Sentences with phrase «leave sharing example»

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... [For example], Slack's integration with Google Drive means I get a message within Slack when a colleague leaves a comment in one of our shared Google Docs.
In 2001, for example, investors cashed out of $ 17-1/2 billion in Class A shares, and bought $ 16 billion in new shares, leaving the fund at year end with net assets of about $ 14 billion.
Example 3: You buy XYZ stock for $ 10 a share and leave your shares to a loved one in your will.
Another example involved our efforts in South Vietnam and Cambodia: prior to the conclusion of their respective revolutions, the former governments of these nations received the lion's share of our excess food resources, while Bangladesh and other needy countries were left to go «nature's way.»
Then there's the individual as the vector of social change, the perception that Society is immanent in each individual action and can't simply be hypostasised as the State, imposed from above or evoked through fugitive concepts such as «public opinion» It's a view that's been quite strong since the late 1960s and is shared (the «desiring subject» for example) by what remains of the libertarian part of the Left.
For example, Mendoza shared one of the secrets he learned from Hector Cavaroz, a senior engineer at Chevron who spoke at a meeting: «If you put your index finger up and curl the rest of your fingers to your thumb, on your left hand, you'll form a «b.» On the right hand, you form a «d.» That's to remember that your bread goes on the right of your drink.»
Another recent example Imbo shared was that of a newly graduated teacher who filled in for a teacher on maternity leave.
The Chicago Tribune's front page carried the above headline (left) on a story that described the discipline policy of the Noble Network of Charter Schools as «extreme,» «stricter than zero tolerance,» and «out of proportion,» and shared an example of a Noble student who was given a demerit for saying «Bless you» when a fellow student sneezed.
For example, when you self - publish your print version with CreateSpace, your royalty per copy sold is what is left over when you subtract CreateSpace's share from your book's list price.
Examples include a Facebook post or mention; liking another member's FB page; leaving a comment on another member's FB page or blog; leaving a comment on a new blog post at; sharing content from another member or the collective; tweeting or retweeting; using #STMauthors; comparable activities on the social media of your choice (Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.).
For example, if you were investing $ 500 and the ETF costs $ 200 per share, you could only purchase 2 shares, leaving $ 100 uninvested (minus whatever fee your broker charged for the purchase).
In 2001, for example, investors cashed out of $ 17-1/2 billion in Class A shares, and bought $ 16 billion in new shares, leaving the fund at year end with net assets of about $ 14 billion.
For example, let's say your Aunt Bernice passed away in March 2007 and left you 100 shares of stock.
For example, you may want to do some research around what financial options are available to you when one owner wishes to leave — such as buying out that owner's share.
See here for example, the leave - sharing examples.
Leaving them with a stub equity cost of maybe only 3 cents per share in Old NTR... vs. a potential $ 0.685 + Fair Value per share, assuming (for example) the lower end (i.e. $ 3.04 per share) of my recent Fair Value range.
For example, if a stock that was priced at $ 0.01 was bought buy an investor who spent $ 5.00 (leaving him with 100 shares), it would drive the price of the stock up.
For example, if a stock that was priced at $ 0.01 was bought buy an investor who spent $ 5.00 (leaving him with 100 shares), it...
A great example is a cat who will leave dead mice or birds on their owner's doorsteps in an attempt to share a tasty treat.
With about a week left to apply for an Arts Writers Grant, we'd like to share an example of a recently completed Arts Writers project.
For example, cacti spines share the same fundamental structure and development as leaves of other vascular plants, thus cactus spines are homologous to leaves.
It makes me less likely to use this otherwise wonderful graph in explaining the issue to, for example, student, or from sharing it on other blogs, since the same criticism will likely be raised and I will be left with no answer (unless, of course, I am missing something blindingly obvious to everyone else... wouldn't be the first time» --RRB--RRB-.
You have clearly demonstrated you are an example of the loony left who believe the ideological dogma (e.g. CAGW) those who share their ideology simply accept without question.
While users are still encouraged to leave the bikes at specified hubs, they also can lock them to regular bike racks or other street fixtures, a feature that is common in bike - sharing schemes in Germany, for example, but not so far in the United States.
Examples include an owner leaving his or her share of a company to someone the other owners consider to be a disreputable family member, or even a divorce can cause havoc when an ex-spouse suddenly becomes a company owner against the wishes of the other owners.
For example, where a testator's adult children are expecting to share equally in the ownership and management of an income property — and the testator would prefer to leave that asset to just one of the children − the will can include an explanation of the testator's reasons: for example, that she thought it would be impractical for the children to make the necessary business decisions jointly.
[98] Justice Moldaver gives a number of examples: DNA in one's body is private, but DNA traces left on, say, the body of a victim of a crime are not; thoughts recorded in a private diary are private, but not those publicly shared online.
(They may leave their share to their partner for example, but they must make a will stating this fact).
Gaedt shared these examples of boundaries: leaving the house and doing something for yourself; asking your partner to leave because you have a hard time being around them; or telling them you want to attend therapy as a couple in order to stay in the relationship.
Individual issues that may be left over from your family of origin — for example, as a child you never observed your parents expressing their feelings of love in an open and affirming way to one another and emotional sharing was discouraged.
For example, a male partner may begin to experience normal aging that causes him to not be able to function sexually in a way he once was able, but if he does not share this with his partner, the partner is left to think that it might be something about them that causes their partner to be disinterested in them, or even perhaps that their partner is being intimate with someone else.
For example, a husband who is self - absorbed may leave his wife without any room in the relationship to share her thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way.
For example, when do you pay out the profits, are there penalties to the investors if they pull out of the fund before a certain number of years, do they roll over the profits they've made and if so, are there incentives for that other than compounding, are you paying out - or allocating - ALL of the profits to investors or yourself each year (meaning if the fund closed tomorrow would you keep the chunk of money left over after paying out the investor profits and initial investments or would you divide that chunk up between all the investors), are you paying yourself a salary for managing the fund and if so, are you also profit sharing??? I ask that last one because once I switch over to a fund like this, the money I am currently pulling out of each deal to live on, would need to stay in the fund and I'm left with no income until the end of the year if that's when the fund distributes profits.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z