Sentences with phrase «left at vet clinics»

Others have been left at vet clinics to be killed.

Not exact matches

In many instances, pets are left overnight at a vet's office when they need to be monitored at a 24 - hour clinic.
Some pets that are very upset at coming to the clinic can be prescribed a sedative to give at home prior to leaving for the vet's office.
Day 4 she went back, pus was coming out her wound, the vet kept her, he left her all night alone at the clinic no watched her over night (I learned this 2 days later when I thought their was surveillance).
I retrieved him and left him at Blair Animal Clinic for vetting.
I always appreciate hearing from other pet advocates, but my husband and I opted to comply with the instruction to leave the e-collar on until suture removal at the vet clinic.
Once a client leaves a private vet clinic with an animal in need of care, the client should have the right to choose where they want to go to receive care, EVEN if it is at a non-profit clinic that CHOOSES to offers the service at an affordable price.
If you have to leave your pet over night at the Metro Animal Emergency Clinic we want you to know that we're recommending it in the best interest of your pet's health, and we want you to know that they are armed with the best and the brightest emergency vet care professionals that you can find!
She left to work at a vet clinic for one year, but realized her true calling is to help the homeless animals of Knoxville.
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