Sentences with phrase «leave both spouses feeling»

Sadly, it can leave your spouse feeling neglected, rejected, and hurt.
A great couples counselor will leave both spouses feeling happier and closer after just about every session, and they will have the sense that they've learned something lasting.

Not exact matches

So either the marriage experiences stress and breaks up, or it experiences stress and stays together, achieving some kind of truce that involves one spouse or the other capitulating in some areas, but which leaves both parties feeling lonely and unhappy.
This hearty chicken dinner is sure to leave you feeling full and satisfied and is an easy enough recipe that you and your spouse - to - be can revisit making it when your first anniversary comes around.
Plus all the sneaking is ok at first, but gets old quickly and if the other person is also married and unwilling or unable to leave their spouse, you kinda begin to feel used.
Whether it's with your kids, your spouse or your boss, power struggles leave you feeling powerless.
They may have been married and started a family of their own, so when they are dealt a devastating blow that leaves them single again, whether it is the death of their spouse or a divorce, they may feel like they will never find love again.
Feel free to share it on Facebook, print it off and leave it by your spouse's pillow, or simply steal some ideas for your own master list.
This can be in the form of correspondence between you and your spouse that would suggest they should not be left alone with your child, reports or testimony from counselors or parenting evaluators, a restraining order you may have against your spouse or even declarations from character witnesses that feel supervised visitation is called for.
The passing of a family member or spouse can leave you feeling lost.
Imagine how you would feel to find out your spouse died, then learn they left behind $ 500,000 or more in coverage to pay for final expenses and help care for the kids.
For example, while many people feel that those who have a spouse and / or child depending on them financially are the only ones who need this type of coverage, the reality is that anyone could leave their loved ones with financial hardship in case of the unexpected.
However, since the work these spouses do to keep households running isn't defined by a number, but rather a feeling, it's often left out of the life insurance conversation.
Divorcing your spouse is a major life event that can leave you feeling a range of challenging emotions; from sad,
For example, perhaps you and your spouse drifted apart, leaving the betrayer feeling unloved and unwanted.
In my experience a spouse often nags because the other spouse is not communicating effectively, often tending to withdraw and shutdown — which often leaves the other spouse feeling like they constantly have to pursue issues with them.
If only one spouse wanted the divorce, the other person frequently feels anger towards the partner who left.
If your spouse leaves you without your consent, you may feel deserted, but to obtain a divorce based on his desertion, you must be able to prove your spouse's behavior was «willful, continued and obstinate.»
The nagging spouse is really asking to feel more wanted, desired, special, or loved, and the retreating spouse is really trying to protect the relationship from harm or destruction, fearing that the barrage of criticisms might eventually lead their partner to leave them.
Do you want to work on reconnecting with your spouse or partner but feel that your attempts to fix the relationship somehow get turned into arguments, leaving you feeling more lonely, sad and separate from your partner?
Before you make plans to leave or blow up in a future argument, have an honest discussion with your spouse about the way you feel.
Not feeling connected to your partner can quickly ruin a marriage because it leaves couples feeling as though they're living with a stranger or more like roommates than spouses.
Traditional marriage counseling tends to be ineffective because the counselor either expects both parties to work on the relationship — rendering the leaning out spouse, the uncooperative one — or encourages the hopeful spouse to just let go of the marriage — leaving that individual feeling undercut and angry.
Express your feelings to your partner, make your wishes known, and then leave it up to your spouse to make a decision.
These feelings of chronic anxiety and insecurity are fueled by thoughts that our spouse is going to leave us or doesn't love us enough.
Do you feel disconnected from your spouse or relationship partner and yourself, leaving you feeling lost and alone?
As well as leaving important issues in your marriage unresolved, the silent treatment may make your spouse feel worthless, unloved, hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, and unimportant.
Leaving your partner before you have come to any resolution or even finished the conversation can make your spouse feel very abandoned.
Since both you and your spouse still own (or lease) the home together, the spouse who left may still feel like that's his / her home, too.
We can not remember a time we left the courtroom after a judge's ruling in a family law matter and felt like one spouse or the other got a clear «win» for the children.
Mediation can leave you feeling like you have all the power, but it is important to keep in mind a judge will still need to review your Separation Agreement once you and your spouse sign it.
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