Sentences with phrase «learned societies from»

No matter that Glover is herself advised by hundreds of European research organisations and the Joint Research Council, academies and learned societies from across the sciences and across the world, universities, expert committees, science associations and citizen science.

Not exact matches

When a civilization is destroyed by hubris, those who are left behind are forced to rebuild society, this time learning from our past mistakes.
Wide ranged efforts to promote deeper learning in the STEM subjects will also help ensure that all students are ready for college or for the workforce when they graduate from high school and that they are prepared to take their place as productive, full participants in society.
Kerry credits the practical lessons learned from leadership experience gained in the Commerce Society, SMUSA and Saint Mary's Journal, as being key contributions to his career and personal development.
Outsourcing admin tasks could be worth your while, as we learn from the Society of Virtual Assistants.
The Third Door is required reading for anyone in today's dynamic society who wants to learn success from the best.»
Scott Hannah, president of the Vancouver - based Credit Counselling Society, which helps consumers who are drowning in debt, says he's seen little evidence households have learned anything from the financial crisis.
And: «The separation of learning from virtue creates a society that esteems people for their success in manipulating science, law, money, images, words, and so forth.»
The easy answer is humanity... society has learned right and wrong from the ground up.
Humans learn morals and their religion from their parents and from the society they live in.
Peter D. Williams looks at the lessons that society should learn from A world without Down's Syndrome?
On the contrary, from 1912 to 1933, Whitehead persistently lectured to learned societies, calling their attention to the importance of the teaching of the relevant subject - matter.
Forgiveness is hard work» Jones calls it a craft» to which all Christians are called and from which our society has much to learn.
We send criminals to jail instead to achieve social justice, and their sentences are deliberately measured in time behind bars: Offenders must be withdrawn from society for a period sufficient to allow them to realize the wrongness of their actions» and sufficient to protect society from them until they learn that lesson.
Countries and societies especially the US are carried away with everything under the umbrella of freedom and rights your governments should learn from third world countries true values and laws.certain lines should never be crossed and such movements need to be exterminated for the sake of youngsters that must learn true values and acts in order to be a well being and not end up in jail and on the long run in hell.
We should hope not for a colorblind society but instead for a world in which we can see each other fully, learn from each other, and do what we can to respond to each other with love.»
society needs to stop protecting the rights of gays and lesbians and should focus on our mere extinction if we do nt repent, and hed to the words of CHRIST, we should not be spending even a minute talking about gays, bc the main story is how ignorant and stupid society has become, KNOW THIS, IF YOU REMOVE THE WORDS CHRIST FROM CHRISTMAS AND DECIDE THAT IS NO LONGER A STORY ABOUT A BABY FROM BETHLEHEN AND NOW ITS ABOUT SANTA CLAUS, AND PEOPLE ARE LEARNING TO ACCEPT OTHER RELIGIONS MOVING TO NY THEN YOU CAN EXPECT EVIL AND DISOBIENCE TO PROVAIL how can any group of people who blantenly marry in a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIR SIN.
I shall return to how he suggests we understand value arising from what is being called, in his peculiar way a «society,» but the point from Adventures of Ideas is clear enough: however we learn to appreciate the status of a complex whole comprised of constituents, it must be construed in a manner which permits that complex whole to serve in turn as constituent within a larger and more complex level of organic whole.
One example would be Aimee Dorr Leifer's essay entitled «Teaching with Television and Film,» (TTF) published in N. L. Gage's The Psychology of Teaching Methods, a widely read Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education.1 Even in this essay, however, Leifer reviews what has been learned from various psychological studies of television and film narratives, and the limited range of the studies limits the vision of narrative teaching that she puts forth.
She has formed her own theology as she has learned from a long tradition of Chinese Christian women who struggled «not only for their own liberation, but also for justice in church and society
Today's Christian finds it a bitter pill to swallow to be told that he must learn a lesson from the Communist and his secular hope for society, but long ago a prophet of Israel ventured to speak of the arch-enemy, Assyria, as an instrument in the hand of God, and another dared to name a foreign emperor as the very Messiah sent by YHWH.
ok i've decided — after soul searching and observing my and other's reactions to these religious blog news on CNN learning more about religion from this alone and about the mideast than from anywhere else in my USA educated life i need to be more tolerant of others having religious based governments THAT is what is confusing me — that religion are governments are not seperated that is hard for much of USA population to understand perhaps it is for me i think you would have to actually live in a society like the mideast to truly understand it i mean — actually be part of the society the religious part is truly offputting — since most in USA seperate church and state like — church is for faith and imagination and celebration and family and community involvement and state is for protection and education and health and infrastructure, etc., for all it is hard to be serious about religion — when the serious side of society is state it is hard to see religion being the serious side of enforcement — and the state enforcing the faith based side of society egad — doesn't god get lost in all that?
We must learn how to distinguish the Christian message from the operative assumptions, values, and pursuits of our host society, and more particularly those segments of our society with which, as so - called «mainstream» churches, we have been identified.
He added: «Religious and non-religious people alike recognise that both children and society are best served when people from a range of different backgrounds are brought together to learn with and from one another, and that is exactly what the 50 per cent cap sought to achieve.»
