Sentences with phrase «left his mother many»

Apple's 2013 Christmas commercial for the iPhone tells the story of a young boy who used his iPhone to capture candid video clips of his family on Christmas day and then puts together a short video that leaves his mother in tears.
They are the church that pokes at the others that left this mother church, calling them heretics.
John worried about leaving his mother, but she spiritedly responded, «Had I twenty sons, I should rejoice that they were all so employed, though I should never see them more.»
Third, as schism became inevitable, only a minority of pastors and congregations were willing to leave the mother denomination.
The bride and bridegroom examples, wedding feast, undefiled marriage bed, what God has joined together is not parted, the spouses body belongs to the other spouse, leave mother and father to become one, order God / man / women all united and equal in Gods eyes.
As his father left his mother when he was quite young, and his mother had quite limited means, the townspeople decided to raise money so that DuBois could go to college.
My father died in the hospital, leaving my mother alone, with two boys to take care of.
were 1 to support the supposition that there might be a god... may we not suppose different people «see» god «differently??? Did the 13 colonies leave mother England because of... taxation... & RELIGIOUS FREEDOM??? Then... here's to religious freedom... FOR ALL!!!
I'm fine with that, as long as we include His teaching that «a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh»
That is the reason man leaves his mother and father — to re-unite with a W - O - M - A-N.
This is such BS, Use Synthetic feathers, Leave mother nature alone, She has a hard enough job as it is!!!
To make matters worse, Guatemala's economic and health care system leaves mothers with no option but to give up their babies.
Henry and his wife, Lenora, have a five - year - old son, Henry Jr., and a three - year - old daughter, Whitney, but he has never really left his mother.
We met children forced to quit school and work when the complications of HIV / AIDS left their mothers too ill to support the family.
Babies can go through growth spurts (you read about them here), leaving their mothers feeling like they are doing nothing but feeding.
It is accepted that there are some unavoidable challenges that will leave mothers unable to breastfeed.
Widespread «complications» and unnecessary interventions leaving mothers and babies traumatised and affected.
Double buggies for journey also leave the mother and father worry - free as these types of buggies adhere to the requirements set forth by the Federal Aircraft Management and the majority of the airways around the world.
Other pain relief methods exist, but the epidural is generally the preferred method because it presents the fewest risks to the baby while leaving the mother alert.
Not only does this leave mothers unfairly burdened with the organisation of children's lives, but it deprives fathers of valuable learning experiences, and of useful introductions to healthcare or educational settings.
They don't need to be able to do it immediately after leaving the mother's womb.
Over 40 % of mothers in the USA have to undergo c - section, and such dramatic changes can leave mothers feeling powerless and traumatized.
I left my mother - in - law with the glass bottle Boob and my little Layla took the bottle with no issue and allowed Mommy and Daddy to enjoy our dinner.
The emphasis has left the mother and child in favor of the efficient schedule of the doctor so he can get the most buck bang for his time.
While in hospitals you can enter at the time the birthing process begins, and after giving birth they leave the mothers under observation until a doctor approves their departure from the hospital.
You should never leave a mother's helper alone with your children.
Designed to provide support for baby while leaving Mother's hands free to facilitate proper latching
I think you need to leave these mothers alone, let them stand by in their decisions to homebirth!
Go back to the reasons why this boy was taken from his mother and you'll find your answers about why he struggles to leave his mother's room.
The baby then becomes frustrated, which in turn leaves the mother feeling frustrated.
A woman will dream of her partner being at her side, coaching her through the labor - he may dream of holding his newborn baby in his hands as the child leaves the mother's body.
It may leave a mother feeling sad and angry and unable to cope with caring for her baby.
It can range in severity from a minor inconvenience to leaving some mothers completely bedridden.
Shopping, baking, cooking and caring for a baby can often leave a mother feeling stressed.
Pregnancy, labour and birth are strenuous tasks that can leave a mother physically drained and mentally exhausted.
Depending on the person's metabolism and how much alcohol was consumed over time, it can take two or more hours for the alcohol to leave the mother's system.
Having babies and children inevitably leaves mothers in ridiculous situations.
She picks it up and is already a tiny environmentalist who is set on not leaving mother earth with crap all around.
Breastfeeding mothers receive conflicting advice about whether alcohol consumption can have an effect on their baby, which often leaves mothers feeling like they have more questions than answers.
This redistribution of DHA is essential to ensure optimal fetal brain, eye, immune and nervous system development but can leave the mother depleted and at risk for problems associated with essential fatty acids deficiency, such as post partum depression.
«In the womb, babies take what they need in terms of nutrition, leaving the mother with the remainder.
There are often misconceptions when it comes to the time after birth which can leave mothers confused.
By doing this, she had left each mother with the dignity of her statement.
They are truly ready to be born when they leave their mother's womb.
Although, the use of drugs can leave both mother and baby less in touch with the experience.
The American Pregnancy Association points out that infant growth charts were created with a formula - fed baby in mind, leaving mothers who breastfeed questioning if their baby is normal.
Because mothers are subjected to other interruptions as well — by people performing medical tests, hospital administrative duties, and janitorial tasks — this can leave mothers with very little time to sleep before they are awakened by yet another visitor.
This left mothers with no choice but to use cloth diapers with clumsy pins and annoying covers.
[30] The Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 provided parents with the option to split the year's maternity leave the mother could then take from her employment, allowing parents greater flexibility with childcare arrangements.
Two weeks later, 9M does the adolescent thing and leaves his mother.
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