg or more after giving birth, the risk of developing T2D is 43 times higher than for women who remain lean before pregnancy and gain 5 kg or less.
And on the whole, the Chinese women were lean before they got pregnant, scenarios that make it hard to translate those findings to women who began pregnancy overweight.
«The women who ate more protein did tend to lose a little bit less lean tissue, but the total difference was only about a pound.
«The results we've noticed are that intermittent fasting seems to work best in people who are already fairly lean — 15 per cent body fat for men and 22 per cent body fat for women — especially lean young men,» he says.
Unlike the gyms of yesterday that were dominated by sweaty, manly men with vein - popping biceps who looked like someone slapped them in the face every time a girl walked into their muscle building shrine, in the gyms of today we get to see plenty of women sporting extraordinary bodies with powerful, lean muscles.
«My salads are always loaded with healthy fats and lean proteins like smoked salmon, avocado, raw walnuts, blueberries, and lentils,» says Robin Berzin, a physician and health coach who specializes in women's nutrition and health.
The women in my life were always attracted to the other guy who just happened to be lean and muscular.
Consider a 135 - pound woman who has about 25 % body fat and 100 lb of lean mass.
Researchers selected 10 lean men and women and 10 slightly obese people who self described themselves as couch potatoes.
Dr. Boston is a sports medicine specialist who understands that balancing hormones for both men and women is important for maintaining lean muscle mass, as well as avoiding symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain around the trunk.
Men and women who took 4,000 mg (4 grams) of fish oil a day for six weeks lowered morning cortisol levels to healthier levels and got leaner.
For example, one study of women who fed with excess calories over and above their normal metabolic rate noted a 19 % increase in IGF - 1 after two weeks of overfeeding, with 46 % of the weight gain from lean mass and 54 % from bodyfat.
I knew for a fact that there was a LARGE group of men and women who wanted to get lean without having the physique of a typical «gym person»... but I was NOT ready for how big the demand was for this information!
In one study, men and women who took 4,000 mg (4 grams) of fish oil a day for six weeks lowered morning cortisol levels to healthier levels and increased lean body mass.
The women who still had normal menstrual cycles had slightly more body fat (15.5 %), the same amount of lean mass, but ate almost 500 more calories a day, and significantly more protein (55 vs 78 grams per day).
Getting lean and sexy is just the «bonus» — countless studies across the world have shown that women who exercise with weights can also reduce the incidence of bone diseases later in life (osteoporosis is just one of these diseases).
Women who take a daily supplement of 1000 IE vitamin D3 can lose almost 3 kg body fat in just 12 weeks and at the same time gain about 2 kg lean body mass.
Though the followers of the abs diet include a majority of men, women who want to build muscle and stay lean are also welcomed.
In fact 99 % of women that put on lots of lean muscle mass actually get smaller and more toned than women who don't.
Women and men who immerse themselves in the RedBird method grow progressively leaner, stronger, more agile — and even more courageous — as their commitment deepens.
Lean women have cellulite, healthy women have cellulite, vegan women have cellulite, paleo women have cellulite, celebrities have cellulite, body builders have cellulite, bikini models have cellulite, women in isolated cultures who still live a hunter - gatherer lifestyle have cellulite, women with access to unlimited amounts of plastic surgery have cellulite.
Who says that men and women need to train or eat differently to get lean?
And I am friends on Facebook with many Paleo «Pep rally supporters» who post great stuff to help motivate you and help you stay eating clean but also constantly put pictures of extremely lean and ripped women, and quotes that would make you think paleo is about hitting the gym everyday for hours.
Or even women who work really hard at being lean.
This program is designed for beginner to intermediate level women who are looking to increase, sculpt and build lean muscle, get fit, and lose fat.
In women who don't necessarily have the other obvious signs of PCOS, or who are lean, this one test can often help to differentiate the condition.
PhD Diet Whey can be used by both men and women who are either targeting fat loss or looking to maintain a lean physique, year - round.
If you are a women over 50 who wants to work on bone density and lean muscle mass or fat loss, heavy weight training done safely for you as a beginner may mean machine weights.
We also excluded individuals who had gastric bypass surgery and newly pregnant or lactating women (one 4 - y interval only) and censored individuals at age 65 due to age - related loss of lean muscle mass.
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