Sentences with phrase «learning at a slower rate»

Sometimes kids simply need time to adjust and sometimes they are just learning at a slower rate than their peers.
And what can we do to identify why some students are learning at a slower rate than the majority of their classmates?

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The MIT scientists have learned that the two brain regions sustain concentration when the neurons emit pulses of electricity at specific rates — faster frequencies for the automatic processing of the parietal cortex, slower frequencies for the deliberate, intentional work of the prefrontal.
Things like the rate at which an athlete learns movement patterns, hypertrophy, leverage characteristics associated with each joint, distribution of fast and slow twitch fibers, and metabolic efficiency are all heavily influenced by genetics.
An ineffective principal slows learning of students at the same rate.
That's not how it worked in the one - room schoolhouses of yesteryear, and it's oblivious to the many ways that children differ from each other, the ways their modes and rates of learning differ, how widely their starting achievement levels differ, and how their interests, brains, and outside circumstances often cause them to learn different subjects at unequal speeds — and to move faster and slower, deeper or shallower, at different points in their lives, even at different points within a «school year.»
Because students learn at different rates, some are bored because the pace is too slow.
Like I mentioned above, they learned to eat algae, learned to dive in the water (the colder temperatures carry more nutrients, which makes a better home for the algaes they like to eat), and learned to stay down there for 40 to 60 minutes; their heart rate slows to about 25 percent it's normal rate, at about 7 or 8 beats per minute.
I learned from a European Sleep Works website (no, this is not a commercial) that memory foam is able to contour to the body's shape because it is made of a synthetic foam and a type of mineral oil, a «wetting agent», which makes the foam yield then spring back at a slower rate.
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