Sentences with phrase «legal abortion»

"Legal abortion" refers to the permission or approval granted by the law to terminate a pregnancy through medical procedures that are safe, regulated, and performed by trained healthcare professionals. Full definition
Further research is needed to understand how marital and educational status may influence access to and use of legal abortion services among young women.
There are times when it is hard to accept that advocates of legal abortion mean what they say.
We were running against an incumbent president who very openly and aggressively supported legal abortion.
Legal abortion allows a women to decide whether to carry a child to term, or kill the child.
Then go to a clinic where legal abortions are being performed and call the cops.
Without it, any satisfactory end to the social conflict over legal abortion is hard to envision.
Many anti women's health politicians who are fighting to end access to safe and legal abortion also want to limit access to birth control.
There are currently just 64 centers in the entire country that are authorized to provide information about legal abortion services.
From 1973 through 2008, nearly 50 million legal abortions occurred.
However, we must also maintain safe and legal abortion until the day comes when we can guarantee that no woman will ever conceive without it being her choice to do so.
Bottom line: People must have access to safe, legal abortion services without interference from politicians.
But a serious analysis of survey data over time provides little evidence that this fall's election cycle substantially shifted public opinion in favor of legal abortion.
This woman explains how access to safe, legal abortion allowed her to finish law school and fulfill her dreams.
Reproductive rights groups are ramping up their own attacks on Senate Republican incumbents who oppose the WEA, claiming the conference's refusal to allow the legislation on the chamber floor for a vote flies in the face of public support for legal abortion.
Within the case, two provisions of Texas» clinic shutdown law (HB2) threatened to severely restrict access to safe, legal abortion across Texas: (1) a mandate that health centers that provide abortions adhere to the same standards as ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) and (2) a requirement that doctors who provide abortions obtain admitting privileges at a local hospital.
Further, any woman who has an unwanted pregnancy while attending TWU will face an unconscionable restriction on her autonomy in having to continue with that pregnancy or face expulsion or other discriminatory sanction for accessing legal abortion services.
In the event of a ban on legal abortion, it would force prosecutors into the difficult position of seeking convictions against individual women rather than against the abortionists.
The majority felt that AIMSI must continue to support all women in choice and autonomy, not only in planned healthy pregnancies, but also where there are fatal foetal abnormalities, risk to life and health, and in terms of unplanned pregnancy, to continuing a pregnancy or to have access to safe legal abortion without travel.
Similarly, an AP open records request suggests there is no wrongdoing in Kansas, while officials in Florida backed down about limiting women's access to safe, legal abortion at Planned Parenthood health centers.
I was a teenager and young adult in the late 1960s and early 1970s, before Roe v. Wade made legal abortions widely available in the United States.
He's already cut access to safe, legal abortion care in Mid-Missouri.
According to research from the Guttmacher Institute, illegal abortions occur more than twice as often in Brazil as legal abortions do in the U.S.; in the Netherlands, where abortion is free and widely available, the abortion rate is half what it is in the U.S.
They interviewed senior physicians from Planned Parenthood, who spoke bluntly about their provision of fetal tissue from legal abortions for medical research — a process that is legal under a 1993 federal law as long as the provider recovers only costs for donating the tissue.
«Together, we are excited to end Missouri's shameful one - provider status, and soon be offering four more locations where women can access safe, legal abortion without facing geographical obstacles.
«Legislators who continue to interfere with a woman's access to safe and legal abortion do so against the will of their constituents.»
In 2007 it urged Poland «to ensure that women seeking legal abortion have access to it, and that their access is not limited by the use of the conscientious objection clause.»
It is significant that statistically the strongest supporters of unrestricted legal abortion are affluent white men.
Holland raises the question of how this vote might change, were Nominee Sam Alito on the court, given his refusal in hearings last week to state that the right to legal abortion guaranteed in Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land.
How it works: Women who visit Planned Parenthood health centers for safe and legal abortion regularly express a desire to donate tissue for research.
There is no rational basis for denying Peace Corps volunteers and trainees access to safe and legal abortion under these circumstances, a benefit that is extended to federal employees — including the Peace Corps employees who work with these volunteers.
Health centers in Texas are now struggling to meet increased demand for safe, legal abortion following that wave of closures after the passage of abortion restrictions in 2013.
She has been a supporter of the movement to ban legal abortion, proudly marching in the streets, she wrote in a January 2016 post reacting to a story about Hillary Clinton meeting with Mother Teresa.
Randall Terry, well - known activist against legal abortion, ran for president this year as an independent candidate, and he also ran as an independent candidate for U.S. House in Florida's 20th district.
Wants to ban safe and legal abortion with exceptions for rape, incest and for the life of the woman.
Fought to permanently repeal the Global Gag Rule, a law that prevents the U.S. from providing financial aid for contraception to international family planning organizations that use their own funding to provide legal abortions;
On the flip - side, a Marist poll found that only 21 percent of Democrats favor legal abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy, and 56 percent support or strongly support a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.
Again, there is little evidence that Americans are becoming more sympathetic toward legal abortion.
Lader argued that the original intent of the anti-abortion laws which were passed in the 19th century was to protect the health of women from the dangers of quack abortionists, but since legal abortions had become so safe, the continued presence of these laws had the opposite of their intended effect, forcing women into a dangerous back - alley underground.
Your ridiculous argument that because there used to be «back alley» abortions we need legal abortion is like saying make robbery or murder legal because people still do it despite it being illegal.
Most Americans probably support the implicit moral position of mainstream Protestantism and perhaps of America's religious traditions in general: permit as few legal abortions as possible without damaging women's rights and without making it necessary for women to perform abortions on themselves or seek clandestine and possibly dangerous abortions.
Yesterday in Alabama the House passed a bill to ban most abortions in the state and make legal abortions difficult if not impossible.
The reason for this decline is not fully understood, but it has been attributed to the increasing use of contraceptives, especially long - acting methods such as intrauterine devices, historic declines in the rate of unintended pregnancy and increasing numbers of state regulations that limit the availability of otherwise legal abortion services.
While legal abortions in the U.S. are safe, the likelihood that women will receive the type of abortion services that best meet their needs varies considerably depending on where they live, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Her poster for the 1989 Women's March on Washington in support of legal abortion included a woman's face bisected into positive and negative photographic reproductions, accompanied by the text «Your body is a battleground.»
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