Sentences with phrase «least keep pace with inflation»

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This means that my emergency fund is at least keeping pace with current inflation, which is awesome.
Either way, even a 7 % return that at least partially keeps pace with inflation when long bonds are yielding 4 % isn't such a bad deal, IMHO.
In order to keep pace with inflation (or at least try) it should be an interest - bearing savings account.
While your investment may post gains over time, it may actually be losing value if it does not at least keep pace with the rate of inflation.
This combination is intended to avoid excessive volatility but has the potential to earn returns that at least keep pace with the rate of inflation.
If annual inflation was 3 %, an investor would want to receive at least $ 115,927 on an original investment of $ 100,000 at the end of 5 years, to keep pace with inflation.
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