Sentences with phrase «legal advice from»

Being unable to answer this question themselves, the head - teacher sought legal advice from the local authority.
Alternatively you may be able to obtain initial free legal advice from a Legal Aid advice line in your state or territory.
While you go through mediation, you may also be entitled to some free legal advice from a solicitor.
Your separation agreement is more likely to be legally binding if you and your ex-partner have provided full financial disclosure and you have both taken independent legal advice from a solicitor
It is especially important to take legal advice from a solicitor if your break - up is acrimonious, if one of you is much wealthier than the other or if your ex-partner is bullying or intimidating and puts you under pressure to sign the agreement.
Seek help if necessary — If you have done everything you reasonably can and you are still being denied access to your grandchildren, you can seek legal advice from a family lawyer.
And you need to get some legal advice from a qualified divorce attorney in your area so that you understand what your options are and what you need to do to move forward in an intelligent way.
Get legal advice from a lawyer who offers and supports options other than litigation.
To sum, make sure you get good legal advice from a competent attorney, consider what is the best process for you such as using mediation, collaborative law or traditional negotiation in creating a Prenuptial Agreement, make sure you have full disclosure of your assets and liabilities and have it signed in plenty of time which is at least 30 days before the wedding day.
You can seek legal advice from a legal aid office, community legal centre or private law firm.
You can get legal advice from a:
You can also get free legal advice from a legal advice line or Legal Aid organisation in your state or territory.
You can obtain free legal advice from a community legal centre or Legal Aid office in your state or territory.
The legal implications of bi-national marriages and civil partnerships can be very complicated and you should seek legal advice from a specialist solicitor if you are seeking to end a bi-national relationship.
This program offers non-biased financial, emotional and legal advice from qualified local professionals, providing people with the knowledge, support, resources and trust that they need to survive the divorce process and move forward with confidence toward a new life.
If you have questions about specific legal rights, you must seek legal advice from an attorney.
If the adoption process has started, you should get legal advice from a solicitor or Citizens Advice.
But many couples do seek legal advice from professionals, even if that's only a one - off meeting with a solicitor or an initial meeting with a mediator.
Legal advice from a solicitor can form part of the process.
This article should not be construed as legal advice; you should always seek legal advice from an attorney if you need it.
For a flat monthly fee employers can get unlimited legal advice from employment and labor attorneys and counsel from HR professionals and safety experts on employment matters.
The cryptocurrency service calls the limitation of disclosure a partial, but still significant, victory for Coinbase and its customers and encouraged users affected «to seek legal advice from an attorney promptly.»
We found support and legal advice from Bity SA, a trusted Swiss entity.
No one should act on the information contained in this document without legal advice from competent and licensed local professionals.
EPLI also includes free legal advice from Jackson Lewis, LLP, one of the nation's largest and most respected employment law firms.
If you want legal advice from us about a dispute with your own insurer there are a few things you can do that will help us to give you advice:
This is not a substitute for professional legal advice from an attorney.
You must take independent legal advice from a lawyer in order to validate the agreement, but your employer will usually cover any costs incurred for this purpose.
The Blog does not constitute legal advice and is not a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed lawyer in your state or province.
As founding member of the 30 year old world - leading global network, Mackrell International, we guarantee our clients immediate international legal advice from almost anywhere in the world.
The article should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed lawyer in your jurisdiction.
If you find yourself, as a candidate or referee, in a similar situation, it is advisable to seek legal advice from an employment law expert.
This includes, but is not limited to, requesting legal advice from other patrons or Library staff, or offering legal advice to patrons or Library staff.
The Service is provided for informational purposes only, and no Content included in the Service should be relied on as a substitution for the legal advice from a licensed lawyer.
Vince Foster, the deputy White House counsel, had sought legal advice from James Hamilton, an attorney in private practice.
To be sure of what clauses and laws may apply to your situation, getting specific legal advice from a qualified and recognised practitioner of law is the best approach.
Like self - driving car technology if such cars have their own dedicated lane, robo legal advice from start to finish for client with a done solution, works under several assumptions about the client, simplicity of the legal problem (if it is a legal problem vs. something remedied by better communication involving the right parties that is less adversarial / costly), etc..
Of course, either way I would end up asking for proper legal advice from a lawyer, but I'd like a preliminary answer beforehand.
[6] John Greacen, ««No Legal Advice From Court Personnel» — What Does That Mean?»
The ILA pilot program began in the summer of 2016 at the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic and will run for two years offering survivors of sexual assault in Toronto, who are over the age of 16, free confidential legal advice from an independent legal adviser.
Never take legal advice from strangers on the internet.
Speaking of «fear and mystery», who in his or her right mind would take legal advice from an unnamed person in 140 characters?
Is there not an argument, however, that a mayor who was a councillor for ten years and who had the benefit of clear legal advice from the city solicitor should know enough not to be a judge in his own case?
For a communication to be subject to litigation privilege, it must have been made for the dominant purpose of being used in aid of, or obtaining, legal advice from a lawyer about actual or anticipated litigation.
Whether they be commercial, regulatory or tax - related, these issues need specialist legal advice from experts who understand how hotels function and how they are financed, acquired and developed.
Nothing prevents a witness from obtaining legal advice from a lawyer.
The best course of action is to seek legal advice from a qualified family law lawyer.
You may also be able to get free legal advice from Citizens Advice or help from Welfare Rights if you're in Scotland.
Although successful mediations generally require several meetings and you will need to obtain independent legal advice from your own lawyer who will explain your rights and obligations under the proposed separation agreement before it is signed, the process is much faster compared to Court litigation, which can take years.
As each case and set of facts is unique, this website is not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice from a qualified legal professional.
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