Sentences with phrase «leg into»

Transform a table leg into a scratch post with this genius scratching mat with Velcro fasteners!
However, banging my leg into a pile of bins in the middle of the night while returning to bed after feeding my newborn was my motivator to try to finish today.
He complained of increasing neck pain and low back pain which radiated down his left leg into his foot.
At the client's first appointment with a pain specialist he complained of severe pain in his neck and low back radiating down his left leg into his foot and into his big toe.
I didn't realise I'd broken it, and it was beautiful weather, and I pitched my tent and stuck my leg into an ice - cold stream for about two days.
Seat was narrow and hard and only leg room was if you stretched your leg into the isle.
Enjoy a stroll along the white sandy beach and get some fantastic photos of the azure water, before our final leg into Broome where we say our final farewell.
Following an abdominal ultrasound, it was revealed that the heartworm extended into her abdominal aorta and down her leg into the right femoral artery.
Cardiac catheterizations are performed in anesthetized animals and most commonly involve passing specialized catheters via either the jugular vein or carotid artery in the neck or femoral artery or vein in the leg into the great vessels and heart.
If your canine does decide to run off, you can dig your hind leg into the ground to gain control.
At last we boarded our final leg into Tulsa where we were met by family, and Zoe began her new life in America.
I would stay away for now, but keep my eyes on selected floating rate trust preferreds, to leg into on the next leg down.
So, during a crisis, leg into investments that you think people and businesses will still need 3 - 5 years from now.
But I'm no expert so I decided to leg into this sector with a relatively small investment.
It may not happen, so to get in, I would split my cash dedicated for this stock in three parts and leg into positions in a sequence using contingency order.
Or, if you trade options regularly, use an OTO order to leg into a buy - write or covered - call position.
The final leg into Vegas leads us up US - 95 where the endless sight lines and 75 - mph speed limit beg for big speed, but we chicken out at 100 mph.
Instead of jumping into the Jeep to start it, I lift my right leg into the footwell to press the clutch.
Pupils have to substitute the values from each leg into the expression and then write the answer.
Pupils have to substitute the values from each leg into the expression and...
With soft landings, the handover of a school or academy is treated as a gradual process, rather than the standard way of doing things where the tape is cut, the head teacher given the keys, and the builder allowed to leg it into the night with a cheque in the back pocket.
If we make a mistake, the group just resets by kicking out one leg into the circle and saying, «Aoooggha!»
At the time, I lived in New York City, but once the home was done, moved back to the Midwest (where the home was located) and started freelancing as a photographer until I applied for my full - time job (which I knew would give me a leg into the editorial food styling industry).
I was reaching my leg into the car to sit down and suddenly felt my favorite jeans give way.
From a downward - facing dog, on an inhale lift one leg into the air.
If you stand with your feet slightly turned out, your subtalar joint (located below the ankle) is forced to slightly wobble right to left while walking, which means the muscles down the outside of the shin get misused with every step and slowly rotate your lower leg into external rotation - cowboy style.
Poses like Virabhadrasana 2, Utthita Parsvakonasana and versions of clam shell will contract the piriformis, while simple standing twist with a chair and Ardha Matsyendrasana would be good options for stretching it (since they place your leg into flexed / adducted position without the external rotation element, which is milder for piriformis).
Once you've built a solid foundation in this pose, it will become easier to lift the leg into Standing Splits.
Mindfully place your right leg into Half Lotus: Bend your right knee and grasp your right ankle and shin with each hand.
When laying on your side, lift one leg into the air but not going too far as you will activate your lower back.
A simple standing twist with a chair and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) would be good options for stretching it since they place your leg into flexed / adducted position without the external rotation element, which is milder for piriformis.
Don't try to push your front leg into a 90 - degree angle just yet.
After bringing the first leg into position, as described above, simply slip the lower leg under the upper and the foot to the outside of the opposite hip.
Meanwhile, press the inner edge of your left leg into the floor and keep extending from the inner thigh toward your left inner heel.
Bring your left leg into Ardha Virasana.
For example, on the «up kick» of a dolphin kick, the quadriceps concentrically contract to bring the leg into extension while the hamstring, the opposing muscle, eccentrically contracts as the leg swings forward.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder - width apart and take an exaggerated step forward with your right leg into a deep lunge.
Starting Position: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.Lift one leg into the air to create a 90 degree angle with...
From here, you're going to alternate kicking one leg into the air and then the next, switching feet in midair so that there's never more than one foot on the ground at a time.
Exhale and draw your left leg into Virasana (Hero Pose), then your right leg into Padmasana (Lotus Pose).
Bring the other leg into a lunge position and lift the torso up.
Raise your left arm, pointing fingers toward the ceiling as you straighten your right leg and lift your straight left leg into the air, foot flexed and pointing to the side; look up at your left hand.
I had pain in my hip that was preventing me from lifting my left leg into a full extension.
Walk your feet, and when you feel your hips aligned with your head, pull one leg into your chest.
From here, lift your left leg into the air as your press your heel towards the sky. Keep your knee bent and go only as high as you can without allowing your back to arch.
Pulling your shoulders away from your ears and pressing firmly into your elbows, bring your other leg into your chest.
Lift yone leg into the air, then slowly bring it down, lowering your planted leg onto the knee while simultaneously tapping the toes of each foot together.
Dropping the head of the thigh bone into the socket acts as an anchor to weight the base of the leg into the pelvic.
The insane balancing act each morning just trying to get your leg into your underwear... and pants... and socks...
Push back into your starting position, and then step out to the side with your left leg into a squat.
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