Sentences with phrase «learn respect for their traditions»

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Or... you can put asside your prophecies of doom & gloom, praying and hoping for God to smite all the yellow, black & brown people who don't believe the way you do anyway, and attempt to make peace with your neighbors, not by converting them at swordpoint, but accepting them and learning about their cultures and traditions and give them as much respect as you want them to show you.
The undergirding of the cause of theological learning with endowed chairs and programs, whose chief behest will be an honest respect for the normative character of «the Wesleyan quadrilateral»: Scripture, tradition, reason and «Christian experience.»
«I've kind of just opened my mind and allowed it to not forget all the things I learned as a kid, but also be open to other ways of thinking, but still carrying that tradition of love and respect for each other, and wanting peace, and wanting a community that's safe and just where we all take care of each other and care about each other.»
She learns from the sacred traditions of her people: cooperation, respect for the trees, engaging in peace.
Learning to trust yourself and your body is a BIG step for most, you have been brought up in a tradition of respecting the professionals, and yet they are the very ones who are issuing confusing food advice.
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