Sentences with phrase «leave relationships feeling»

Many of these issues can leave relationships feeling hopeless.
This sudden shift has left our relationship feeling unmoored, and it has taken work and intentionality to stay afloat.

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That may mean leaving Nike, or Coe may feel that the long history of his relationship there makes it no big deal.
For entrepreneurs and small business owners, long hours can take a toll on personal relationships, leaving your partner feeling taken for granted while you focus on growing your business.
It works, I should add, because they're bi, and I'm straight, so there's no division of attention; nobody ever feels left out of any element of the relationship.
The last decade of showing up and being awkward and feeling left out and regretting what I said and wishing I could start over has taught me that my early - college ideals were not going to cut it in the difficult day to day of ordinary relationships.
But whereas Justin was eventually able to reconcile his sexuality with his faith and with Scripture in such a way that has left open the possibility for a relationship with a man in his future, Wesley says that «my own story, by contrast, is a story of feeling spiritually hindered rather than helped by my homosexuality.
This leaves women feeling powerless — as though they have no control in their relationship status and no right to take initiative themselves.
Does the relationship leave them with feelings of increased strength and value, or of weakness and self - rejection?
Her newly voiced support of gay relationships left many of her followers feeling confused and even betrayed.
I relate with some of your dangers, I use to experience some of them when I first «left the church»... But I will say, years later... now that I have learned to center the majority of my relationships around Christ, that this builds lasting relationships and it is fulfilling for all in so many ways... I am learning to «live in community» with some close believers and feel as though I am experiencing Love like I have never experienced it before.
This left him with three options, as he saw it: the first was to hide his same - sex attraction and marry a woman in spite of his lack of attraction to her, which he felt would be unfair to both himself and the woman in such a relationship; the second was to pursue a relationship with another guy, which he had trouble reconciling with what he'd been taught regarding the Bible's teachings on homosexuality; and the third option was to remain celibate, which left Justin with the prospect of being alone for the rest of his life.
And I feel it is the responsibility of us gay people not to want to have «marriage» because we feel we need this to be equal but to really imagine how a gay relationship can become a blessing not only to the partners but also to the greater society and define it as something new and leave marriage as what it is — a holy union between a man and a woman.
David... I think each of us feels pain when relationships end... But I'm left wondering why a person leaving «a church» brings an end to the love or relationship?
I encourage you to stay... for all the broken ones that feel they don't fit anywhere... for those who are seeking a genuine relationship with God within a Religious culture that tends to offer platitudes... for those who would rather that you leave so that you don't give them the pleasure... but most of all — For Yourself!
People feel more of a relationship (for lack of a better word) with blogs they read regularly so they are more inclined to leave an encouraging word.
Jimmy opens up on his time in Chicago and why he had to leave, how he feels about the Timberwolves» youth, and how his relationship with Tom Thibodeau has changed over the years.
... takes two to tango... first look at «yourself» in the mirror... just cliches... they say... I was married to my first wife for 17 1/2 years... she always thought grass was greener on the other side... after I left, she went on to relationship after relationship, married and divorced twice more... I feel sorry for her... forever searching... never finding... I was married once... maybe enough for me...
She also recently left a relationship where she didn't feel sexually satisfied and neglected.
But the key is to parent in a way that is consistent with your own values... because all this will pass eventually and what will be left is your relationship with your children and how you feel about what happened.
I really didn't know what to say what to expect... again after that day he is going on the same path... I am scared to say this but I sometime feel like to leave this relationship... would it make me feel better?
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
I've tried to be open and honest about sex and relationships and leave space for my children to make their own decisions about things, while also trying to ensure I teach them to respect themselves and always feel able to say no.
After college he had a number of jobs and romantic relationships, all of which left him feeling drained.
They are squirting milk left right and centre, they have a very strong let - down (when the milk starts to come out from the breast) and their baby gets a bit cranky at the breast and tends to have a «love / hate» relationship with them and your breasts start to feel more like a fire hose!
By Meika Rouda I feel like I have become complacent in an abusive relationship but I can't leave, I can't get out.
