Sentences with phrase «learn about drugs»

For children to make safer choices, it is important that they learn about drugs from an early age.
At the same time, my learning curve was steep as I interacted with the talented chemists, expanded my repertoire of techniques (in particular with mass spectroscopy), and generally learned about the drug - discovery side of the industry.
To learn about drug - resistant microbes, visit the Web site of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:
«The quicker we can learn about drug resistance, the faster we can overcome it,» said Oxnard.
There are two links in this article and you'll learn about the drug and what more you can do, when you click on the other link.
Now sober and a student at Inver Hills Community College he is excited to share what he has learned about drug abuse, addiction, and mental health to help others.

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In a realm of swirling, incomprehensible big biological data — which is, perhaps, another way of thinking about the human body — the opportunity to use computer learning to better anticipate which drugs will work well (and not so well) in any one person is one we shouldn't pass up.
We've figured out some drugs that usually work, but as we learn more about the human body and our genetic code — the things we have in common but also the things that make us unique — we may come up with a new sort of medicine, tailored for each person.
He learned about West Africa's counterfeit drug epidemic while at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College; his Ph.D. research eventually yielded an embryonic version of the MPA service.
The new offering, «Watson for Patient Safety,» will gobble up anonymized medical records, claims data, and millions of electronic submissions to the FDA about potential drug side effects (known as individual case safety reports) to see if it can learn about the hidden dangers of medicines before they become too costly.
They asked tough questions, held companies in the drug supply chain to task, and seemed eager to learn about its complexities.
If you're concerned about your anxiety, there are no shortage of solutions on offer, from drugs and behavior modification, to getting more exercise or even just learning simple deep breathing techniques.
Now Mylan appears to be learning the same hard lesson this week that Martin Shkreli and Valeant (vrx) learned last year: Investors love when pharmaceutical companies raise drug prices — until everybody else gets really upset about it.
Learn about orphan drugs that are some of the most expensive drugs in America.
Learn more about how pharmaceutical companies price drugs, why prices are often very high and why it can be difficult to settle on a suitable price.
About half of all medications act on these receptors, so learning about them will help scientists to come up with better dAbout half of all medications act on these receptors, so learning about them will help scientists to come up with better dabout them will help scientists to come up with better drugs.
Fifteen years ago, Brand embraced sobriety and started a journey to learn about why he sought relief through drugs, sex, alcohol and fame.
The staff member opened a window, offered the man coffee and a roll, and proceeded to learn about the man's mental illness, lost job and drug problem.
You can also learn more about this on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, «If I recently consumed hemp foods, could I fail a drug test?»
Learn about the impacts of caffeine, the world's most commonly - used drug, on your body.
Some of these drugs have dangerous side affects, so a parent considering sedative drugs for their baby must learn about all of the risks from a pediatrician.
You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way covers a lot of topics that teens need and want to read about: from sensitive areas like sexual abuse, pain, and hard times, to issues like understanding how to deal with peer pressure and making the right choice about drugs.
I was surprised to learn that so much that I had grown up believing about childbirth simply wasn't true — including that hospitals are always the safest place to have a baby, that drugs for pain relief during labor won't hurt the baby, and that babies must be observed in newborn nurseries separate from their mothers.
National Night Out culminates annually, on the first Tuesday of August in North School Park where between 3,000 - 4,000 guests enjoy fun activities, learn about crime and drug prevention awareness and enjoy visiting between 40 - 45 vendor booths sponsored by local businesses promoting their products and services to a largely local crowd.
I spoke with Dr. Danielle Aparecida da Silva of Brazil's Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (equivalent to the Food and Drug Administration in the USA) to learn more about the upcoming «World Day of Human Milk Donation» which will be celebrated on May 19, 2013.
Learn about non drug and pain relief techniques along with your OB or midwife at hospital induction epidural and C section needs.
Every time I think about a child (person) with a learning disability I ask the question: Is drugging the child a vitalistic approach?
If learning that certain drugs used in labour (and they are not talking only about pain relief drugs in this study) means that these drugs will be used less, then tens of thousands of women could potentially be SPARED the difficulty of low milk supply.
Scan barcodes for over-the-counter products, search by drug name or learn about related medical conditions.
Wednesday, the public had a chance to learn more about this latest trend in drug abuse at a forum in Utica.
MAYVILLE - Community leaders from across Chautauqua County will be in Mayville this morning to learn more about what can be done to fight the area's growing drug addiction problem.
As scientists learn more about how the brain manages attention, drugs will become ever more powerful, nuanced, and precise.
Lawrence Goldstein and his colleagues at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), reasoned that if they could find a molecule that halts kinesin function, they could learn more about when and how they work — and possibly design drugs to disable specific kinesins.
During one - third of the year, the students will learn about the cutting - edge developments in the life sciences with the greatest entrepreneurial potential — from bioinformatics to neuroscience, epidemiology, drug discovery, and stem cell research.
The work was interesting and, through interaction with formulation scientists, I learned about product formulation and the range of studies beyond analytical that are required for drug - product submission.
People have actively contacted us to learn what we stand for and about our pipeline of new drugs.
Learn the latest about promising vaccines and medicines in «DNA Drugs Come of Age,» by Matthew P. Morrow and David B. Weiner.
Óscar Llorca and his team have used this technique to learn about the structure and functioning of a complex system called R2TP, which is involved in various key processes for cell survival such as the activation of the kinases mTOR, ATR and ATM, proteins that are the target of various cancer drugs currently being developed.
Neural machine translation has been a latecomer to the game of deep learning, a method of making predictions about everything from effective marketing pitches to potential drug candidates.
«We all of a sudden learned a lot more about drug - induced toxicity and we learned more about drug interactions, and the advent of molecular biology tools all kind of happened at the same time to make people a lot more aware,» Yasuda says.
Mead believes ALS is ripe for AI and machine - learning because of the rapid expansion in genetic information about the condition and the fact there are good test - tube and animal models to evaluate drug candidates.
Learning more about the new strains could help public health officials to determine which drugs might be effective and to design new vaccines for the next flu season, which will likely include strains that are now circulating.
«We learned quite a bit about the importance of dynamics in drug discovery in general and for Ras proteins, in particular,» Gorfe said.
Dr. Carhart - Harris added: «Learning about the mechanisms that underlie what happens under the influence of psychedelic drugs can also help to understand their possible uses.
Thanks to the organism's creation, synthetic biologists are learning more about customizing cells, such as for development of highly effective drugs and energy alternatives to fossil fuels.
Researchers have learned new information about how different people respond to aspirin, a globally prescribed drug in cardioprotection.
Just about everything we know about drug treatments for psychiatric disorders we learned from mice, and yet no medication on the market today is perfect.
«The more we learn about cancer through these probes, the more opportunities we have to apply them — which means more chances to treat different cancers, hopefully cure them, and at least prevent their spread and maximize drug delivery.»
Scientists have suggested that such embryonic stem cells could be used for learning about genetic diseases, testing new drugs on cells grown in the lab, or growing healthy cells for therapeutic transplantation.
Scientists still have to analyze the data collected to learn more about how well the drug, called TKM - Ebola - Guinea, was tolerated and what specific effects it had on disease outcomes, says Peter Horby of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, who headed the study.
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