Sentences with phrase «leg over your left knee»

Sit on the roller and cross your right leg over your left knee.

Not exact matches

The «short suit» is exactly what it sounds like: everything above the belt is business as usual — sport coat over a button - down shirt and sometimes a tie or bowtie — but below the belt, the trousers are chopped off just above the knees leaving one's legs exposed and more emphasis put on the shoes.
The first, of course, is the violent meeting of helmet and leg, a crunch that caused Marcus» limb to flail unnaturally over his tumbling body, leaving his entire knee dislodged and relocated to the outside of his leg.
The left knee should be bent, left heel flat on the floor, and right leg extended with your weight over the left side of your body (b).
Then, lunge back with your left leg, making sure your right knee is tracking over your ankle.
Rest the ankle of the right leg over the knee of the left leg.
Take your right leg, cross it over your left knee, and make small circular motions.
Lift your right leg up, bend your knee and cross it over to your left elbow.
Cross your right ankle over your left knee then lift your legs up and in towards your chest.
Step out to left side sitting back into right hip (be sure the knee is tracking over the toes) and straightening left leg.
Fallen star kick through: From a high plank position, bring left knee toward the center of your torso and then extend the leg under your body toward your right side, hovering it over the ground as you bring right hand to right hip.
With both hands on the ground, slowly pull your hips back so that they stack over your left knee, straightening the right leg.
Step left leg forward; lower into lunge with knees at 90 degrees, front knee over ankle (as shown).
Bend your left knee and cross it over your right leg, placing your left foot on the floor near the outside of your right knee.
Try to keep the left hip stacked over the left knee and ankle, bending slightly through the left leg to help you with your balance.
Bend your right knee and cross your right foot over your left leg.
Then, bring your right foot over the left leg and place it on the floor just outside of your left hip (the knee should point directly up at the ceiling).
Return to the starting position by reversing the motion and repeat it on the opposite side by performing an extension with your left leg while simultaneously bringing your right pec over your left knee by crunching your torso in the opposite direction.
Perform a one - leg extension with your right leg while simultaneously crunching and twisting your torso so that your left pec comes over your right knee.
Runner's World recommended you put a foam roller under your right calf, cross the left leg over the right, put your hands palms - down on the floor behind you and roll back and forth between the knee and ankle, never rolling on the joints.
Balancing your weight on your right leg, hinge your torso forward and bring the jump rope over your left knee to touch your shin (b).
Make sure that your top leg is not pulling your left knee off your midline and over to the right.
Notice that the more deeply you bend your left knee, and the more fully you rotate your thighs inward, the easier it is to wrap your right leg over your left.
Bend the right knee, cross your right foot over the left leg and tap your right heel on the floor besides your leg.
Cross your right ankle over your left knee, forming a number four with your legs.
Then cross your right leg over the left, stacking the right knee on top of the left, and bring the right foot to the outside of the left hip.
Lift your left leg up with your foot directly over your hip and a slight knee bend.
Bring your left leg up to above your hips, knee bent, and twist it over to the right side of your body.
Cross your left leg over your right leg so your left ankle is resting on your right knee.
Bend your left knee into a square, keeping the knee aligned over the lower leg so that it doesn't roll either in or out.
Then cross your left leg over the right, so that the left knee is stacked on top of the right, and bring your left foot outside the right hip.
Cross your left leg over the right and stack your knees.
By First, come into a classic «chair pose»; lift your left leg, crossing your ankle over the opposite knee.
Cross your left leg over your right so that your left ankle is just past your right knee.
With your left knee straight, lift it up behind you, causing your torso to bend forward over the right leg.
Sit on the foam roller and cross your right leg over your left quad (avoid crossing over the knee).
Lower your hips so that your left thigh (front leg) becomes parallel to the floor with your left knee positioned directly over your ankle.
Glute stretch Lying on your back with knees bent, cross left leg over your right.
Turn left foot out 90 degrees, keeping left knee bent over ankle; at same time, turn right toes in 45 degrees and straighten right leg.
I was thrilled when I found this DKNY skirt at Loehmann's a couple of months ago and it had a zip over the left knee so you could adjust the slit; a little slit for the day, maybe a little more leg at night!
One officer took hold of his left arm; another pushed the back of the deceased's legs with his right knee, causing the deceased to topple over backwards.
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