Sentences with phrase «learning time by»

Through a $ 6.5 million allocation from the state legislature, each school has received an extra $ 1,300 per student to expand learning time by 30 percent (about two hours per day) for all students in the school and to significantly reconfigure the use of time during that day.
The change could increase learning time by up to an hour and forty - five minutes for every grade three through eight student.
Extending learning time by reaching into the home through technology requires a re-imagining of not only the work kids are doing but also the means by which they do it.
Ideally, increasing learning time by 30 percent would mean more individualized support; a more well - rounded education in a broader array of subjects, from science and foreign languages to arts and robotics; and less unsupervised after - school and summer time.
By June 2017, the staff at Village Elementary will increase academic learning time by reducing the number of office discipline referrals from 360 to less than 30.
Massachusetts is also considering extended - day legislation to fund grants in districts to extend the learning time by 30 %.
Thus, principals need to take responsibility for increasing academic learning time by modeling positive behaviors.
There is no conceivable downside to lengthening learning time by wasting less of the school day.
Once I notice their attention has begun to wane a bit, I'll get on the floor and prolong the learning time by asking them questions and guiding them through some early learning skills activities.

Not exact matches

«Something I learned a long time ago, but has recently been reinforced, is that a company's success is largely driven by two underlying traits: adaptability and a focus on people.
While it's true that Uber has done a pitiful job of engaging the governments in charge of regulating local taxi regimes — by and large, that's been a key part of the company's strategy — it's time Uber learned to play nice with the cities it hopes to conquer.
Banking also offers some tantalizing practical applications for deep - learning innovators, too; of the three possibilities listed by Agrafioti — personalized AI - driven customer service, real - time fraud prevention and risk management — it's the last one that might appeal most to those interested in industry disruption.
As you've no doubt guessed, it's a digital revolution that calls into question the very principles of education, prompting Peter J. Wells, chief of higher education at UNESCO, to remark that: «Industry employers contend that half of what students learn in the first two years of a four - year technology degree will be out of date by the time they graduate.»
Over time, you'll learn to pay more attention to what you've accomplished rather than feeling daunted by the many things you have left to do.
You can change that around by rewarding your exceptional employees with time during the workday to learn any new skills that interests them.
My colleague Maria Pergolino pointed out that when people say they are a thought leader they are saying they take the time to help others by not only doing a great job but also making an effort to package it up via blogs, presentations, etc., so other people can learn.
By the time I missed learning as a student, I'd already started loving teaching as an adjunct professor.
Aged 14, he had won a fundraising competition run by charity World Vision and traveled from his home town of Melbourne, Australia to spend time in Manila to learn about international development.
Despite all the strides, in the mid-1990s neural nets fell into disfavor again, eclipsed by what were, given the computational power of the times, more effective machine - learning tools.
Get pricing in real - time, start with any budget, pick your location, change your messages when you want, and verify media placement by board or by market in real - time Learn why small business owners like billboards:
The increased computational power that is making all this possible derives not only from Moore's law but also from the realization in the late 2000s that graphics processing units (GPUs) made by Nvidia — the powerful chips that were first designed to give gamers rich, 3D visual experiences — were 20 to 50 times more efficient than traditional central processing units (CPUs) for deep - learning computations.
If you aren't the owner or haven't been tasked by management to come up with some new marketing solutions, now's the time to take all you've learned, compile it into a robust pitch and get the buy - in you need.
If that's true, nothing I can teach you today about the importance of saving for retirement — and the importance of starting to do so right now — will compare to the life lesson you'll have learned by the time you actually reach retirement.
By the way, you'll also learn about the needs of the individual positions, leaving you considerably more prepared once you take the step to put a full - or part - time person in that spot.
To do this, frame criticism as a learning opportunity by helping your child practice the skill or brainstorm what they could do differently next time.
By putting your limited time and resources into your customer base, you're automatically focusing on your product and learning about competitors on the sly anyway.
By the next time I'm stuck in a tunnel without battery, a lot of the content isn't fresh in my mind, and I find myself happy to re-read; it feels like a natural, no - pressure way to keep learning.
A family game night not only provides a unique way to spend time together, it helps children learn to be a good sport, play by the rules, and think strategically.
If you really want to be driven by data or A.I. or deep learning or whatever, the best time to create that capacity is on day one.
The food doesn't get delivered by the restaurants; instead, it will be prepared in Good Uncle's kitchens, after the chefs spend a lot of time with each restaurant learning the recipe.
Why not turn these odds and ends of unpleasant time into opportunities to learn by popping on a podcast?
When asked to distill what he learned from the failures for the benefit of first - time entrepreneurs, he says, «Become self - aware by seeking out bad news.»
They intuitively know — in my view — that you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time your company launches a new initiative, and that you can learn from other companies» efforts, successes and mistakes by mining the treasure trove of knowledge that is the Internet.
And this takes us back to point two: By learning to identify what individuals on your team do well, you can better delegate — giving you time to focus on your own strengths.
With family members involved, Eggen expects to exit in five years, by which time he will have passed on most of what he has learned over his decades - long career in the industry.
News Feed will continue to learn over time — if a Page stops posting clickbait headlines, their posts will stop being impacted by this change.»
«Our platform allows companies to react to changing conditions real - time, learn about their fleet through data analytics, and improve their end - customer experience by letting them know exactly when they're getting there.»
Robert Bjork, of the University of California, coined the phrase «desirable difficulties» to describe the counter-intuitive notion that learning should be made harder by, for instance, spacing sessions further apart so that students have to make more effort to recall what they learnt last time.
There was no rationalization or «we'll get»em next time» after - the - fact justification made by the company after learning of this slip.
By learning advantages like the quickest routes to various neighborhoods, the best times to work, and who the best tippers were, I earned more in one evening than my (non-delivering) peers could earn in a week.
Second, and most importantly, the Treasury has said it might run out of cash by October 17, which doesn't leave very much time for the GOP's unruly freshmen to learn the lesson.
Simple: technology tends to improve the lives of people and companies -LSB--RSB- by saving them time and money, by increasing their ability to communicate or learn, or at the very least entertain them.
By learning from happy people, you'll respond to tense situations and troubled times calmly and with a clear mind.
Turn this downward trajectory around by rewarding exceptional employees with time during the workday to learn new skills that appeal to them.
«Machine learning enables our recommendation algorithm to get smarter over time by analyzing which apartments our users ended up selecting.»
«You are the most diverse class in Northeastern's history — in other words, you are Donald Trump's worst nightmare... I think that everything that we've lived and learned tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from soundbite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward and hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.
Once you have been through that process a few times — of dealing with disappointment, examining what went wrong and then relaunching your project by building on what you've learned — it's more likely that your company will take off.
Google can, he said, fight hard using machine learning and artificial intelligence investments to remain competitive, but AWS won't be sitting idly by during that time.
I was by myself and I lost a lot of time trying to learn this business.
Listen actively to the market to learn about what customers want today — but also what they're likely to want by the time you can deliver solutions.
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