Sentences with phrase «left with feelings»

When our requests get blown off, we are often left with feelings of frustration that leave us feeling disconnected from our significant other.
Something else I learned was that no matter what happens in the future, I won't be left with feelings of «what if»; wondering what might have happened if only I'd taken the jump.
However, if the original Oz trailer left you with feelings of déjà vu dread, this new promo isn't going to change your mind.
As a big fan of crime writer Elmore Leonard and, in particular, his novel «Rum Punch» (upon which this is an adaptation), I was admittedly left with feelings of disappointment when I first seen «Jackie Brown».
I am eccentric and at times a nihilist, Ulquiorra's fault; Left me with these feelings.
The last one left her with no feelings from the waist down.
Has becoming a single parent left you with feelings of inadequacy and self - doubt?
I've given up on the classes and I'm left with the feeling that this company doesn't care as much as they claim to.
«Getting everyone aligned with the plan and [its] deployment is part of the trick to ensure everyone leaves with a feeling of both ownership and accountability,» says Daly.
You grew up in a time when you had access to only what was within your proximity — which meant as the world expanded (and more rapidly with the internet), you were left with a feeling of «I remember when things were simple.»
One is often left with the feeling that no one in the Middle Ages believed what they said - unless what they said was cynical or wicked.
I was left with the feeling that the whole topic was unsavory and genuinely creepy.
I was also left with the feeling that the word «modest,» has now been freighted with vast new meanings that are strange to me.
For example, the idea that the brain is a complex non-linear dynamic system is mentioned only fleetingly - leaving me with the feeling that we had missed an opportunity for a useful discussion (such as perhaps making a connection with the ideas advocated by Polkinghorne regarding the possibility of chaotic systems «amplifying» quantum level uncertainties up to the macro-level).
Does the relationship leave them with feelings of increased strength and value, or of weakness and self - rejection?
But we are left with the feeling that this first volume is underinterpreted.
The observer was left with the feeling that Catholics have no real answers to the charges that were being made, only that our intentions are good.
Doubtless such suspicions may be traced back as far as the college of the apostles and Paul, but our ironic participation in them today still leaves us with the feeling that something else is amiss besides common frailty and sin.
After spending six hours with him being fascinated, bored and left with a feeling of incredulousness, I realised that what I was expected to believe within the Christian faith was nothing in comparrison to this mans belief, he even had learned the Indian language.
Over the years I got sucked into the food blogger mold of HAVING to post X amount of times, visiting X amount of other food bloggers, posting X amount of photos and writing detailed accounts of each recipe or else being left with the feeling of being inadequate in my role as «food blogger».
the body is tired of heavy digestion and crave that light easy metabolizing meal that leaves you with a feeling of health and vitality instead of lethargy.
The ingredients gently soften and rejuvenate tired winter skin leaving it with a feeling of silky smooth, sweet suppleness.
This smart snack with 63 Sticks per serving and a satisfying crunch will leave you with feelings of «more good and less guilt»!
He never went to college, and that left him with a feeling of inferiority, which may be the reason he developed what some might think of as a Harvard accent.
One of the articles I linked to above talks about how some athletes sought out help, but that they left with a feeling that the counselors didn't really understand what they were saying, because they weren't athletes or weren't around athletics programs.
Intelligent, great mentality, one of those players that when you leave him out you're left with this feeling of injustice.
«I have been here long enough and if the time comes for me to go somewhere else I think I will leave with the feeling that I did everything I could.
With the presents unwrapped and the holiday leftovers gone, many of us are left with the feeling, «what now?»
I am leaving with a feeling of a shifting of my soul.
You're tired, deprived of common sense and you think, «Well, if I shouldn't need it I won't try / buy it,» and that poor women is left with the feeling that they don't know how to solve their child's needs.
Perhaps, they will close their eyes when they hear a certain song and remember how their mama danced and sang in the kitchen (to the old radio that used to belong to their great - grandfather) and the way she scooped them up to spin them around and around, and the memory will fade into whirls of colors and smells and leave them with a feeling that permeates through time.
The consequence is that voters are increasingly distrustful of the intentions of candidates and left with the feeling that they have no influence.
I witness this last year when trying desparately to drum up support for Yvette Cooper but being left with the feeling of a lack of a positive vision and any new ideas.
But both books leave you with a feeling that someone somewhere might soon be laying to one side some slightly rose - tinted spectacles and preparing to tell another story.
Every ingredient in this product is deeply thought out, leaving you with the feeling that someone is truly caring for your skin when you use this cream.
Often called «wear - and - tear arthritis,» osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down over time, leaving you with the feeling of bone rubbing on bone, pain, drug dependence or some degree of disability.
When used judiciously, health apps and gadgets can help keep us accountable and leave us with a feeling of accomplishment and a dose of feel - good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
The daily tussle of life leave us with feelings of sorrow, heartbreak, and endless pain.
Although grateful for the initial diagnosis from my first doctor, I am left with the feeling that he had no interest in curing my disease; that I would not be a continuing revenue source for him if I got better.
Another benefit of static passive stretching is it is so enjoyable and can leave you with a feeling of total relaxation and peace.
Every now and then, the supermodel ads get me browsing, but I always leave with the feeling that the clothes aren't so nice... You've changed my mind — you look great
And I don't even mind that at the end of the day, these beautiful pieces have to return to the press office, because — at the end of the day, too — I'm here to inspire you, not to grow your desires, and leave you with the feeling of jealousy, over a pair of boots.
Wedding — this is one occasion that always leaves you with a feeling of never ending tasks — last minute purchases, dress fittings, rehearsals — what not!
It definitely leaves us with the feeling of nostalgia!
Most years he is way ahead of me, leaving me with feelings of guild.
We fully understand that every day leaves you with the feeling of forever Catching Up.
This will leave her with a feeling that you really care about her and don't treat her just like any other random person in your life.
I can see why Shirley took this on, the chance in a brief period to create seven different characters but none of the vignettes really go anywhere and the viewer is left with a feeling of indifference.
avoids the traps that many «musicals» fall into and it makes all of the songs incredibly enjoyable, rather than leaving them with a feeling of being out of place and just unnecessary.
Self - confidence is everything, they tell us again and again, and leave us with the feeling of having attended a self - help sermon disguised as comedy.
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