Sentences with phrase «least talk to you about it»

For example, don't allow your teen to meet anyone from the internet without at least talking to you about it first.

Not exact matches

If you do need to talk about yourself, at least make it self - deprecating.
As President - Elect Trump is busy at work filling his Cabinet positions, the one area that may be among the most important, but is among the least talked about, pertains to small business.
«I know you're into big diversion tonight, anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it's exploding and the way Republicans are leaving you, but let's at least focus on the issues that some people care about,» Clinton said.
Then I started to think of it in terms of probability, which is when that poker craze happened — at least in Canada — where poker became a thing and people were talking about odds and stuff.
Well, it just so happens people are starting to talk about it — and it's exposing a yawning gap between two worldviews affecting the way the world responds to the climate change challenge — not least within the energy industry itself.
«They're all talking about the bounce, so right now everybody in this room has to like me at least a little bit,» Trump told the CEOs of Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Google's parent company, and other tech titans.
Those that I have spoken to, by the way, we have been talking about a handful of impressions and pennies not pounds of spend — that's in the case of the ones I've spoken to at least.
I hear a lot of cheap conversation and a fair amount of wishful thinking about this year's expected abundant crop of initial public offerings, but — at least to date — there's not much to show for all the talk.
For example, Finnson claims the planned move to Ogden Yard had been talked about for at least three years.
«When I joined the company in 1992, we used to talk about our mission as putting a PC in every home, and by the end of the decade we have done that, at least in the developed world,» said Nadella.
And we are not talking just about the recent rise in lipstick sales at Estée Lauder, which is considered by some to be a hot - red indicator of economic trouble (at least on slow news days) on the horizon because consumers tend to turn to less expensive indulgences when losing confidence in the future.
Meet once a month at least to talk about goals and progress so there aren't any surprises.
It will take at least a couple of years for Theralase Technologies Inc.'s cancer treatment technology to become regulated (and at least a year before we know how well it works on humans), but the healthcare tech they have under development is worth talking about.
In fact, a recent study of 9,000 employees conducted by MIT's Sloan School of Management proved that companies that «talk the talk» about meritocracy are the least likely to actually «walk the walk.»
These tend to last at least 6 months, with agreed - upon objectives that, at the very least, are getting different silos within the organization talking about what marketing objectives can be accomplished with consistent content creation and distribution.
And at least Musk didn't resort to reminding analysts that he's much richer than them (yes Jamie Dimon, I'm talking about you).
It's tough to say which method developers will prefer in the years to come, but at least when someone talks about «cryptocurrency mining» in the future, you'll know exactly what they mean.
The timing of directly reaching out to the customer is more difficult to achieve with email but this can at least be tackled by customer segmentation which we will talk about shortly.
One of his views that always stuck with me on that subject, at least as a starting point for thinking about it, was that it was somewhat nonsensical to talk about what «equilibrium exchange rates» should be in a world of fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking.
When I do due diligence for investors, and I find team members hesitant or openly negative when talking about the leadership team, there is likely a trust issue, or at least a failure to communicate.
We are apparently destined to continue to talk about offsetting for caribou but doing nothing, at least in terms of policy, for the foreseeable future.
I think the issues with the movie extended beyond Twitter; the new voters I've talked to are less enthusiastic about it than the ones you've talked to (New Yorkers, you know), and it sounds like we've both heard from at least some voters who are drawing a bright line between the performances (thumbs up) and the movie (thumbs sideways).
In many blog posts I have talked about the need to at least capture most of the effect.
We talked with the group yesterday to learn more about the day, which is primarily designed to give female founders a chance to talk one - on - one with the VCs for at least 30 minutes, though networking and broader - based fundraising advice is also a key feature of the program.
Although I eventually plan to talk about monetary arrangements that might make maintaining a steady flow of spending a lot easier than our present system does, for now I'm going to stick to discussing how the same goal might be achieved, at least in principle, in our present monetary system or, more precisely, in the system we had until the subprime crisis of 2008.
