Sentences with phrase «leaves open the question»

Even if we agree that «doing nothing» means «doing nothing with the nominal rate of interest», that leaves open the question of how long the Bank holds the nominal rate of interest constant.
This may all make sense for Judaism, but I think it leaves open the question of how someone might come to believe that Judaism was true.
For instance, when the Catechism rejects both socialism and capitalism it leaves open the question of what «reasonable regulation» is.
But really, the Greek only says that Cain «was of» the evil one, which leaves open the question as to why Cain acted as he did.
Thus the principle still leaves open the question whether and when the death penalty ought to be applied.
«3 Whereas John Cobb recalled Whitehead's identification of molecules as «historic routes of actual occasions,» Donald Sherburne prefers the designation as «structured societies» — which leaves open the question of whether both a molecule and its constituent can be «enduring objects» (like a personal society).4 Enthused by Leclerc's reliance upon the Aristotelian distinction between actual and potential, Ford offered an option which might preserve the choice, in Whiteheadian terms.
In any case, it leaves open the question of who created the creator.
Then, too, it will presumably be possible to leave it an open question whether the history of human descent as known to us does or does not possess features which only after the Fall of the first man can be thought of to some extent as a predominance of his pre-human past and of his environment, over a sensitivity to the world around him no longer protected by the gift of integrity, and over his lack of adaptation to a particular milieu.
Rosenzweig accepts the command as from God and leaves open the question of whether the individual can fulfill it, whereas Buber remains close to the dialogue and makes the real question whether it really is a command of God to oneself.
The wording of the presbyter's remark leaves open the question of Mark's use of other sources than Peter, whose «interpreter» he was: sources, or traditions, in circulation among the Christians in Rome no doubt from the first founding of the church in that community, long before Paul's arrival and perhaps some time before Peter's coming; and also, no doubt, traditions that were added to the common stock by every believer who came to Rome from Palestine.
It does, however, leave open the question of purpose and meaning, and this is why religion and revelation may be allowed to respond to the question of cosmic purpose without at all intruding into the territory proper to science.
Sometimes the word indicates simply descent with modification, leaving open the question of how the staggering changes in life forms could possibly have occurred.
We may leave open the question whether intelligent cultures must further develop into technical civilizations, that is, into civilizations seeking to transform environmental conditions to suit their own purposes and needs.
This still leaves open the question how much and just what historical fact there is in the particular miracle stories of the Gospels.
However, he leaves open the question as to which criteria prove a religion or spirituality to be «authentic» and «true», if religions are, qua religion, catholic, i.e. oriented towards (Cosmotheandric) Reality.
Here is an observation about personal feelings which leaves open the question of whose fault it is, and which makes possible an exploration of the meaning behind the feeling in a freer and less defensive manner.
Immediately after the statement of the greatest happiness principle, he adds: «To give a clear view of the moral standard set up by the theory, much more requires to be said: in particular what things it includes in the ideas of pain and pleasure, and to what extent this is left an open question» (U 10).
The Council of Nicaea (canons 8, 9, and 10, and the synodal letter), dealing variously with the Novatianist and the Meletian clergy and with lapsi who should never have been ordained on moral grounds, left open the question as to what constituted valid ordination and what constituted the difference between election (ekloge), recognition or installation (katastasis), imposition of hand (cheirothesia), and ordination proper (cheirotonia).
This study leaves open the question of whether the green tea tested in this study is contaminated with gluten or if something in the green tea is causing false positive results.
Cuomo's call for the state attorney general to review the Manhattan district attorney's investigation into a sexual assault complaint against disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein was hailed by victims» rights activists but left open questions about how the review will play out.
The settlement confirmed that ruling and left open the question of whether the House has standing to sue the executive branch.
He insisted his proposal leaves open the question of where to put the new facilities because of the Council's long - established practice of giving its members veto authority over zoning changes in their district.
Sijme and the audience left some open questions without a clear answer.
But it left an open question: Were airborne microbes forming ice in the clouds, or were they merely getting mopped up by snowflakes as they fell to Earth?
University of Washington research showed a decade ago that rivers exhale huge amounts of carbon dioxide — though left open the question of how that was possible, since bark and stems were thought to be too tough for river bacteria to digest.
That leaves open the question of what function dinosaur wings and feathers originally served if they were not used for taking to the air.
Unfortunately, such cell - based tests often leave open the question of how a useful compound works.
This information suggests that planet d has a significant volatile envelope, and leaves open the question of whether planet c has a volatile envelope or not.
But because it is difficult for antibody tests to distinguish between past infections with Zika and dengue, which is also common in French Polynesia, the study still leaves some open questions.
«That work has been cited many times as evidence that spores can survive in liquid for 80 years — and now that's clearly not true,» says Keim, leaving it an open question of just how long B. anthracis spores can survive and still cause disease.
While this analysis still leaves open questions about the precise structure of eumelanin molecules, Buehler says, «Building an accurate structural model is one of our big aims.»
That left open the question of how these two species came to be so different.
The latest findings, however, leave open the question of what role, if any, estrogen is playing in the constellation of changing occurring during menopause and how that could affect risk factors for heart disease.
Notice how they say «decreased in LFHC group only»... which leave open the question, did it increase in the high fat group?
This leaves open questions about how a real - world scenario with mixed meals might have altered the outcomes.
However, it did not deny the right of the state to oversee the education of its citizens, leaving open the question as to just how much regulation could be imposed on private schools — or, later, on homeschoolers.
This study leaves open the question of whether a bonus program that rewards teachers for their own specific effectiveness would be more successful.
It leaves open the question of how we'll get things done.
But in a broader sense, education - law experts said, the decisions leave open the question of whether the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution imposes on...
But democratization of decision making as an end in itself leaves open the question of who should be involved in which decisions.
It still leaves open the question of whether it's a useful metric for comparison, if many books are sold below that price point (but above $ 9.99).
According to the Seybold Bulletin, «A poll of about 1,000 attendees (at the recent Tools of Change for Publishing conference) indicated that around 400 were current Kindle owners, but that only 15 of those were actually considering buying the new device, leaving open the question of how many new buyers the second generation device will have.
One prominent financial authority, Dave Ramsey, once even cited «unexpected pregnancy» as a reason to build an emergency fund, leaving open the question of whether there exists anyone on the planet who is simultaneously a) responsible enough to set aside six months» of living expenses, yet b) not so responsible that they don't know how to prevent a pregnancy.
We might be better off just leaving it an open question.
Instead of Impressionism's moment, they both seek something permanent or even classical, and they leave it an open question whether art will ever find it.
They are replicas of the most important works of art history that leave open the question of original versus copy.
At least the Studio Museum does not look past race, so much as leave it an open question.
While quite cute and innocent on the surface, many of his works are also quite sexualized, tying into the anime phenomenon of fanservice, and leaving it an open question as to how innocent his works are in the end.
The first edition of Made in L.A. left open the question of whether the city really needs such a determinedly local biennial.
Farocki's work traces the history of some technological advances that have brought us to this juncture of man versus machine, but leaves open the question of where this might lead.
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