Sentences with phrase «learning problem because»

In this situation, it's easy to jump to conclusions and zero in on the teacher learning problem because that's what we as principals and central office people are most comfortable with.
If you are a student, I ask you to please read this article and the links to my other articles on the deadly toxins in processed food and how children as young as ten are developing diabetes, heart disease, learning problems because of poor diet.

Not exact matches

Employees love it because they get to learn about beekeeping and biomimicry, which is learning how to solve problems by imitating how nature solves them.
We're all familiar with the cliche that money can not buy happiness, but I'm convinced that almost everybody has to learn that lesson the hard way because let's face it; the idea of having enough money to throw at your problems until they're solved is a seductive impulse.
Despite such problems, we were all able to work together smoothly because I had learned the art of delegation by my teens.
I have no problem feeling foolish because I might learn something new.
But don't worry, because Apple sells something to solve this particular problem: A Belkin stand for Apple Pencil that costs $ 29.95 (We first learned about it from Wired's Ashley Feinberg, who tweeted about this product).
He does this because while he's been sleeping, his subconscious mind has been brewing, scheming, problem - solving, and learning.
I am extremely lucky to work in a job which causes me to be thanked countless times a day to which i have always replied with «no problem» or «no worries» and although my customers never seem to mind it drives me crazy mostly because I spent many years learning to speak and have spent many years teaching my children and think the constant use of one or two phrases over and over is limiting so just recently I have tried to use different phrases such as «your welcome» and «my pleasure» and anything else which springs to mind and is more suited to each scenario.
It's fun because every episode focuses on a different kind of business, and I've learned tons already by listening to Flynn and Ducker discuss different tactics and problem - solving strategies.
If you lose your job because you cant work with others with a different view than yours without constantly causing them problems you need to learn how to Love your neighbor.
I know ignorance makes people say stupid things but as many problems it has a solution: reading and learning!!!! Muslims will never say anything bad about the Holy Books or about the prophets because all of them are part of Islam and it's teachings.
Switching denominations helps alleviate this problem because you'll be learning theology first - hand.
I think this is really the problem with the church today, it has become less organic, because people don't live in vicinity of it, and because people do not make it a priority to have time to learn in depth, or are indeed way to swamped with activities (but that is often a matter of priorities.)
You have a real problem determining what is real and historically accurate and what is nothing but falsehoods and lies, I really hope some day for your sake you learn the difference because right now you are really misguided.
Hi, this is a gret and amazing article, and i'm sure that i learned so much from it, but there is one problem that in my country its hard to find thememetor, can you help me, because the serup needs to be on 118 c and i do nt know how to know if its ready on not!!!
What we need to do from this is to reflect on our wage bill structure because if we don't then more problems like these will occur / Also we really have to resolve player contracts much earlier than leave it to the last year, haven't we learned from this in the past already?
The «3 at the back» was self - evidently caused by the lack of resources in defence because in addition to the loss of Per and Kozzer, Chambers had been loaned out, Gabriel had shot himself in the foot, or something, and Holding was still learning his trade and making a good fist of it, but to cap it all there were injury problems in the backs as well.
Let me know how that works out for the rest of the day while they are crying because their stomachs hurt and they can't concentrate on learning to read or solving math problems.
Because there have been problems with one size diapers not accommodating all children from birth to potty learning, some companies have come out with the «one size fits most» or OSFM, instead.
A classical soprano with an MFA in Theatre Education / Outreach and Dramatic writing, she started her blog because having a family gave her a point of view as a cook, and being a mother (to boys, ages 2 & 5, one with sensory - motor problems) made her even more eager to learn about food systems and how the stuff we eat affects little people's bodies and brains.
Special needs children thrive, especially those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or other learning or psychological problems, because of the individual attention teachers pay to each student.
I have learnt that just because you haven't experienced mental health problems in the past, that doesn't mean you...
Most potty training problems are associated with late potty training because children learn to sit in it and are conditioned not to poop or pee without a diaper on and not to wake up when they need to go.
For you morons, tears heal faster than a cut, the problem may have been that she wasn't stitched correctly, or ignorantly denied stitches... neither of which negates the medical FACT (that I learned long before ever even giving a crap at birth one way or another) that a tear heals faster than a cut because it's easier for the «pieces» to «grab» eachother.