Even being a yo - yo parent — up one day and down the next — leaves your children feeling uncertain about what to expect and can have a negative impact on your long - term relationship.
Take account of international experience Experience from other countries shows that interventions based on these principles drive up the level of child support paid; help foster constructive relationships between parents and children and between ex-partners; leave parents feeling better treated and also bring substantial savings to the public purse.
They feel left out, angry and sometimes disgusted by the continued nursing relationship.
Shame is primarily relational: Although shame leaves us feeling absolutely alone, its roots lie in an implicit conviction that we are somehow unworthy of having meaningful relationships with other people.
Is your partner feeling left out of the close relationship you have with your baby?
If a relationship is going sour, some women may feel that their partner is considering leaving them.
Your partner might want to feed the baby and may feel left out of the breastfeeding relationship.
The special conditions of pregnancy, recovering from childbirth, running a busy household, balancing work and multiple children can make it difficult to prioritize your relationship and may leave you feeling like you're living with a roommate not a romantic partner.
She doesn't shy away from it, leaving many women feeling left out, but rather discusses (as I have in an EP post) how to make the best of the bottle - feeding relationship.
Take from this what you feel might work for you and your relationship... leave the rest behind.
They will either have to be met in some other way or will possibly cause damage to the relationship between parent and child, or just leave the child feeling that his or her needs are not important.
I think in our culture it is this weird taboo topics where just generally speaking we love our babies, we love the image of the family experience but the reality is that having a family and having young kids puts an enormous amount of stress even in the best relationships and a lot of couples are left really feeling out of sorts.
These concerns include diminished sexual relationship, feeling left out of feeding the infant, losing the attention of their mate, and feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.10 At the present, antenatal and perinatal care does not usually include information and training of the fathers as a priority: the WHO - UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative recommends professional and peer postnatal support for breastfeeding mothers but not for fathers26; the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement on breastfeeding and the use of breast milk clearly indicates the need to educate the fathers27 but does not suggest what exactly needs to be done.
Mr. Cuomo has long had a fractious relationship with the left - leaning WFP, which endorsed him for governor for a second time at its June convention only after he committed to campaigning to flip the State Senate into Democratic hands — a promise many feel Mr. Cuomo has not lived up to.
Some of the women felt empowered to leave their abusers, and those who stayed in their relationships noted experiencing significantly less violence and better ability to cope.
Anxiety over money, work, and relationship woes can leave us feeling wired, so it should come as no big surprise that people with chronic stress report getting less sleep and poorer quality sleep.
After a year of knocking off as many restaurants from my «must - go» list as possible, I noticed a few things: The majority, if not all, of my paycheck was being spent on food, my lifelong trustworthy digestive system decided to end our wonderful relationship and leave me confused and bloated, and even when I purchased «healthy» meals, I still felt sluggish and tired.
From my relatively short time on the earth thus far, I can say that those are the things that leave me feeling at peace and fulfilled... the times and relationships where love is not just an emotion but a self - giving choice.
Experts aren't sure which comes first — if dementia symptoms cause people to feel left out or withdraw from social activities, or if feeling lonely actually promotes the development of dementia — but they suspect the relationship may go both ways.
Leaving the relationship will feel hard, but it is the right decision.
Work, stress, relationships and kids can leave us feeling drained with no energy for daily cooking and food prep.
Do work demands, child or parent - care responsibilities, relationship dynamics, a nagging health concern, or the rapid rate at which life is moving leave you feeling depleted, overwhelmed and disconnected?
If you eat widely from all plant sources, including olives, nuts, avocados, etc, with an abundance of fresh foods and only limited processed foods, and if you get plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise in the fresh air, enough water (you don't need as much if you have lots of fruit), and build good friendships and relationships where you support and help others, then your health will blossom, your weight will settle (although you can leave out the fattier foods for a time to lower it if you need to), and your life will feel quietly satisfying.
Doing a relationship inventory and noticing those people who leave you feeling uplifted and supported, and those people who deplete you is essential.
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