Sentences with phrase «left knee slightly»

Gently distribute weight between legs, first bending the left knee slightly (weight on straight right leg) and then move back to centre position and swap legs.
Pick up the left foot; bend the left knee; bring the left heel toward the left glute; flex the left foot, engage the gluteus maximus muscle (muscle in the center of the seat) to move the left knee slightly behind the left hip; keeping the left leg slightly behind the right leg also works to give the left hip and thighs a lengthening stretch.
With your right hand placed on the ground next to your hip, bend the left knee slightly, pushing yourself up to balance on your right knee (b).
Keeping back flat and abs tight, bend left knee slightly and hinge forward from hips; reach right hand toward floor as you extend your right leg and left arm back.
Keeping your back straight and the left knee slightly bent, lean your upper body forward while extending your free leg behind you for better balance.

Not exact matches

Again, the left knee is slightly lower than the right (although in this view the difference seems less pronounced).
Keeping your knees slightly bent, grasp the loaded end of the bar with your left arm with an overhand grip and put your other hand on your thigh for support.
Bend your right knee slightly as you push the ground away and extend your left arm up to the sky.
Start on all fours; swing left knee in, coming slightly in front of right knee (A).
To start, stand with feet together and shift your weight slightly onto the left foot, keeping the inner foot firm to the floor, and bend your right knee.
Push into hands to lift chest up, coming onto left knee as you raise right leg, sole of right foot facing up and slightly in (B).
Your left foot should be pointing out in front of you, with your left knee bent and your left foot firmly on the ground; your right heel may come up slightly depending on how deep you have lunged.
Slightly bend your right knee, hinge at your hips and bring torso close to parallel with the floor (left leg should be lifted and parallel with the floor).
Keeping your weight in your heels and your chest lifted upwards, turn your left foot and knee out slightly as you sink down into a lunge.
Keeping your back straight, slightly lower your torso and bring your right knee to your left elbow.
Begin in Warrior 1, right foot forward with the right knee bent and the left foot pointing slightly to left.
Try to keep the left hip stacked over the left knee and ankle, bending slightly through the left leg to help you with your balance.
Bend knees slightly and then reach right hand over as far as possible to the left as you rest your left forearm on left thigh.
Inhale as you raise your right foot behind you, aligning knees or gently releasing the right knee slightly behind the left knee.
My best suggestion is to shift the hips back to stack over the left knee, grab the foot, shift slightly forward, let the foot fall into the hand (turning off the hamstring) then shift the hips all the way forward to find the stretch.
Press your left foot into the ground (4), and stand to a slightly bent knee position to load yourself for your jump (5).
Bend your left knee and sit back slightly until your left thigh is parallel to the ground while keeping your right leg straight.
Cross your left ankle over your right knee, flexing the foot slightly so the sole of the foot is pointing away from you.
Grounding down through the left leg and the weight shifted slightly forwards but not locking the knee.
With your knees slightly bent, take your left hand behind your left calf and use your hand as leverage to ease your left shoulder behind your left knee.
Bend your knees slightly, lift your left foot up and, balancing on your right foot, cross your left thigh over the right.
Bend the right knee slightly, and hinge forward at the hips, extending the left leg straight back.
To come back out of the pose, lift your body slightly, bend your left knee, and pull your left foot toward your body.
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and then lie back with legs straight on ground and touch Ugi to the ground behind head, then sit up and bring Ugi overhead and forward to touch toes.
Rocking Lunge — Begin this warmup by taking a deep lunge bringing your left leg forward and both knees slightly bent as your starting position.
From «Downward Facing Dog» step the left foot forward slightly wider than hip width apart and bend the knee at 90 degrees.
Skaters / / With your knees slightly bent, jump to the right and land on your right leg with your left leg bent behind you with your foot just off the ground.
Bend your knees slightly, come on to the tips of your left toes and pour weight into your right foot.
Shift your weight slightly onto the left foot, keeping the inner foot firm to the floor, and bend your right knee.
As you downswing to your right your right knee will be slightly more extended than your left.
In the wall press, the subjects stood adjacent to a wall with the wall - side (left) leg slightly raised off the ground, while concurrently maximally pushing their left knee, leg and ankle against the wall.
Stand on your left leg, knee slightly bent.
Side Posse in to Develope — Lie on your left side with legs slightly forward, then bend your right knee in and slide your toes up your inner thigh as your knee moves toward the ceiling (Fig. 1a).
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