Sentences with phrase «leaving feces»

This means leaving feces and urine for a bit and making sure the pad is large enough for the dog to relieve themselves on the other end.
One more odd one is that some cats like to show their superiority by leaving feces on top of the litter in the box.
Although they encounter giant armadillo holes, tapir tracks, and a troop of woolly monkeys — indications that hunting pressure is low and that the area has been largely undisturbed — the shaggy bicho emits no hair - raising cries, leaves no feces for collection.
I don't leave feces in a tie out area, I don't feed table scraps, and until the past few years, I didn't have to deal with other dogs coming into the yard, drinking / eating from her bowls, or defecating in her play area.
Instead, this «top cat» leaves the feces on top as if to state her superiority over the others.
That means you should also not leave his feces where other dogs might sniff them.
In other words, even if a feral cat leaves feces in your garden, you would need to touch it and then somehow ingest the feces to get toxoplasmosis.
In groups of feral cats, dominant cats will often leave their feces uncovered as a way of marking their territory, while cats lower in the hierarchy are expected to cover their waste as a sign of subordination.
Some dogs become so traumatized that they lose control of their bowels and leave feces and urine all over their home in spite of the fact that they have long been house trained.
Most cats are fastidious about cleaning and do not leave feces on their fur; therefore, common contact with a cat is not a risk factor.

