Sentences with phrase «left arm forward»

Reach the left arm forward, toward the right foot; then with an exhalation, sweep the arm around the leg and notch the right shin in the crook of the left elbow.
Movement A: Extend the left arm forward, palm faces inward.
After the count of ten, step forward with your right foot, raise your left arm forward at a forty five degree angle, turn your head to the left with your eyes closed and look up.
At the same time, maintaining your forearm plank, bring your left arm forward (b).
Move your left arm forward as if you are reaching for something.
Then extend the left arm forward, spinning you palm into a handshake position.
Bring the knees to kiss each other again and then begin to kick the shin back as you reach your left arm forward.
On the inhale, extend the right leg back at hip level and extend the left arm forward with the thumb pointed up.
From all fours, lift your right leg and extend it long behind you while you reach your left arm forward, lengthening the spine as you extend your arm and leg in opposite directions.

Not exact matches

«The forward and back motion of the right arm is in exactly opposite to that of right leg, and similarly for the left arm and leg,» George Tuthill, a physicist at Plymouth State University, who conducted research in statistical mechanics for over 30 years, told Business Insider.
At the same time, the left arm moves straight back as the left foot moves forward.
Harrison then pulled Fisher's outside (left) arm forward, which made Fisher's whole left side turn toward the line of scrimmage... and away from his quarterback.
Suddenly he jerked his hands down, kicked his left leg above his head, drew back his right arm, thrust himself forward, brought his arm around as furiously as if he were cracking a whip and let loose another pitch toward... what, exactly?
At the finish, Chelsea coach Antonio Conte left the field with his arm around the forward, perhaps with nothing to add but congratulations.
There was a bite to United's play, exemplified in painful fashion for Galaxy defender Tommy Meyer when Rooney's stray arm left him with a cut under the eye which brought a swift apology from the forward.
I had just left the doors of Burger King with my three children, a baby in a car seat and two girls, ages four and five, and in the crux of my arm balanced a refill of Dr. Pepper that I was really looking forward to drinking.
Lift your left arm up then lean forward as far as you can, threading the left arm inside the left thigh and back behind you.
Raise your arms overhead and step forward with your right leg or left leg.
Still facing forward, lunge your right leg out to the side and bend the left while you also bring your left arm straight out from your side so it's parallel to the floor (pictured above, right).
Keeping back flat and abs tight, bend left knee slightly and hinge forward from hips; reach right hand toward floor as you extend your right leg and left arm back.
Begin to bend forward from the waist as you extend your arms out in front of you and your left leg behind you.
Bird - Dog From your hands and knees, extend your right arm forward and your left leg back.
Raise your right arm and punch forward as you did with your left.
Raise your left arm and punch forward, extending your arm straight out as you punch.
Warrior I (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, step your right foot forward into a lunge and swivel your left heel down to the mat to come up into a warrior I pose with the arms reaching up overhead.
Slowly draw your shoulder blades down and back toward your spine; at the same time, rotate your left hand so your palm faces forward, then lift your left arm back and up so its parallel with your straight body.
At the same time, fully extend your arms forward until your entire body (except your left leg) is parallel to the floor.
When the upper right arm moves forward, the lower left leg follows.
When the upper left arm moves forward, the lower right leg follows, forming an X between right shoulder and left hip, and right hip / left shoulder.
With your left fist up by your face, move your right arm forward (keep your elbow in) and punch it straight out (c).
From that position, hold a dowel rod behind the back so that it runs up and down along the spine (if the right foot is forward the left arm is on top).
On an exhale, step your left foot back into a low lunge, spin your left heel down, and cartwheel your arms up and open, right toes facing directly forward, left foot turned slightly in toward the center of your body.
On the next inhale, send your belly forward with knees still bent and reach your left arm up.
Lean forwards, rest your left upper arm on the inside of your thigh and let the weight hang straight down from your shoulder.
Plant your left hand down and reach your right arm up and forward in line with your right ear.
Step your left foot far forward, past the outside of your left arm, and place it on the floor well in front of your left hand.
Keeping your weight centered approximately between your hands, start to creep your left foot forward along the floor so more and more of the weight of the leg comes onto the arm; let the left foot naturally move a little to the left as you do this.
The left arm / hand is going to support your bodyweight as you shift forward.
Reach the left arm straight up towards the ceiling with the palm facing forwards and in line with the shoulder.
Using your arms and your right leg to help you balance, roll forward and back over the entire left side of the butt.
Your left arm should come forward this time, and your right arm backward — both still bent 90 degrees.
Pull your left knee up toward your chest, as you bend your arms 90 degrees and move your right arm forward and left arm backward.
She should take her left hand on the back of your upper left arm and gently pull it back and up, as she presses her right hand forward against your left shoulder blade.
Now inhale and stretch your left arm straight forward, pointing toward the opposite wall, parallel to the floor.
Combo Punch and Slip How to: Start in fighter stance, with left foot forward and right foot back, arms in guard position in front of your face (a).
Then, bend your left knee and inch your left foot toward your left elbow and bring your right arm forward (c).
Now twist your torso and reach your right arm overhead and forward toward your left foot.
Reverse the movement by stepping your right foot forward back into a deep lunge and then sweeping your left arm and torso upright (stay low in the lunge).
Turn your palm forward, lifting your left arm back out to the side.
Holding the knee forward in this deep crunch, you're going to swish it back and forth between the right elbow and the left elbow, trying to keep it as close to touching the arms as possible.
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