Sentences with phrase «leaving kids with»

He's leaving the kids with me until lunch time, he paid for the Mother's Day stall and dropped an extra gift over on Wednesday.
WHO WAS STUDIED: Braver et al. compared the characteristics of a bunch of Arizona undergrad psychology students from divorced families, divided up into groups in which post-divorce: (1) neither parent moved, (2) mother moved away with kids, (3) mother moved, leaving kids with father, (4) father moved with kids, and (5) father moved, leaving kids with mother.
While you might not need this form if you're leaving the kids with grandma for the night, it's better to be safe than sorry.
The conversations lasted a week or two, as Clete and Krista carefully considered their options, recognizing that taking too little risk would mean leaving their kids with less, but putting too much in stocks might make them jittery.
Emelie (Unrated) Psychological thriller about an unsuspecting couple (Chris Beetem and Susan Pourfar) that comes to regret leaving their kids with a new babysitter (Randi Langdon) before going out to dinner to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
This is our first time leaving the kids with my parents for two nights, so it should be... interesting.
Going out with my hubby and leaving the kids with sitter was important to me, as well as preparing for going back to work or just being able to leave to do errands and know that he could have a bottle.
Parents who work well together and collaborate as parents will call one another before leaving the kids with a babysitter.
Never feel ashamed with leaving kids with a sitter for some you time and never let anyone tell you that you can't do it.
I've found that moms are on a continuum when it comes to leaving their kids with someone else, with some moms scooting happily out the door with a kiss and a wave, while others leave with much hesitation and stand hidden outside the door for a few minutes to make absolutely sure that everyone stops crying (I might possibly be speaking from personal experience on that).
Leaving our kids with the care was easy.
In addition to that, the good sit and stand stroller saves you all the worries that come with leaving your kids with unreliable nannies.
This is great for leaving the kids with someone for sometime or helping daddy figure out what he needs to feed the kids.
The padded reclined seats are great for comfort and the sets of adjustable suspensions ideal for leaving their kids with a smooth ride.
I was just thinking the other day about getting a job and leaving my kids with my mom.
No offence but I don't think anyone cares about how his body should or shouldn't be buried the fact is he killed over 3,000 people and leaving kids with no dad or mom all everyone an the U.S really cared about was finding him either dead or alive in which case dead now everyone can rest at peace!!!!!
Critics complain that modern mothers go to work and leave their kids with sitters or in nursery schools; and when they're home, parents plunk kids down in front of the TV.
And so, on a Wednesday night, we left the kids with grandma and hurried off towards a field of lawn chairs, picnic baskets, and Hotel California t - shirts.
I can see why you shouldn't leave your kids with a bottle of ANYTHING - doesn't research show that increases chances of SIDS?
I have to remind myself that it's okay to leave the kids with a sitter and go out.
When he's sick he goes into hibernation and doesn't mind in the least if I would like to leave the kids with him while i run errands or something, he just locks the doors turns on the TV and sleeps through anything!
Freedom to go out and leave your kids with a sitter, secure knowing that your baby won't be up screaming while you're gone.
Especially time away with your husband / partner if you are lucky to be able to leave the kids with a close friend or grandparent for a night.
The padded seats add up to its style as they recline to face each other and leave the kids with a great bonding time.
Need to leave your kids with a trusted adult overnight or while you travel for work?
Start with a small amount at first because applying too much will leave your kids with super white skin.
Introduce Your Sitter to Your Kids Before you leave your kids with a new sitter, you want to make sure they get along and the sitter knows how to behave.
I always hear comments like «I wish my kids dad did more with our kid» «my kids dad didn't change a diaper until he / she was about 6 months old» «I can't even leave my kid with his dad because he can't handle it».
If you can't go on a vacation, maybe you can leave the kids with your husband or a sitter while you take a shopping trip during a time when they would normally nurse.
This is a really great feature if you are working for the most part of the day or leave your kid with a caregiver.
One of my biggest fears was that I'd leave my kids with someone who is incompetent.
Unhealthy eating habits, like crash dieting, can leave kids with less strength and endurance and poor mental concentration.
Whichever family member you leave your kids with may not agree with how you choose to parent and that can be thrown in your face if not addressed up front.
You can also leave your kid with some toys to play with but for smaller children, parental supervision is strongly encouraged.
The 32 - year old mother of two had left her kids with her husband's parents to visit her family in Harrow.
Two of my friends from the Israeli community in Los Alamos left their kids with their husbands, got in a car and drove for 9 hours to be with us, stayed with us until we were released from the hospital, and took us to my adviser's home in Santa Fe.
Second, it leaves kids with imbalanced intake of zinc in relationship to other nutrients (like copper).
Yesterday, I left my kids with my mother - in - law and got ready to go to the grocery store.
We left the kids with their Oma.
I don't really have someone I trust to leave the kids with while we're out; and we only get to do this when my parents are visiting.
My husband was away on a business trip and my mother didn't have any major plans so I was able to get away and leave the kids with her.
The goal of the program is to leave kids with a love of books and learning.
It oozes romance, and is the perfect place to leave the kids with grandparents and get away with your honey for a few days of beachside R&R.
They left their kids with their husbands and grandparents and had a spa day together.
We try to make your stay here as peaceful as possible and for that reason we unfortunatly do not cater for children or pets; this is the weekend when you leave the kids with granny or friends, and have a romantic experience.
First off we are currently living in Klamath Falls with 3 kids... but my husband and I have a dream to have a couple tiny houses and not to leave our kids with a lifetime and a houseful of crap -LRB-: your design here is very inspiring to me as it is life size and so usable.
Definitely no amount of cash could replace someone, but it would bring you peace of mind knowing that you have left you kids with some cash to boost them.
You wouldn't leave your kids with a stranger standing outside the courthouse, why would you trust a stranger inside the courthouse?
If you move out of the marital home and leave your kids with their other parent, you've created a situation called «de facto» custody.
Need to leave your kids with a trusted adult overnight or while you travel for work?
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