At least you got to tap it, which is a positive that everyone talks about, even though I'm against a ROTH.
But still, we probably ought to be at least talking about lowering corporate tax rates here.
Xiaomi Corp., the Chinese smartphone maker that was once the most valuable startup in the world, is in talks with investment banks about a possible initial public offering and seeking a valuation of at least $ 50 billion, according to people familiar with the matter.
And whether or not Jesus ever spoke about economies, I dare you to say that he did not speak out about greed, and talk about how all, especially those with the most, had a duty to those with the least.
Almost anything Biff ever talked about could be fashioned into at least a partial answer to that question.
We have not found a way to talk about sex and marriage, at least not one we're confident will humanize, which is what clarity about moral truth should do.
A willingness at least to talk about opioid deaths (among other taboo subjects) surely helped Donald Trump win last November's election.
It helps me (at least) to keep in mind that what ever we say and however about «these things» we are always inadequately indicating beyond our words and images and myths — but also literalizing them, getting stuck inside our ways of talking.
I think the least he could have done is pass out a few newsletters, or maybe even talk to another human about updating his plan or something.
Talking about your own defects and how to work on them can make people twitchy to say the least.
All of us who know, however underwhelmingly, the call to prophetic leadership, lay or ordained, are very well aware of what this seminarian is talking about; and in this sense there is, I am afraid, something almost inescapably deceiving in the stance of the preacher / Iecturer / writer — at least this one.
but I guess watching the kardashians, or jersey shore is alot more educational, If I was forced to watch any of that junk, I would choose this one, at least they can get your attention without having to get naked and spread their legs all over town just to make a buck... these people got over 1 Million watching and talking about the show without showing their skin, just by showing how they actually live in a country where some IDIOTS are trying to teach us if someone looks different or acts different than us we should be scared of them and they are out to kill us.
Jeremy since we are talking about satan casting out satan heres a question for you.Have you ever wondered why Jesus helps satan at times or at least it appears that way.Mat 8:28 - 34 Why would he do that in the case of the demonic man the demons requested that Jesus cast them them into the pigs which he allowed it seems that not only did he help satan to have his way in destroying the pigs but destroyed the livelihood of the people in that area.You could argue at least it saved one man but is it acceptable to save one life but affect the lives of many?
Indeed, faith is especially sensitive to the dangers of anthropomorphism, to the temptation to see God as some enlarged and exalted version of Superman, even though the least inadequate way of talking about God may well be in terms of man's — more specifically, of Christ's — own personal being.
It is premised upon the belief that talking about it is at least half way to agreement that traditional sexual ethics must be thoroughly revised.
The elders are nice people, but I wish they had the guts to at least talk with them about their bad behavior and the harm that it is doing.
«What I'm saying is that science, at least when talking about phenomena that are related to Bible, operates with hypothesis, proposed explanations that are not 100 % certain.»
Talk about poor journalism to say the least.
At least one of them, that suggested by Tillich, depends to a considerable degree upon the Tillichian «system» in which there is much talk about «existential» and «essential» manhood, not to mention the more general philosophical position which he adopts with its talk about «the ground of being», «the power of being», and «the new being in Christ» — the last of these constituting in fact what «restitution» is all about.
As long as anyone is alive to play a part or talk about it afterwards, the sacred narrative continues — at least until the day we wake from sleep to find that there is room in God's story for us all.
«He has made efforts repeatedly to not just talk about this message of Jesus and the love of Christ for others, including the least of these, but also embodied that message with his deeds,» said Rogers.
If «God - talk» is at least a possibility, we need to ask questions about the kinds of language that have been and can be used.
«He'll look at me and say, «Don, let's talk about that second point you had on Sunday,»» said Wilton, who drives up at least once a week to Graham's home.
Basically, what has happened with CST is comparable to what has happened with marriage and family: We spend a lot of time talking about contraception and abortion and bioethical dilemmas, and unfortunately we must do so, given the gravity of these evils and the obsessions of our day — but as a result we can fail to see, or at least fail to communicate to others, the profound truth of the sacrament of matrimony, which is the foundation of all the rules and prohibitions.
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