Sentences with phrase «lease payments on time»

The good news is that making your car lease payments on time does have a positive effect on your credit.
Making your lease payments on time can help improve your credit.

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A standard lease states the landlord is required to release the money within 30 to 60 days after you vacate the property if you've met all of your obligations, such as making all rent payments, moving out of the apartment on time, returning the property in good condition, etc..
They also look at how your business make its lease payments and whether or not it pays its utility bills on time.
The lease, if it has fewer than 10 payments left on it at the time of your application, would not be factored into your debt to income ratio (this would increase your purchasing capacity by decreasing your debt to income ratio).
In addition, since you now have this debt (the lease) it is essential that you make your payments and do so on time.
A drop box at the leasing office allows tenants to make on time payments by simply depositing an envelope in the box.
The home is already leased for another year and a half, and its current tenants have a history of on - time payments.
I didn't invest a lot of money in SFHs at the start, I invested my time and knowledge and did mostly creative finance deals with the sellers and then turned around and sold the houses on a lease option or owner carry in order to get my down payments back....
A beverage company with 65 leases in the U.S., Canada and Latin America needed to ensure rent payments were made on time, operating expense and real estate tax reconciliations were reviewed and critical dates were monitored.
Signature Realty, Inc. v. Tallman (303 A.D. 2d 925)-- if there is any doubt or uncertainty as to the meaning of the disputed language in a brokerage agreement, all ambiguity must be resolved against the broker who prepared it; brokerage agreement was, as a matter of law, ambiguous with respect to the issue of whether broker would earn commissions when tenant exercised an option to renew the lease and therefore broker is not entitled to commissions on rental payments during any renewal term of the lease; broker not entitled to restitution in quasi-contract because there exists a valid and enforceable written contract governing the particular subject matter in dispute; dissenting opinion finds that the brokerage agreement is clear with respect to commissions earned and payable and that tenant was obligated to pay a commission to broker at the time the rental payment was due and owing to landlord, including during renewal terms of the lease.
Good tenants mean on time rent payments, less property damage, and fewer lease violations, all -LSB-...]
If you own property on non-pre-paid leasehold land (ie, you are making monthly lease payments), the lease agreement will also tell you whether the owner can raise your lease payments and, if so, at what intervals of time.
But emphasize that rent is expected on time and outline a penalty schedule in the lease for late payments.
Tenants are almost never rewarded for making on time rent payments, adhering to the terms of the lease agreement, or just for being a good tenant.
Good tenants mean on time rent payments, less property damage, and fewer lease violations, all areas of property management that can make or break your cash flow (and sanity!).
Keep in mind that if you still have time remaining on the lease, you may be financially responsible for the remaining payments.
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