Sentences with phrase «legal academic titles»

I can tell you there is no slow down on the publising of legal academic titles.

Not exact matches

Here's another, scarcely less oratorical in character, from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: the title of this document (another wonderful example of Vatican bogus academic language when what is needed is a competent journalist used to writing informative headlines) is «Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons» (2003): The Church's teaching on marriage and on the complementarity of the sexes reiterates a truth that is evident to right reason and recognised as such by all the major cultures of the world.
But about 5 months later, the decision was reversed on the grounds that, in the eyes of the Spanish system, McBride did not hold a master's degree or a Ph.D. «The forwarded documentation,» said the official rejection letter, «has not gone through any of the two legal processes, neither of homologation nor of recognition, for the mentioned title to be valid in Spain, neither for academic nor for professional purposes.»
According to an article by Perry Zirkel in Educational Leadership (2013) titled «Academic freedom: Professional or Legal Right?»
The answer isn't really legal (though some jurisdictions regulate the use of such titles through statute), but academic.
Carolina Academic Press lists 83 titles in its legal writing category.
The fine print says (alas) that it's open only to residents of the 50 US / DC who are employed by a corporation, nonprofit organization, or academic institution, with a legal or regulatory title.
Each conference is strongly supported by native title representative bodies, native title claimants and holders, their legal counsel, native title practitioners such as anthropologists, government institutions and departments, politicians, judges, academics and others.
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