Sentences with phrase «learning so»

He has been learning so much about gardening and pumpkins at school and low and behold — the roasting began!
I'm learning so much more about cooking from being Paleo than I have at any other time in my life.
I'm doing the Atkins and learning so much about the low - carb lifestyle and loving it.
Especially when I am a peer as well, learning so much from those whom I follow (and am so grateful for) and learning from you too.
He's in such a fun phase, just learning so much and soaking everything around him in.
I am learning so much from you!
I loved learning so many new ways of cooking healthier.
I'm learning so much from you
I am learning SO SO much.
I am learning so much reading your blog.
Just getting into fermentation for the first time and learning so much!
I hope you're doing great with less sugar AND are learning so much about sugar & carbohydrates in general!
you for got to put the egg in the ingredients list, unless there was a reason... well i commented on your site before these are extremely good recipes easy enough for even myself who cant boil toast to follow, i don't think i ever had 1 that came out liek the picture but they were good and i enjoy learning so i plan to make this today ty very much for this web site keep it going!!
I am so glad I found your blog and so happy to be learning so much from you.
I read it like I'm studying a book, probably because I can't pronounce half the stuff she makes and have no idea what the ingredients are so I end up googling them and learning so much about new foods and food combinations.
I am trying more and more foods and learning so much by cooking and blogging about it.
I really enjoy it and am learning so much, but at the same time I feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information... Continue reading →
I was exhausted and unhappy — but I was learning so much and I could tell if I could just keep putting one foot in front of another and trust my intuition, I'd end up in a better place.
I'm really excited to be learning so much about the health benefits of coconut oil.
I am learning so much about diet and health that I really think my brain is going to explode all over the place!
Here we are learning so much!
It means better church schools and Christian schools of higher learning so that the heritage of our faith may be passed on more fully and vitally to oncoming generations and so that adults may understand more accurately the foundations of their faith.
The idea of cultural evolution, which is most clearly seen in humankind, is that humankind transmits information from one generation to another by teaching and learning so that successive generations learn to purpose their lives in particular ways.
I am learning so much from your writings and from others who comment.
I am learning so much from you about this!
I've been learning so much about love though.
Am learning so much from your posts.
Teaching and learning these things make for truly theological schooling only when they are done in the service of a further end: learning so to love God with the mind as to come to understand God more deeply and more truly.
We're learning so much (and when I say «we» I mean «you»)
I have been reading your articles for a few weeks now but I am learning so much already and each article is encouraging and extremely informative!
Personal Retirement: $ 26.000 (taxable account, Vanguard, VASGX) I am still learning so I prefer somebody else invest my money.
Leaman's company delivers a brand - new way of corporate learning so managers and CEOs can not only learn new things but also measure the impact of those things.
«Since the industry is in its infancy, customers are learning so much about products, processes, and brands, we produce innovative content to bridge the gap.»
AI, on the other hand, facilitates human - like learning so that the machine's performance of a task becomes increasingly adjusted to its user's needs.
The market is always changing, meaning you need to be learning so you can always change with it.
This encouraged me to keep learning so I could become an entrepreneur.
What's never been around before is a seamless integration of all of this: natural language processing at the front end so that it knows what you asked, natural language processing at the back end so you know what it just said, and in between a judgment engine that is learning so that over time, as you keep updating the knowledge paths, it keeps re-evaluating what it heard.
«It taught me about adjusting the brand to your customer, and while I was doing that, I was learning so much.
I had no idea how much I needed to know, and absolutely no idea I was capable of learning so many different aspects of a business this far in my career as a lawyer.
The UHCC has introduced me to other business owners and mentors who have helped me learn so much about running a business.
I learn so much every day, so this is always the hard question to filter and triage and move to the top.
«I've learned so much from my customers about death and grief and love,» she says.
This is what we've learned so far:
I know you are going to learn so much from him, so get ready to take notes and start practicing with Michael Port in Episode 236.
Always stingy with pay, he had offered employees the usual startup promise: We'll give you an exciting place to work, and you'll learn so much you'll eventually be financially successful — either here or elsewhere.
I learned so much from West, including the importance of having confidence as well as the conviction to create a distinctive voice or sound.
A common statement is, «I learned so much about myself by writing my book.»
«We wanted to make sure that our own country was part of the conversation about global health issues in two ways — one, making sure that we're not thinking of it as issues that affect other people that don't have anything to do with us, but also acknowledging that we can learn so much from what has gone well or new models that are effective in other countries,» Bush tells Business Insider.
I've learned so much.
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