Not exact matches

Only babies who wear diapers get diaper rash (cloth or disposable)... and out of these, only those who are left to sit in their urine and feces for longer than a few minutes develop diaper rash at all.
The mother was not ill; the feces were expelled when she pushed, but apparently she refused to leave the pool — the judge told the defendants they should have «forcibly removed her from the pool» once the contamination was obvious, which was rather unrealistic.
Diapers leak and urine and feces can seep into a mattress, leaving not only stains but also the possibility of bacterial contamination, which could make a baby ill or possibly contribute to sudden infant death syndrome, although this has not been conclusively proven.
When your baby is getting little milk, bowel movements tend to be scanty and infrequent so that the bilirubin that was in the baby's gut gets reabsorbed into the blood instead of leaving the body with the feces.
A proposed acquisition of Smithfield Foods would send pork to China and leave more pig feces in the U.S., potentially increasing the risk of superbug infections and other diseases
The grubs chewed their way out before the ferns fossilized, but they left behind feces (dark dots in photo), which, Labandeira found, contained resin - filled cells identical to surrounding plant cells.
From the cores, the scientists also extracted eDNA — DNA lingering in the soil from, for example, plant leaves, rootlets, animal feces, urine, or even skin cells.
For years, chemical ecologist Dawn Luthe and her students wondered why fall armyworm caterpillars (Spodoptera frugiperda) let piles of feces, known as frass, accumulate on corn, trapped in the plant's cuplike whorls where the leaves join the stalk.
The researchers determined that more infants fed by secretor mothers had high levels of bifidobacteria — 60 percent of infants versus 37.5 percent at day 6 and 80 percent versus 50 percent at day 120 — and that infants who had more bifidobacteria had lower amounts of milk sugars left over and higher amounts of lactate in their feces.
They also measured the amount and type of breast milk sugars left over in the infant's feces, and measured the amount of lactate (a beneficial molecule produced by bifidobacteria) in the infant's feces.
The animals spend up to 14 hours daily consuming up to 12.5 kg (27.5 pounds) of bamboo leaves and stems but can digest only about 17 percent of it; their feces is mainly composed of undigested bamboo fragments.
But with that expected production boost comes an uptick in hog feces left in the U.S. — and subsequent health and environmental risks.
Thanks to hippos» stunning wound - healing abilities — perhaps related to the antibacterial properties of the creepy «red sweat» that coats their skin — all the surviving animals were able to return to their feces - infested communal pools within hours of the surgery with no negative consequences, just a little bit nicer than when they left.
The microscopic arachnids — which leave behind feces and corpses that can trigger allergic responses and asthma — are sparse across large swaths of the Great Plains and Mountain West, according to a new survey of the arthropods that inhabit our homes.
Since his discovery of nanobes in Italian hot spring deposits, Folk says he has found nanobes in such things as bird bath scum, decayed leaves in streams, brownish water from old flower bouquets, air filters, tap and well water, hair, feces, blood, gallstones, chicken egg shells, clam shells, and teeth.
Science has shown that cape aloe leaf — a succulent plant native to South Africa — also triggers your colon muscles to contract to help push along your feces.
Her responsibility, along with best friend coworker Zelda (Octavia Spencer) is to clean the urine, feces, and all other matter that is left behind in the Occam Aerospace Research Center.
His parents left him, he gets picked on by everyone, finds a meteor which is actually a big blue turd, gets food thrown on him, has his leg humped by a dog, is covered in chemical feces, and falls in love.
To thwart pet owners from leaving behind waste, some apartment building managers have gone as far as testing abandoned feces to match DNA with resident pets and identify the offending animal's owner.
Your pet should be taught the â $ ˜leave itâ $ ™ command and if he / she starts to show interest in feces the leave it command should be used.
In a normal pet, the firm, globular stool (feces) presses on these sacs as it is passes them and leaves the body.
Puppies should never be left to roll around in their own waste and in some pet stores you might see feces sitting in a pile right next to the animal.
Some cats will leave their urine and feces exposed as a way to assert dominance, but this situation is rare among spayed or neutered cats living in a house where food is plentiful and territory is secure.
Employees should wash their hands with soap and water (or use an alcohol - based hand cleaner if soap and water are unavailable) before and after handling each dog; after coming into contact with a dog's saliva, urine, feces, or blood; after cleaning cages; and upon arriving at and before leaving the facility (see «I work in a kennel / animal care facility.
Dogs that are on a restrictive diet for weight loss will look to their feces to fill the void and if a dog is left alone in the yard where there are feces, he may eat them because they were there.
The one thing that does seem to help, if you have the time and the energy to do it, is «baiting» the feces with a good dose of Tabasco sauce, and then leaving it where the dog will find it.
When our rescuers entered the house, they found several cats left alone in the home without heat and food, living in filth and feces.
(ref) It did this by leaving urine and feces in strategic open places and against objects where passing cats would be likely to notice and move on.
This also means you should not allow his feces to be left where other dogs might sniff them.
This also means you should not allow his feces to be left where other dogs might sniff them, either.
Large, soft feces, especially if left uncovered, could stick to the stainless steel rake, creating a smelly situation.
In the wild, cats «express» this substance along with their feces, for marking purposes, a practice akin to leaving a calling card for subsequent visitors to read.
Attapulgite clay also draws the smell and moisture from cat feces, leaving it dry and odorless in the box so it doesn't have to be scooped out so often.
Sometimes through urine and feces by shared litter boxes or using the same areas outdoors to leave body waste
Spread by the feces and urine of infected cats, this virus attacks their immune system leaving the animal unable to fight infection.
Example of this are automatic litter boxes with rakes: the reason for this is because the more cats using the system, the more you will need to manually clean the «missing» pieces of feces left by the machine or caught in the rake.
Fiber and fiber fermentation in the dog or cat's intestine may allow more ammonia to leave as ammonium (salts) via the feces.
Pen Size: I do not believe it is acceptable for dogs to be left in pens all day or night where they suffer from the isolation that makes them anti-social and which pens are almost invariably dirty with feces.
Some leave the young dog alone too many hours, which either teaches the dog to hold its feces and urine for too many hours (and getting comfortable with being full and not emptying themselves, and thus never signaling they have to go potty), or causing health problems because the dogs aren't relieving themselves frequently enough.
Leave the rabbit in the cage until she urinates, being sure to check often to prevent the urine from becoming contaminated with feces.
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