Sentences with phrase «learn in their high school»

They shared «21 Surprising Facts» about Elizabeth Holmes, which included information about what she wore to the office (a black turtleneck, like her hero Steve Jobs) and what she learned in high school (Mandarin).
It turns out that you should have learned it in high school English class.
Young and Thrifty posts are basically what should have learned in high school - but didn't!
We all learned in high school that all the molecules of the body are replaced about every seven years.
These are things you should have learned in high school.
This reminds me a La Fontaine fable I learnt in High school, and La Fontaine had a very good acquaintance with Scriptures:
I was 19, almost 20, and knew nothing about pregnancy except what I learned in my high school Sex Ed classes.
Reading Stephen Hawking's book made me realize that you can pull together all these topics you learn in high school — not just math and science, but also philosophy and religion.
They also hope that university admissions officers consider taking into account what applicants «know» (for example, what they learned in their high school elective classes), in addition to their grades and standardized test scores.
One of the students who took the class, Andrew Karpinski, said it helped him develop a new understanding of the science of evolution, which he had learned in high school, though feeling somewhat dissatisfied with the totally secular discussion offered in school.
Not textbook biology, the kind you learn in high school with microscopes and dissecting kits.
Students could see first - hand how what they learn in high school connects to local research.»
I remember learning in high school geometry that there's more than one way to reach the same solution — and what makes the most sense to you doesn't always make the most sense to me.
Not just what you learned in high school biology, but how it affects your day - to - day life after you've had a baby.
Remember that old principle of physics you learned in high school:
Often, the type of Bench Press training we learn about is what we learned in our High School Gyms, which are most likely recycled information that the coach learned when he was in High School and has never changed one single bit.
It's like the stuff I learned in high school
I have been learning it in high school for a couple of years and than totally forgot it.
I know that, as we all learned in high school, the most popular kid isn't always the most successful or the most hard - working.
When we began our study of powerful learning in high schools five years ago, we were not thinking of electives or extracurriculars as places to look.
The next question is, Could the original form of the MOOC transform teaching and learning in high schools?
We do hope that this approach will offer some good practice examples to the all other teachers or schools / colleges interested in the implementation of transdiciplinary teaching and learning in the high school didactic practice.
Much more is learned in high school than academics.
Guest blogger Douglas Kiang, computer science teacher and edtech advocate, shows how the Inform7 language, the Minecraft game and the Maker - friendly Arduino kit can enhance learning in high school, middle school and elementary school classrooms.
By this metric, our estimate of the effect of a 10 - percentagepoint increase in private school enrollment is equivalent to 41 percent of a year's worth of learning in high school.
The lessons that students learn in their high school sports team will help shape a better future for them.
Kiang, computer science teacher and edtech advocate, shows how the Inform7 language, the Minecraft game and the Maker - friendly Arduino kit can enhance learning in high school, middle school and elementary school classrooms.
We gathered our findings and stories in Belonging and Becoming: The Power of Social and Emotional Learning in High School (Harvard Education Press, 2015).
Existing research, though not conclusive, indicates that math skills better predict future earnings and other economic outcomes than other skills learned in high school.
Along with per - student estimates on out - of - pocket costs (i.e., after financial aid) associated with remedial courses, the researchers conclude that first - year remedial college students and families spent $ 1.5 billion on tuition and living expenses, including $ 380 million in loans, for content and skills they should have learned in high school.
Colleges and universities were spending a substantial amount of precious limited resources on basic education that students should have learned in high school.
Successful Summers: The Role of High - Quality Summer Learning in High School Completion.
It does not reveal if the students are taking remedial classes, essentially repeating what they should have learned in high school.
Across the country, millions of students enroll in college every year only to learn that they need to take classes that will not count toward their degrees because they cover material that they should have learned in high school.
Social Emotional Learning in High School: How Three Urban High Schools Engage, Educate, and Empower Youth
How do we balance the value of a high school credential with the value of what is actually learned in high school?
When students meet that bar, they — and their parents — will demand that higher education recognize their accomplishment in a meaningful way, both by guaranteeing them placement into credit - bearing courses and by ensuring that those introductory courses build on what they have learned in high school.
Is teaching and learning in your high school focused on learning goals or learning activities?
But nearly half end up in basic math and English, re-learning what they were supposed to learn in high school.
Digital game - based learning in high school Computer Science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation.
These checklists describe real learning and not - real learning in high school English classes.
Amanda shared her expertise on the District and enjoyed the opportunity to gain a good sense of what DCPS students are learning in their high school classrooms.
Exam questions often bear no relation to what students learned in high school, the study found.
Larry Dieringer and Denise Wolk will present a pre-conference workshop, Embedding Social and Emotional Learning in High School Classrooms, at the New England Secondary School Consortium's School Redesign in Action Conference.
In Europe, I follow the German driving rules I learned in high school.
I dusted off a few of the incredible card tricks I learned in high school.
The things you learn in high school are the building blocks to write good papers at graduate and undergraduate level.
You probably learned this in your high school economics class, and our government does its best make sure student loan borrowers know this.
Young and Thrifty posts are basically what should have learned in high school - but didn't!
After all, members of ancient Egyptian royalty were often interred with their animal companions; though if I remember what I learned in my high school history class correctly, the Egyptians did not exactly wait for the pets to pass on naturally before giving them the mummy treatment and stashing them in a pharaoh's tomb.
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