Sentences with phrase «legacy contact»

«The feature, called legacy contact, appears in Facebook's security settings menu.
Using Relativity, KLDiscovery was able to import legacy contacts, create custom fields to document historical contacts, attach previously issued legal holds, and pull organized reports about the project.
Legacy contacts can add a pinned message to the top of your profile, maintain your page and wall once it is memorialized, accept new friend requests, and download a copy of your Facebook data (if you choose to enable that feature).
As of February 2015, Facebook allows users to designate a «legacy contact» — essentially, someone who will be responsible for the management of your Facebook account in the event of your passing.
The news this past week, however, is that Facebook now lets you choose who will control your Facebook account through a proxy called a «Legacy Contact ``.
Follow the steps for assigning a legacy contact yourself.
You can also set a legacy contact, i.e. someone that can manage your account after you pass away, this person will have the ability to post on your profile and change the picture, but your messages will stay private so, that means that some secrets will remain secret.
Facebook has introduced a new feature today that allows users to select a legacy contact, who will be able to manage their account after they pass away.
Once Facebook has been notified of a user passing away, the social network will «memorialize» the account and enable access to the legacy contact who can manage the profile.
Note that personal messages will be off limits and the legacy contact is unable to log in as the deceased.
The legacy contacts feature is currently rolling out in the US to begin with and Facebook will expand the rollout to more countries over time.
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