Sentences with phrase «left alone with»

I need to be left alone with my own thoughts...
90) It's a dangerous place for me to be left alone with a credit card.
** Seriously, participants in 11 studies typically did not enjoy spending 6 to 15 minutes in a room by themselves with nothing to do but think, that many preferred to administer electric shocks to themselves instead of being left alone with their thoughts.
I was left alone with my brother and I hate you for that.
Supervised visitation is generally limited to situations, as described above, where a judge is persuaded (with evidence) that the non-custodial parent may endanger the child if they are left alone with them — hence the need for supervised visitation.
I believe this anxiety actually comes from being left alone with our new baby, which is overwhelming.
However, they are not used to strangers so get distressed when left alone with the stranger.
If you suspect they are inappropriate with your child when you are not present, make certain they are not left alone with him / her so that there are not opportunities for mistreatment.
Child has psychological symptoms including night terrors, unreasonable discomfort of being left alone with father, clinging to mother when having to go with father on visitation, intermittent stomach aches, bowel problems, etc..
California also provides for supervised visitation in instances in which being left alone with one parent could endanger the child's welfare.
Missouri law specifies there must be strong evidence, such as documented past patterns of dangerous or criminal behavior, that the child will be in danger if left alone with the troubled parent before a Missouri court can order supervised visitation.
If we always avoid conflict, skirt an important issue, never give our critique or opinion, our partner never really knows what we think, and we are left alone with our hidden thoughts.
«It wasn't that I was left alone with it.
«I don't think I felt left alone with it all because everyone fucking knew,» she said.
This can be in the form of correspondence between you and your spouse that would suggest they should not be left alone with your child, reports or testimony from counselors or parenting evaluators, a restraining order you may have against your spouse or even declarations from character witnesses that feel supervised visitation is called for.
They left you alone with the crickets.
Not every scientist or professor is a public figure, but a scientist who writes celebrity columns for The Huffington Post and The Guardian, and appears in campaign commercials for powerful politicians, and stars in a big - budget James Cameron telly series with Matt Damon and Jessica Alba, and writes a book not about science per se but about an epic global struggle for truth and justice with him as the embattled hero can hardly claim he wants to be left alone with his Bunsen burners.
A recent study published in Science found that many participants «preferred to administer electric shocks to themselves instead of being left alone with their thoughts,» which I have to say I completely get.
After walking into the elevator, which has been modified by Harrell Fletcher and Miranda July, you'll press a button and — instead of being left alone with elevator thoughts — you'll hear various choirs begin to sing.
[13] Additionally, Nara was raised in the isolated countryside as a latchkey child of working - class parents, so he was often left alone with little to do but explore his young imagination.
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There's the expectation that you'll be dropped off on a lonely planet, left alone with a sense of dread and isolation as you blast your way through space pirates.
You can be dropped off at your own stretch of Great Barrier Reef sand by helicopter or chartered boat and left alone with a picnic hamper and a bottle of champagne.
One that can get away from the children, if the dog will be left alone with the children for any length of time.
Important note: Pet owners must be absolutely sure their dogs are safe with a given toy before they are left alone with it.
I have been left alone with our 100 pound lab when I was 8 and that dog never once shown any aggression.
Dogs left alone with nothing to do in the back yard will dig up sprinklers and plants, dig holes, chew on the siding and the pipes and wires leading to your air conditioner.
One of my dogs has a fetish about the smell of the pillow and if left alone with one, will chew the ends off and pull out the feathers.
Small children should never be left alone with any dog.
I have made the recommendation that no child under the age of ten (10) should be left alone with a dog, even if it is the family pet and has been raised from a puppy.
Here's an approach we have used successfully to help our dog with a mild case of diarrhea (ate too much grass and whatever else is outside, it's what happens when dad is left alone with the dog).
In most cases, cats can be left alone with adequate food and water supplies for a few days, but if you plan to be gone for any extended period of time you might want to think about leaving your cat with a friend or hiring a pet sitter.
Dogs should never be left alone with children under ten and parents should monitor closely all interactions between their children and dogs.
A puppy should not be left alone with an adult dog until you're confident the puppy is not in any danger.
I don't believe that dogs should ever be left alone with toys that can be destroyed easily.
Benign mammary tumors can often be removed surgically and certain types can be left alone with no harm to the dog.
During his exam with the doctor, it was apparent that he suffered from an unknown head trauma as he was left alone with a large dog for the afternoon.
You have a young puppy that must be left alone with no access to the outdoors for several hours a day
Should not be left alone with unruly, young children.
While some pit bulls are indeed very easygoing, others should not be left alone with other dogs, cats or other pets.
For this reason, a puppy shouldn't be left alone with an adult dog until you're confident the puppy isn't in any danger.
Some dogs have such a high prey drive they should never be left alone with a cat.
A kitten will need to be kept separate from an especially energetic dog until she is fully grown, and even then she should never be left alone with the dog.
The dog becomes accustomed to being left alone with the help of the drug and retains this new conditioning after he's gradually weaned off the medication.
For this reason, a puppy shouldn't be left alone with an adult dog.
Most dogs can not be left alone with a rabbit.
A kitten will need to be kept separate from an especially energetic dog until she is fully - grown, and even then she should never be left alone with the dog.
Pookie's owner also died in the fire, and the dog was left alone with her son, Balloo.
and another myth is while these dogs when raised around kids are good with them they were never ever nanny dogs and no dog should be left alone with any dog.
An infant who is left alone with a dog, would never understand such a threat.
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