Sentences with phrase «left not long»

On your first interview, you will talk about your work experience and those workplaces that you left not long ago.
Huawei has been tapped for the first time ever to make a Nexus device, likely a recognition from Google that it needs a major Android player for China to get back into a market it left not long ago.
As best as I can tell, the editor I interviewed left not long after I heard from her.
For context, the idea of setting up a blue - ribbon panel to study climate issues likely came from Tom Chapple, a greenie envirocrat in her administration who left not long after she created the Subcabinet.
Ah yeah, I might have left not long after your turned up, I was getting bored of driving with nothing to do.
In the after - glow of big name titles like Hitman Absolution, Far Cry 3 and Assassins Creed 3 we now find ourselves being reminded of games we left not long ago.
I wore it, ate the dinner and left not long after.
With the support of heavyweights like Mayor Bloomberg and former Mayor Ed Koch, Greenfield won a contentious special election in March for the seat vacated by Simcha Felder, who left not long after being sworn in for his third term to take a job with NYC Comptroller John Liu.

Not exact matches

While I'm not quite sure it lasts that long, I can definitely say that this moisturizer left me hydrated all day.
Here's the other angle - you could be right - because top performers won't work got a micro-manager for long and you'll be left with lower caliber employees that are happy to let you do the work.
As you may imagine and have probably experienced, the key messages of: keeping the customer happy; personally apologising etc. are likely long forgotten by the end of the performance review when Tom's salary increase expectations are exceeded (Unlikely), met (Possible) or not met (Highly likely) and Tom leaves the review demotivated and not carrying the key messages, or the meat in the sandwich, away with him.
That often doesn't leave a lot of mental bandwidth for thinking things through or making thoughtful long - term plans.
Gucci is leaving its long - term tenancy on the corner of King and Hay streets, but fashionistas need not panic, with the luxury retailer simply moving to the other side of the street.
Part of the reason is that it can take years to access prison rehabilitation programs if you have a longer sentence because people with shorter sentences get priority; despite recent national efforts to make opioid antidotes and addiction treatments more widely accessible, many prisons still don't have these programs in place, leaving addicts who make it out of prison far more susceptible to relapse.
Therefore, CEOs can not stay out longer, but must leave the arena and meet the request of the masses.
Although psychological tests have long been dismissed by skeptics, many companies are using them — with great success — to match employees to jobs that they won't want to leave.
The message to Syrians living in opposition - controlled areas, Hof added, would be the same as it always has been: «So long as we kill you, maim you, terrorize you, and drive you from your homes with ordnance that is not chemical in nature, that which is left of a hollowed - out West will do nothing to protect you.
Gallup stated it a long time ago: «People don't leave jobs; they leave managers.»
If you aren't taking the time to get this long - term perspective, you're leaving marshmallows (read: money) on the table.
When staffers go out, they often leave before dawn and return long after dark because the office can't afford very many overnight stays.
Vicky's time off for reflection after leaving her job didn't last long.
They wanted to find one they could drink all day long that didn't have a burning aftertaste or leave them feeling hungover.
Yesterday's decision, while not a surprise by any means, still leaves Northern Gateway a long way from shipping oil.
The critique doesn't only come from the left; there are plenty of hard - nosed investment firms that are agitating to clamp a lid on ever - growing CEO pay, arguing that it's a poor use of shareholders» money and distorts performance as CEOs start managing to their pay metrics instead of longer - term growth.
It means parents might not provide the emotional support kids need, and they might even leave the kids unattended for longer periods, which means the child might start perceiving that the parent doesn't care or doesn't want to form an emotional bond.
Nest founder Tony Fadell left in June, not long after telling tech website the Information that «the fiscal - discipline era has now descended upon everything.»
Citing the view of many scientists that we are living during an age of mass extinction, Antonelli posited that we can affect, through design, how long we may or may not have left.
With the advent of virtual reality, however, it may not be long until people can simply strap on headsets and shop for used cars without having to leave their homes.
You're actions are responsible for the success or failure of your company — not when you show up or leave work or how long your lunch break is (admittedly, right now these are really early, really late, and nonexistent, respectively).
Don't leave your email program open all day long.
If your people think that all you care about is the output and the production yield, it won't be long before they start packing their bags and leave you.
It may not be a popular perspective, but for some women, being the better mother means returning to work long before the maternity - leave clock runs out.
However, Amazon's move leaves many online retailers still not charging sales tax, which brick - and - mortar retailers have long argued is a major competitive headwind.
If you can't sustain yourself for several months on no additional income once you leave your job, then you should seriously consider saving for a bit longer.
«There are losers from (open trade) and as long as governments deal with the losers, so that they don't feel left out, then everyone can benefit,» Pissarides told CNBC on Saturday at the China Development Forum in Beijing.
Centuries of men dying on their way toward Africa, Asia, and the New World left the culture with a sense of longing that English can't touch.
Yet as long as we indulge a fatalism that says we can not know the day or the hour when hurricanes will come, so we should limit our efforts simply to what we can do on that day and during that hour, we leave ourselves open to more injury and pain.
As we noted on Monday, the company will be run by a committee, which is not ideal and makes me think the leave won't last long.
Look at how long users are on the page and whether or not they click to another page or leave the site.
No matter how eye - catching some of the features are, as long as it's not relevant to the main message you are sending, leave it.
Last April's departure of former Disney (dis) COO Tom Staggs, a long - time exec widely speculated to be the next in line to current CEO Bob Iger, left the company without a clear heir apparent — at least not an internal one.
If the Supreme Court rules in favor of King, it would end up leaving millions without insurance because they would not longer be able to afford the premiums, or the deductible.
The people we have kept too long, and have allowed to leave on their own terms, have always made us look back and ask ourselves why we didn't exit them sooner.
This environment can not last, and our decade - long real estate boom has left us in a dangerous situation.
Not too long after payments technology company Square goes public, Dorsey will leave the company, while staying on as permanent CEO of the other tech giant he co-founded, Twitter TWTR.
But in a long interview from his modest new north Toronto office, Dan made one thing clear: if he's leaving theatre, he isn't going quietly.
Big requests might include topping up EI benefits, so that fathers (and mothers, if companies don't offer it) can afford longer leave and don't have to use up their vacation days.
With the number of female founders on the rise, it is no longer uncommon to publicly discuss the challenges of raising capital while visibly pregnant, how long one can put off starting a family, or what constitutes an appropriate maternity leave plan for businesses that are not large enough to require adherence to the Family and Medical Leave Act (Fleave plan for businesses that are not large enough to require adherence to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FLeave Act (FMLA).
Long After Mrs. Handler left Mattel and turned away from toys, Barbie remained wildly popular, not only as a toy, but as a touchstone of American culture.
Price the home competitively so you're not left holding the bag for too long.
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