Sentences with phrase «left edge of your mat»

Shift your hips toward the left edge of your mat and allow your knees to drop across the midline of your body to the right.

Not exact matches

There's shatteredness and brokenness and the wounding edges of all the things, and there's purple myrtle densely matting the forest floor, petals studding the dark green leaves.
From downward facing dog, step your right foot to the outside of your right hand, lining the edge of the foot up with the edge of the mat and drop your left knee.
Then turn your right foot out about 90 degrees and your left foot in slightly, so the pinky edge of your left foot lines up with the long edge of your yoga mat.
From Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), bend your knees and, with an inhale, step your left foot back toward the back edge of your mat, with the ball of the foot on the floor.
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