Sentences with phrase «leaves emotional scars»

I can't remember who finally corrected me, but they must have done it tactfully, otherwise it probably would have left an emotional scar.
Pregnancy and birth can be a beautiful experience but for some of us it can leave emotional scars that take a long time to heal.
As the war closes in, the life the boys knew gradually fades, leaving emotional scars that will never heal.
There might have been earlier incidents that has left emotional scars on the puppy.
A bad or frightening experience now could leave emotional scars that it will take a while to heal.
These experiences can leave emotional scars that stay with us for many years.
Trauma can overwhelm your capacity to cope and leave emotional scars that impair your ability to live a full and normal life.

Not exact matches

More seriously, returnees subjected to incredibly stressful and violent situations overseas may still suffer from debilitating injuries and emotional wounds, leaving deep scars that never heal.
Yeah, they could proceed with an abortion, that leaves horrible memories and emotional scars or they could bring a person into the world who will be, in some cases, «unwanted».
Emotional abuse is the most common form and leaves scars no less real.
And fights that get physical can leave lasting physical and emotional scars.
A lack of unconditional love paired with cutting criticism is child abuse, outright emotional child abuse that leaves a lifetime of scars.
Yet military service has left many of them facing not just the usual academic challenges but also the emotional scars of battle, semesters lost to continuing service obligations, and veteran's benefits that don't cover their educational and living expenses.
In a joint interview with Cooper, the director of «Crazy Heart» and «Out of the Furnace,» the two discussed the challenges of portraying a folk - hero criminal who has, as Cooper said, «left a real emotional scar on the city of Boston.»
Behind the façade of easy living and knockabout camaraderie is a bleak portrait of the mental and emotional scars left on a generation of men broken the meat grinder of the first modern industrial war.
Vera Brittain's memoir Testament of Youth served as a searing and intensely moving account about the emotional scars World War I left on an entire generation.
His military service has left him with physical and emotional scars.
It killed many thousands and left countless others with emotional and mental scars that were little understood at the time — a terrible legacy of shock and mental disability that affected many of those who fought, sometimes for the rest of their lives.
Charlotte Sawyer's life was up - ended when her fiancé left her stranded at the altar just five days before the nuptials with an unworn wedding gown, hefty catering bills and an emotional scar to boot.
And while most young people who recover physically from a fall are not left with any emotional scars, the same is not always true of seniors.
Victims of personal and catastrophic injuries may be left with physical, psychological, and emotional scars.
Child Sexual Abuse: Every childhood sexual abuse victim is left with lifelong emotional scars.
These types of accidents are serious in nature, and depending on the injury sustained, often leave behind emotional and physical scarring as well as financial hardship.
Even when the injuries heal the victim can be left with a debilitating physical disabilities and disgorgement, as well as mental, emotional and physical scarring.
Sexual abuse, occurring at most any age, leaves an array of emotional scars that can last a lifetime and damage the victim's quality of life.
This egregious act can leave lasting physical and emotional scars that must be treated as a matter of urgency.
They are speaking for the 17 dead whose voices were taken away, and for all those left with physical and emotional scars.
That stress is not only felt among the parents, but also in your children whose fate is being decided, which can leave them with long lasting emotional scars.
«Experiences and events can leave lasting emotional scars that could lead to ineffective coping skills, including drug use and addiction.
The custody issue may be long settled, but the damage is permanent and so are the emotional scars left behind.
Left untreated, these emotional scars can impact our ability to function successfully and happily in our daily lives.
As I describe in my book, Divorce: It's All About Control — How to Win the Emotional, Psychological and Legal Wars, this type of divorce war can be the most devastating of all divorce wars because it leaves permanent scars.
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