Sentences with phrase «legal access»

If you set your items at the right price, your customers are more likely pay for legal access.
In my view, legal information is really important, but it is far from sufficient in actually providing legal access to justice.
By the end, we were left wondering: How is this lack of legal access even possible in a country with 80 percent of the world's lawyers?
Yet, there is one topic rarely discussed in relation to technology expanding legal access.
The network will have staffed «legal access points» in the retailer's stores.
There are pervasive legal access issues throughout the economy — from pro se litigants, to entrepreneurs who need business help, to families without wills or simple estate plans.
It seems we have passed from a society that allows legal access to these drugs and services to one that insists that they must be free,....
He supports legal access to medical marijuana, and he believes states should be able to set their own marijuana policies with regard to adult use.
Therapy dogs do not have legal access rights like service dogs.
Drawing from thirty - three years of legal experience, in addition to formerly serving as the executive director of a small legal access nonprofit, I believe I have much to offer.
We work to protect and enable easy legal access to copyright material.
Despite their lack of legal access, companion pets can have life - changing — even life - saving — impacts on people, including veterans.
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles» Self - Help Legal Access Centers provide self - represented litigants help with:
Since 2006, LASOC has been contracting with private attorneys to supplement staff attorney time at the Compton Self - Help Legal Access Center, which is operated by Community Legal Services.
These include the ABA's E-Lawyering Task Force; Law Help Interactive's advisory board; the ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services; the Chicago Bar Foundation's Justice Entrepreneurs Project and its Pro Se Advisory Committee; the ABA Legal Access Job Corps Task Force; and the ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services.
NLSLA operates the largest network of Self - help Legal Access Centers in California.
For the sake of all the people and families who could benefit from legal access to medical cannabis, I hope Savino and Gottfried get this done.
From left, Rep. Gerry Connolly, D - Va., speaks with a Customs and Border Patrol liaison on the phone as he along with Rep. Don Beyer, D - Va., and Rep. Jamie Raskin, D - Md., try to determine if any international travelers are detained without legal access at Dulles International Airport in Virginia.
While cash contributions are always appreciated, Justice Unlocked's Legal Access Fund can benefit both our organization and you.
Unbundling Legal Services, A Guide to Delivering Legal Services a la Carte shows how to build a new, profitable client base by increasing legal access through unbundling, the process of supplying the client separate lawyering tasks according to their direction.
The future of training the next generation of family law professionals is now, and it's called the Aspire Legal Access Initiative which opened its doors in Calgary last week.
The Aspire Legal Access Initiative is out to challenge the status quo of the delivery of legal services.
How does it feel to be nominated for the Louis M. Brown award for legal access by the American Bar Association?
Marijuana interdictions at the Mexican border are down substantially, youth use has not increased in states with legal access to cannabis, and responsible cannabis businesses are contributing tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in economic impact to their communities.»
It was sponsored by the ABA Legal Access Job Corps Task Force, the ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services, and the Institute for the Advancement of t...
As jurisdictions enact reforms creating legal access to cannabis for purposes other than exclusively «medical and scientific,» tensions surrounding the existing UN drug treaties and evolving law and practice in Member States continue to grow.
The government department filed its response to Apple's brief last Thursday, arguing that the All Writs Act, used by law enforcement agencies to get legal access to smartphones, gives the court sufficient authority to compel Apple to unlock the phone.
The only legal access given to ESAs are relief from certain restrictions in no - pet housing or those that require pet deposits, and the ability to accompany their guardians in the cabin of commercial aircraft.
'» Forrest Mosten pointed out, «market demand rather than societal policy has been the source of [the] growth of new service products and opportunities to improve legal access
Stay connected as the Legal Services Corporation, Microsoft and Pro Bono Net partner with justice communities in Alaska and Hawaii to develop statewide legal access portals that simplify the process of finding legal help.
He has been recognized by the Boston Business Journal as one of «Greater Boston's 100 Most Influential Business People of the 20th Century» and by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly as one of the «Most Influential Attorneys of the Past 25 Years» for his efforts in increasing legal access through advertising.
When a solo private practitioner uses their own resources to advances the goals of unrestricted legal access and provides it to the public for free... [more]
Since the first edition, Woody has received two ABA prestigious awards, Lawyer as Problem Solver and Lifetime Legal Access Award and has published three additional books in the field.
In order to assist our recent graduates in growing their legal practices and address the access to justice crisis, Whittier Law School has partnered with the Legal Aid Society of Orange County to create the Whittier Legal Access Program (WLAP).
The offices of the Whittier Legal Access Program will be in Santa Ana, next door to the Legal Aid Society of Orange County.
My goal in part 1 is to impart with you my general thoughts jotted down in bulleted form of why the current state of access to justice technologies will fall short of ensuring greater legal access for poor and marginalized communities.
It's true that only people with parental rights have automatic legal access to the child but there are other legal routes for grandparents to pursue in order to spend time with their grandchild, even when the child's parent (s) opposes it.
The city earlier this year said it was planning to set aside an additional $ 93 million over the next year to provide free legal access in Housing Court to tenants facing eviction.
He was concerned that the point of access would change to the southern portion of West Drive, which many neighbors oppose, because a sentence that will be removed from the resolution reads, «As a result, this approval is contingent upon the applicant obtaining legal access to the northerly portion of West Drive.»
The committee stressed that restrictions on lawful access to prescription opioids could have other unintended effects, and any policy designed to curtail legal access to them will inevitably drive some people toward the illegal market.
Spotify popularized the concept of granting Internet users legal access to a huge catalogue of music to stream without having to purchase songs or albums a la carte.
The Supreme Court deemed that restricting legal access to only dried products was unconstitutional.
An international legal access guide for the USA, Australia, Canada (all provinces), Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
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