Sentences with phrase «left obliques»

 What tools? What circumstances? He would not specify, preferring simply to leave an oblique but dark cloud hanging over the electorate's heads.
In Lagree Fitness, you work one muscle group at a time before moving onto the next, so when designing an ab sequence, you want to group ab exercises together, right oblique exercises together, and left oblique exercises together.
The workout targets abs, right oblique, left oblique, abs, in that order.

Not exact matches

You can easily work your obliques by gently leaning left or right to go that direction.
From left to right are frontal and oblique views, followed by higher magnification images of 3D - reconstructions.
The new high - resolution simulations show that an oblique impact by an object with 10 percent the mass of the Earth can eject sufficient iron - free material into Earth - orbit to yield the Moon, while also leaving the Earth with its final mass and correct initial rotation rate.
Stack your right foot on top of your left and engage the obliques to lift the hips in line with the shoulders.
During the reverse crunches, the left and the right sides of the external obliques are involved in flexing the trunk, moving the tights closer to the head.
If you want to target your obliques (muscles under the love handles) instead of raising your knees towards your chest rotate them left and right.
The oblique muscles can be found on the right and left side of the abdominis.
When rotating to the right side, you are testing the external oblique on the left side and the internal oblique on the right side.
These other abdominal muscles lie over the top of our TA and include our right and left internal obliques, our right and left external obliques, and our rectus abdominus.
What this means is that the external oblique on the right side of your body will turn you so that you face towards the left and vice versa.
So, while the left internal and external obliques both contract for left lateral flexion, the left internal oblique and right external oblique contract for left rotation.
As a golfer, I'm sure you know the number of times you have to perform that oblique curl to your left.
A1: Russian Canoe Touches — 2 x 50 A2: 90 Degree Toe Touch Press (Left)-- 2 x 20 A3: Overhead Oblique (Left)-- 2 x 15 A4: Windmill (Left)-- 2 x 15 A5: Overhead Oblique (Right)-- 2 x 15 A6: Windmill (Right)-- 2 x 15 A7: 90 Degree Toe Touch Press (Right)-- 2 x 20 A8: Russian Canoe Touches — 2 x 50
Targets: Triceps, biceps, obliques How to: Lie on your left side (rolled towel or mat under hip) with your legs straight and staggered (bottom leg forward), feet flexed (a).
Engaging your obliques, bring the barbell across your chest and rotate your body 180 degrees to the left side so the barbell meets your left hip (b).
To alternately stretch and contract the lateral structures of the torso (obliques, QL, illiacus, TFL, IT band); to facilitate deeper breathing by stretching intercostal muscles and expanding the ribcage; to create more balance between the right and left sides of the body by working with each side individually — Why is she looking up?
Lateral lunge with standing oblique crunch — Lunge to the right, bending the right knee and keeping the left leg straight.
Her character gets lost in the oblique mystery that leaves a lot of unanswered questions and unclear motivations.
Yet this frustratingly oblique approach to tragedy seems to be the point, as Lanthimos is letting us see what happens when all reason is tossed out the window, leaving nothing but absurdly ferocious emotion in its place.
It was an oblique reference to reimbursement payments to districts designed to ease the transition when students — and their tuition dollars — leave for charters.
Just as they do when left alone to play, children often like to work and rework stories in oblique forms, such as puppet theater, rather than talking about things directly.
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