Sentences with phrase «leave room»

I like science and am often amazed at what scientists discover or invent, but I also leave room for a little doubt on both sides.
Paul says, «Bless and do not curse,» and «Love enemies,» but in the next breath he tells us to leave room for the vengeance of God.
They were designed and printed to leave room for interlinear gloss, and for long comment in the margin.
«You must leave room for the Lord.»
Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, «Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,» says the Lord.
Unfortunately, the need to overwork and hustle for the purpose of building wealth and success makes it nearly impossible to leave room for relationships.
Why would the Christian god leave room for confusion?
I do, of course, leave room for the use of literary techniques such as metaphor, hyperbole, and poetic imagery, and also allow for minor errors to have crept in through the process of copying manuscripts by hand over the centuries.
... Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath, for it is written, «Vengeance is mine, I will repay,» says the Lord.
«You don't have to pray», «you don't have to listen», «you can leave the room when we pray».
Decide if it's OK for one of you leave the room.
As I gripped the phone, I heard my mother scuffling, ready to leave the room, not wanting her final memory of my grandmother to be the sight of an agonized contortion or a blank, uncomprehending stare.
Islam's devotion to a monistic and theocratic social order, as well as Confucianism's understanding of a Mandate of Heaven that equates power with morality, leave no room for the idea of sovereignties in tension or conflict.
Those whose religious sensibilities are offended can simply leave the room.
You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble.»
Because so often in one - hour counselling sessions, a therapist can only get so far before it's time to finish, and a woman who has been brought close to the root of her emotional pain then has to leave the room and go back to her everyday life: it is deeply unsettling and can draw the process out for years.
«If you don't like it, leave the room
They tell you that nothing that is said should ever leave the room.
Don't you want to leave any room for the chance that a loving God might exist?
An infinite anything would leave no room for anything else.
The authentic documents leave no room for the Society to be a «church within the Church.»
God's word, however, demands a difficult turning to desist from self - help, to leave room for God's sovereign action.
They leave no room for the element of transcendence.
Whatever the rationale for their formulation, however, the texts leave no room for maneuvering.
«It is indelibly inscribed in the Spiritual Exercises» and the Constitutions and «the authentic documents leave no room for the Society to be a church within the Church.»
People love Johnny Depp too much to leave room for believing Amber Heard.
If the Easter message developed in this way, then it is unlikely to have become clearly understood all at once, nor in such a way as to leave no room for doubt or uncertainty.
Only at one or two points do his pronouncements leave room for argument that at heart he cherished a deep hope for the reformation and salvation of his people.
Most people who suffer from nausea, and feel themselves about to vomit, have the courtesy to turn away, leave the room, find a trash can, etc..
if something as natural as a woman feeding her child is that offensive to you, YOU can leave the room to more mature individuals.
A former resident of a Catholic orphanage has told a child abuse inquiry that memories of being force - fed mean he has to leave the room whenever his family eat certain...
If something as innocent as having some decorum is so offensive to you, you can leave the room to the more mature adults.
Communication, like revelation, must leave room for discovery.
Then I bring up the law of angular momentum and they usually leave the room.
Terry, I have read through your comments here, and you really leave no room for any interpretation other than your own.
To the extent that this characterization of evolution is emphasized, Peirce does seem to leave room for the possibility of discord.
«Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.»
We focus on the core essential elements of following Jesus, and leave room for disagreement and friendly debate.
It is the combination of these two that seems to leave no room for God.
Rather than holding tightly to our convictions, we must leave room for God's truth to transform our understanding.
Then why didn't he just say that, and leave no room for misinterpretation, which, if he was omniscient, he would have known would arise?
On another note Jesus affirmed the seriousness of rebellion against God, affirmed a coming judgment, and yet taught his followers that they are to love their enemies and leave room for the wrath of God.
Does that leave room for me to be wrong?
For Christians who read the Genesis account literally, or authoritatively as they would say, the six days in the account are literal 24 - hour periods and leave no room for evolution.
These ideologies, by masquerading as reason, leave no room for authentic reason and its philosopher practitioners.
i commanded it in Jesus» name to leave her room, i also took every stephen king's book and destroyed them.
Sectarian faith has its place, but it must also leave room for public religion.
Decisions should be made according to cost - benefit analyses that maximize whatever it is we value and that leave no room in the equation for duties, the sacred or the unquantifiable dimensions of life.
When you leave room for interpretation by imperfect beings such as us then of course there will be issues and problems.
Instead, I leave room for something else.
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