It is important to understand the causes and symptoms of PTSD, because it can interfere with normal development and learning in a child, and can lead to Reactive Attachment Disorder and other emotional problems.
in fact, just this morning i learned that in all her years of practicing, she only had two women become pre-eclamptic because each time she had a client headed in that direction she changed their diet and it corrected the problem.
Expressing anger or making accusations - Although parents may have struggled with school staff because of their child's learning problems, avoid thinking about those incidents when writing your letter.
Because mothers nurse their babies together in groups, common problems are quickly addressed and mothers learn ways to solve their problems and cope with the diversity of their infants» behaviors at the breast.
Some frustration is good because it helps your child start to learn how to problem - solve.
What that means is that kids who can't learn academics because of a learning disability will have trouble dealing with more complex topics like social problem - solving, getting along with others and reading social situations.
I used to do this a lot and I have no problem admitting it because I have learned a valuable lesson that has made me stop judging, and start caring and having compassion for moms who are struggling.
So seeing somebody in hospital, but also, once you get home, having trouble at home, a lot of moms are discharged even before their milk comes in, and then the milk comes in sometimes, if there are issues with engorgement or whatever the issue may be, but a lot of moms have a tendency to wait and see, there is this sort of mentality of, «breastfeeding is natural and I should be able to do this, I shouldn't need help», but it really is a learned skill and it's better to get help sooner rather than later because the sooner breastfeeding problems are addressed, the better chance we have of being able to resolve them.
if you have any problem on your printer, please visit our website here, because a lot of tutorials on learning about problems on the printer, let's go now.
«Community service should be an integral part of the development of our youth, because if we do not teach them the importance of forming a strong community connection as young people, they will never learn how much the efforts of one person can impact a community problem, and how much a group of young people working together can help resolve an issue in a neighborhood or a community,» Picente said.
For example, because there would be such a large gap between the final clinical years and the beginning of medical school, I did not think that a traditional, purely didactic curriculum would be as useful as those that also included a problem - based learning aspect.
Marshall thinks that policy ultimately lowers safety, because the best way to eliminate problems is to launch frequently to keep learning and improving; operating at a tenth of the cost per launch could allow 10 times as many launches.
In fact, non-native speakers have enormous problems learning to speak English correctly — because we can not teach our language using rules.
«Because of phonological processing problems in dyslexia, establishing a finely tuned system that can quickly and efficiently learn and recognize words might be difficult or impossible,» he says.
This problem - solving perspective is best taught young because it aligns with how kids learn, Cunningham says.
But they haven't learned much that will stick with them in the long term because they haven't practiced the most important skill of all: figuring out at the outset what type of problem this is.
If a neural network can use its knowledge of one task to help it solve a completely different problem, it could get better at tasks that are hard to learn because of a lack useful data.
«When we learned of problem, it was over and there was nothing we could do, which is too bad because we could have helped.»
«A lot of these kids get services to help them early in school but at a certain point they get lost because they may end up having reading problems or other learning disabilities, and people stop working on their language per se.»
Short - term memory also comes into play in another learning game I tried, because it is a problem area for many people who struggle with mental disabilities.
«Problems with reward learning could explain why individuals with autism don't interact socially — because they don't find it rewarding in the same way.
This problem usually hits marathon runners and is rarely discussed in the media because of fear that learning about the potential risk of overdosing with water does little good for promoting this otherwise healthy habit among the average people.
Children exposed prenatally and during infancy to common environmental toxins like dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can suffer behavioral, learning, and memory problems because these chemicals may be disrupting the normal action of thyroid hormone.21
Learning this was a BIG DEAL for me because I had a real problem with sugar.
I have to admit that was a bit hesitant to begin this section by telling you about gluten, simply because it seems that these days everybody and their dog thinks they have a «gluten allergy», when in fact — as you will learn later in this chapter — many people who think they have gluten issues actually have a completely different problem altogether.
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