Sentences with phrase «left feeling vulnerable»

Becoming a victim at the hands of a careless driver likely left you feeling vulnerable, and rightly so.
A half - dozen female former Mavericks or American Airlines Center employees contacted by SI claim that they left the sports sector because of a work environment and structure that left them feeling vulnerable and devalued while protecting — and continuing to employ — powerful men who misbehaved.
That leaves us feeling vulnerable to criticism.
Republican members of Congress from upstate are finding that life in the majority is filled with new political perils that may leave some feeling vulnerable from every direction.
WASHINGTON — Republican members of Congress from Upstate New York are finding that life in the majority is filled with new political perils that may leave some feeling vulnerable from every direction.
The Short Version: People with disabilities often have difficult conversations early on in the dating game — sometimes leaving them feeling vulnerable and nervous.
- For most families, and probably for you, divorce is a life tragedy that can leave you feeling vulnerable and...
The development of mutual trust can be sacrificed and the drained partner can leave feeling vulnerable, emptied, and unsatisfied.
«Life can get difficult sometimes and leave you feeling vulnerable, anxious or sad.
«Seeking therapy can be a challenging step, because opening up about intimate issues to a stranger is both terrifying and can leave you feeling vulnerable.

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Bullying behavior often leaves a victim feeling vulnerable, hopeless, trapped and insecure.
However, this may leave children feeling vulnerable and neglected.
But Cuomo is still perceived as being somewhat vulnerable from the left, as his brand of transactional politics sometimes feels out of place in an era of growing Democratic activism.
I was left feeling very vulnerable and scared as well as angry and depressed.
Image courtesy of iStockphoto / fotokon Although cocaine makes people feel more alert and on top of things in the moment, it can leave users vulnerable to a much slower brain in the long run.
Being in this situation leaves me feeling slightly vulnerable and less in control of my own destiny than I'd like to be.
It leaves us vulnerable to when those inevitable feelings of pain occur because we're so avoidant of them and don't develop the tools for how to use them the same way we do with happiness.
«Perfectionists are more vulnerable to depression when stressful events occur, particularly those that leave them feeling as though they are not good enough,» she says.
This accumulation of rejection from a range of different networks could be considered one of the downsides of contemporary life, and certainly it directly impacts on individuals, leaving them feeling sensitive and vulnerable.
A gentle reintroduction Coming out of a marriage can leave you feeling bruised and vulnerable and unclear about what you want for your future.
The actor — who is up for the Best Actor SAG Award for his performance — said: «It leaves you feeling very exposed and vulnerable.
Deliberately paced, the drama may be unhurried and somewhat supine for its 89 - minute running time, but the picture is so invested in telling its story with such an emotionally honest, unsparing and vulnerable countenance, that the viewer's patience does largely pay off, although it may leave some audiences feeling restless.
Even the sex, during one scene, leaves the viewer feeling exposed and vulnerable, the sheer hate and anger behind it making it almost a scene of mutual rape.
Anderson maintained that while the strategy did work well overall, the way that the policy had been implemented left teachers feeling «vulnerable» and reluctant to confront radicalisation.
For the 2.0 T, the 245 horsepower feels more like 220, and leaves the Hyundai looking vulnerable to rivals, including the Accord and Camry, that offer 6 - cylinder smoothness and thrust.
The notes gave physical substance to her words, leaving Starkey feeling vulnerable because she thought of the notes as evidence.
Trainer's first - person narration lets us in on every thought and interaction — from her reluctant attraction to her charming co-host to her confrontations with a vicious competitor — leaving us feeling as vulnerable as our haunted heroine.
Some dogs may also excessively vocalize as they age and develop the first signs of canine cognitive dysfunction.So when these dogs are not getting attention or are left alone, they feel lost, anxious and vulnerable.
She may follow you if she feels lonely and vulnerable to be left alone in the house all alone.
you've got a dash move to get around with, but as it leaves you vulnerable after use it feels almost pointless, and the block button can't be used during quite a few moves leading to some frustrating deaths.
The sense of dread and isolation in the darkness leaves you feeling extremely vulnerable, even when using your flashlight to see.
A break - in is a terrifying experience that can leave those affected feeling vulnerable — even if the only things criminals were after happen to be merchandise.
The ups and downs of life - and specifically family building can leave you feeling depressed, anxious, vulnerable, powerless, confused, and alone.
Have those events left you feeling scared, vulnerable, out of control, and / or insecure?
Any attachment injury that leaves one partner feeling vulnerable and unsafe needs immediate and ongoing attention.
If they don't form that all - important secure attachment to their mother, or if it is worn away by constant handovers from one parent to the other without a sense of a secure home in the background, the break - up will leave them vulnerable to lifelong feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
When these arguments occur, they can take us by surprise and leave us feeling upset and vulnerable.
You have difficulty being vulnerable and you're often left regretting that you revealed your feelings and desires.
But if you took the more courageous, vulnerable route, you might instead say, «I feel scared and inadequate when you leave the room during our fight.
Fact: «The author concludes that men's perceptions of the divorcing procedure and postdivorce familial arrangement leaves them feeling hurt, confused, vulnerable, and insecure.
Fact: «Men's perceptions of the divorcing procedure and postdivorce familial arrangement leave them feeling hurt, confused, vulnerable, and insecure.
Children who have experienced trauma often have a foreshortened sense of future that can leave them feeling hopeless and vulnerable to high risk behaviours.
Children can feel especially anxious and vulnerable when parents leave without notice.
But it also leaves me feeling immensely vulnerable.
Many kids feel disconnected, lonely, scared, sad and angry, left vulnerable to depression, anxiety, disconnection, and psychological and physiological challenges.
This can leave your partner feeling vulnerable, and they may begin to withdraw from you.
Many leading sex therapists argue that porn and its effects have been woefully understudied, leaving clinicians vulnerable to hearsay, personal bias, and misinformation that risks driving clients from therapy, should they feel judged or misunderstood.
Your sense of security has been shattered leaving you feeling helpless and vulnerable.
The holiday season is one time of year that leaves many of us feeling vulnerable to stress and feelings of overwhelm.
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