If we can understand, appreciate, learn from and accept the particularities of each other as Christians and Churches, we will be able to rejoice in our diversity and in society's plurality.
Thus, like murderers and thieves, pedophiles must learn to not do it or be separated from society, genetic or not.
If today some Catholics no longer want to learn from the Church that truth, and hence authentic freedom, too, is involved with society and therefore with institution, they should at least learn it from Marxist anthropology.
As we enter the emerging global society and are all drawn into new unities in a postsocialist world, we all can learn from this history.
I think that as women we tend to see ourselves as sexual objects because that is how society sees us; thus we learn to dissociate our «real» selves from our bodies.
In my case my earliest and continuing favorite is Huckleberry Finn from which I first learned that truth and personal integrity are often beyond the rules of society.
A pluralistic society provides a unique opportunity to learn from other religions and ethnic groups.
The liberal readiness to see the world (with Calvin) as «the theater of God's glory» has its own tortuous history, and modem evangelicals have something to learn from that history for example, how «success» in secular society often demands compromise with that society.
Children learn from the society around them.
In the context of human society, it means that different cultures can learn from one another and be enriched and transformed by what they learn.
It presents the Kerala model as something from which the Union Government and other Indian states like UP and Bihar have to learn their lesson that without a basis in social development like literacy, health and women's education and social security there can be no participatory economic expansion which is necessary if economic growth has to serve society.
It is to ask that economists learn ecology and that ecologists learn economics; that science meets religion and both learn from each other; that our innermost human problems are seen, not simply as some personal aberration, but as intimately linked with the sort of society we create for ourselves.
When I think, for example, how my own children, born in Britain and bred in the U.S., have their routine dictated by school and by violin, piano and ballet lessons, and how they move fluently from babysitting for hire to videos for rent and then to microwave popcorn and hotpockets, I realize how our society has learned to dispense with child - inspired patterns of living.
The programs they offer, from anger management to addiction recovery, provide important opportunities for the inmates to learn skills that will help them reenter society.
Christian faith is open to... indeed, welcomes... interdisciplinary and inter-faith dialogue, not only because it believes it has something to share, but because it knows it has much to learn from the various intellectual disciplines and other religions, as well as from the developments of a technological and electronic society.
We are learning about women in history, both individual women whose contributions have been ignored or forgotten, and the masses of women in all cultures and periods of history who have had tremendous influence on the evolution of human society, from the invention of agriculture to the «keeping of the faith.»
This is particularly important for congregations composed mostly of those who are relatively powerful in a society — more specifically, in our society, of white affluent North Americans — and who therefore in their daily dealings are not forced to listen to or to learn from those who are less fortunate.
I thought that what we really need to learn from the Marxists... [was] how the theologian's locus in the class structure and power fabric of his society influences his theology.
I too also know that we look weak at the back but i also believe they have learnt from there mistakes last season and have a stronger unity this season going into the 3rd season with the team wenger has put together without losing key players and adding real Quality and world class that i havent seen before because none of our history says we bought our trophies we won them with all the unexpected beliefs and never bought into the society and modern game we seen before us not one of our legends were already labelled for they are today before they came to us The made a name for themselfs in our Jersey and build a foundation of what we represent today Before Arsene Wenger and with him We are a club that overachieve and under promise Everything we've done has be our very own unique way of doing it not the way other clubs are ahiceving i for one will not Follow the Man City's ambitions Chelseas Manchester united or anyone elses
If you feel inspired to learn how to optimize a normal physiologic birth, to explore society's and your own beliefs, to be freed from excessive fear, or to understand how your birth can be empowering and even pleasurable, you can attend The Childbearing Society's seminar on naturalsociety's and your own beliefs, to be freed from excessive fear, or to understand how your birth can be empowering and even pleasurable, you can attend The Childbearing Society's seminar on naturalSociety's seminar on natural birth.
Only by learning from our mistakes do we develop and grow as individuals and a society.
How to Encourage Encouragement is helping your children develop courage — courage to grow and develop into the people they want to be, to feel capable, to be resilient, to enjoy life, to be happy, contributing members of society, and, as Dreikurs said, «To have the courage to be imperfect;» to feel free to make mistakes and to learn from them.
International AIDS Society and 15 other leading organizations, including WHO, UNICEF and UNAIDS, Consensus Statement, «Asking the Right questions: Advancing an HIV Research Agenda for Women and Children», dated 8 March, 2010 International Breastfeeding Journal, Thematic issue on HIV and infant feeding: Lessons learnt and ways ahead, reports from sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa, Uganda, Malawi and Ethiopia, edited by Dr Karen Marie Moland and Dr Astrid Blystad, Collection published: 26 October 2010 Kuhn L, Reitz C and Abrams EJ, Breastfeeding and AIDS in the developing world.
Laurie B, I think your point is interesting, and I do think that primates need to learn from good examples in their societies.
All people need to be self disciplined to live together in society, and this self discipline is learned from being disciplined as children.
He was the first environmentalist, understanding the interdependence of society and nature, and we still have much to learn from him.
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