Sentences with phrase «leg as»

Please, if we are carnivores I want you to go out in nature tackle a tiny animal and take a bite out of his leg as it's screeching and screaming and you have blood drip down your face.
See if you can be sensitive to the stretch in your left leg as you raise your right leg closer to a 90 - degree angle.
Control your leg as you lower it.
Straighten right leg as much as you can (as shown).
How to: Standing on one foot, extend the non-working leg as you descend into a squat to the box.
How to: Standing on one foot, extend the non-working leg as you drop into a 1/4 squat while extending the arms holding a medicine ball.
Raise your leg as high as possible.
Bring the side of your hips together and then raise your leg as they raise the opposite leg and guide them onto your inner upper thighs.
There is no need to lift your leg as high as it can go.
Now extend one leg in front and while keeping it straight lift and hold the extended leg as high as you can for a count of twenty.
Walking to your car, walking up stairs to your office, and balancing on one leg as you bend over to pick up something off the floor all involve operating on just one leg.
Testosterone induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy that leads to improved muscle strength in the leg as demonstrated in this study.
I suppose the legs here represent the «horse» — maybe we can visualize the long back leg as the horse's «tail — the -LSB-...]
Stand in a wide stance, using your back leg as a support, and then bend your body toward your supporting leg.
Take a step forward -LCB- lunge -RCB- while keeping the other leg as straight as possible.
So in this description you will circle the bell over the left leg as it's in front of you.
Straighten your right leg as you lift your left foot off the floor.
Straighten out right leg as you inhale and walk hands with the blocks back a few inches.
Form: Stabilize yourself with your left hand and right leg as you lift your right arm and left leg.
Though a clot that's caused foot swelling doesn't always have other symptoms, typically you'll feel pain in your leg as well.
In case that leg has any weaknesses, there is a compensation or help from the other leg as it happens during double - legged squat variations is not possible.
Squat down with your planted leg as you focus on pressing down through the heel of the standing leg.
Continue to float the leg as before, keeping the hips lifted and square (not rotating side to side).
If you have already included single - legged training into your training routine, you will have realized, that if you use the same weight for the left leg as well as for the right leg, you will be able to do more repetitions with one of the two legs.
See how the weight is shifting to the left leg as you bring the club up to the left side.
Pull your belly button toward the floor, then raise your right leg as you reach both arms toward your right foot at the same time.
Step your left foot behind the right leg as far as you can — legs should almost feel as though they are crossed.
I broke my leg as a child, and it was set with my foot pointing out, so my muscles have been trained that way and my left foot has always pointed slightly out.
Straighten the right leg as much as you can — think a deep stretch but not to the point of pain — and keep the left leg on the floor.
Press straight back up to the standing position and perform as many reps with the same leg as possible before switching legs.
Push that leg as high as you can in the air and lower back down, repeat for 12 reps, then switch legs.
Lower leg as you lower arms.
You'll want to go all in on this full body move, so lengthen your leg as much as possible to really feel a stretch.
To get the most out of the move, «Make sure to drive through the heel of the bent leg as opposed to coming to toes, and keep an eye on the extended hand or weight to maintain proper shoulder position,» Theodore says.
Lift your lower leg as high off the floor as you can without allowing your pelvis to move.
Grab onto the back of your lower right leg as you draw your chin to your chest, lift your shoulders off the ground and engage your belly button into your spine.
From here, kick your left leg up, keeping your leg as straight as you can and reach your right arm out as you try to touch your left toe.
That's one rep.. For an extra challenge, lift one leg as you dip.
This also helps shift the focus from your upper and outer glutes to the pelvic - core, lower glute and leg as well as the proper spinal muscles.
Step out with your right foot and bring the dumbbell across your body and onto the other side of your right leg as you lunge down.
From Warrior 1, straighten right leg as you turn chest to the ceiling.
Lift one leg as high as you can without taking your hips off the ground.
Start in plank, then lift leg as high as possible, toe pointed (A).
Rotate upper body toward right leg as you shoot hip out to the left.
Twist your torso toward your front leg as you row the weight up and press it overhead.
As you press through your feet to come back to the starting position, raise one leg as high as you can to your side in a controlled kick.
Step forward with right foot, lowering down into a lunge with each leg as close to 90 degrees as possible (B).
Bring your left hand to your hip on an inhale, and exhale to shift your weight to the right leg as the left leg lifts and extends back to counterbalance, parallel to the ground.
Point the toes of the top leg as far away from you as possible and then flex the toes back.
Keeping your chest up and shoulders back, bring one hand down to touch the opposite toe, staying perfectly aligned and getting the back leg as high as you can.
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