Sentences with phrase «learning phase»

And to expect the same from someone who is in learning phase is not fair as well.
You will learn the phases of a relationship, as well as how to know who you can trust.
The initial learning phase will take one hour, with a shorter follow - up test one week later to see how much you remembered.
Once the students have achieved learning objectives, I move on to the next learning phase.
Designed to reduce planning time and focus on key learning phases within a lesson.
We expect heroes to have developed their skills through crucial learning phases that prepare them for the daunting tasks they will face.
This phase is a rapid learning phase where you will be assigned to read specific chapters of books customized to your plan.
Once the basic learning phase is completed, it is just a matter of integrating and using the obedience commands in your everyday routine.
Giving someone a professional resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and career coaching propels their career forward by helping them skip the awkward learning phase when they are first thrust into the working world.
Sander concludes that: «Being trained about the misleading shortcuts of intuition would enable teachers to predict future difficulties, to understand them and to offer more help to pupils during the various learning phases
«In a large data set of over 40,000 cases of TAVR performed in the first four years after the technology was approved by the FDA, we found that outcomes significantly improved first during the early learning phase.
After a brief learning phase, they keep their tools safe nearby without dropping them while feeding until the last of five difficult - to - obtain food rewards has been retrieved.
Although the film might not be the most realistic portrayal of machine learning, it is accurate in the sense that many of our most advanced AI algorithms today require the robot to undergo a trial - and - error learning phase.
Designed to reduce planning time and focus on key learning phases within...
How can a new puppy owner strike a balance between keeping puppy safe from disease until they have been fully vaccinated, and getting them socialized between the ages of 7 and 18 weeks, which we know is a critical learning phase?
Maximized profits by meeting daily / monthly sales goals while learning all phases of business operations and management techniques
As a university student who's still in learning phase, you might find it tough to hold a firm grip on all of this subject's concepts along with handling taxation assignment writing tasks given by the professor.
Certainly, modern formal education and training systems were developed with young people in mind — people seen to be going through an initial learning phase in their lives, to be doing a whole range of things for the first time, and to be doing these things all together at more or less the same ages.
Exchanging information with people at your level who are going through the same job search process can help you move into the next learning phase: conscious incompetence.
Raptivity Essential provides around 30 interaction models which are mapped to various learning phases.
If you've ever seen the «silent meow,» you can conclude one of two things: either they never got to explore vocalization properly during their crucial learning phase, or they are communicating — we just can't hear it.
It can cut your learning phase in half!
«We are still in the learning phase with our customers as to what data they really need to extract meaning,» he says.
I'd like to see Gabriel given the time to develop past the learning phase.
What the vetch sit and stand Walker is a perfect medium to let your little one enjoy his learning phase and that too without being cranky and fussy.
You can also wake up your toddler throughout the night, just to keep things consistent during the learning phase (just as you might with a new puppy).
The lecturers and topics of the learning phase were carefully selected by Assembly staff to be impartial.
After this learning phase, the researchers then showed participants the faces again, varying the amount of time they had to categorize the men's sexual orientations.
This shows that the inability to make new myelin did not affect the mouse's running ability and that new myelin is not required to remember and perform a skill once learned; it is required only during the initial learning phase.
«Specifically, 3 - month - olds learned the relations when they saw two alternating pairs (AA, BB), but not when they saw six pairs (AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF) during the learning phase.
«Our method requires no supervision during the learning phase, which is novel for this type,» explains Fritz.
While the test subjects were able to sleep without disturbance after the learning phase on the first day, their sleep was manipulated in a targeted manner on the second day of the experiment — using acoustic stimulation during the deep sleep phase.
«Policymakers are still in the learning phase for some of these things,» Stepp added.
After that learning phase, the subjects were then presented the characters in pairs and instructed to pick the one they thought had the highest chance of winning based on what they had learned.
Weimerskirch said the researchers will now study «the learning phase of young frigate birds, how they learn to use these extreme conditions... Also we will test whether living in different oceanic conditions — Galapagos, Western Pacific and Indian Ocean — results in different migratory and dispersal strategies.»
Most so - called machine - learning algorithms have a learning phase and a separate testing and operation phase.
So you will get yellow (learning phase / caution days) and red (fertile days) more - so in the first 3 cycles entered.
You should think of this phase as the learning phase, where you'll learn exactly what your body needs in order to grow.
In today's modern learning environment, responses and interactions of every employee during the learning phase, such as engaging in forum discussions, employee assessment matrix, and engagement in online assessments, produce data which is recorded in the log file.
Introducing frameworks and learning phases to students is an important part of expectation setting, especially regarding frameworks that are new to students or frequently guide my lesson planning.
In conclusion, women need to ensure that they are constantly and continuously in the learning phase if they want to climb the corporate rungs and improve their own earning power.
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