Sentences with phrase «legal agreement»

The publishing contract is a written legal agreement between an author and a publisher.
We have a dedicated team to monitor our application availability with alerts based upon availability thresholds as dictated by our Service Legal Agreements with our customers.
If you feel confident about giving a relative a mortgage loan, make sure you have a solid legal agreement in place.
Customer service oriented Contract Analyst that carefully reviews legal agreements for compliance with industry guidelines and to ensure they best meet interests of employer.
Artists sign legal agreements all the time: damage waivers, contracts for solo exhibitions at a gallery, agreements to allow our work to be included in a book or magazine.
A contract is a voluntary arrangement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law as a binding legal agreement.
As discussed above, support staff also have limited access to the data for support purposes only, and they are bound by legal agreements that are backed by extensive logging and audit capabilities.
Sure, other experienced lawyers have written books about how to draft legal agreements.
After we complete detailed due diligence, we review legal agreements and negotiate any final terms in the documents.
However, there are ways to achieve a similar result by utilizing other legal agreements.
It's a permanent, legal agreement where you agree to place your child in the care of another person or family permanently.
Still, the remaining $ 1.1 billion is distributed through legal agreements «that are not public» and «provide considerable discretion to elected officials,» the report said.
She also mentioned reductions in the time it takes to complete legal agreements and funding negotiation.
A reader writes: At my current employer, we're being asked to sign a new legal agreement before they'll process our bonus checks.
Sometimes there can be recourse if the parties do not follow through towards an actual legal agreement.
We also advise on and negotiate the various legal agreements required to obtain planning permission and facilitate development.
There are couples who treat separation casually and live apart without any formal legal agreement.
They have to draft different corporate and contract legal agreements and evaluate legal data as part of their daily job activities.
Or, you took a business - law class while getting your MBA and you think you're somehow qualified to review simple legal agreements.
Our free legal forms have been prepared by attorneys and serve as great starting templates for common legal agreements.
We help our clients with strategic decisions in the context of section 106 obligations, as well as drafting and negotiating significant section 106 legal agreements many of which require a novel approach.
One of the first issues that lawyers consider in crafting legal agreements is the capacity and legal status of the entities involved.
And like most legal agreements, consumers don't normally spend much time reading the fine print.
No contracts, upfront deposits, or scary legal agreements.
Best said schools take seriously the accommodation because each student has a written legal agreement that outlines what services and accommodations he or she will get.
This is the main legal agreement between you and the client when it comes to charging fees.
He is regarded for his succinct legal agreements and persuasive legal briefs.
There may be ways to get legal agreements online but only one impartial solution that empowers two lay parties to negotiate and create together.
Sometimes legal agreements or needs can be unclear or difficult to identify.
• Having to constantly create new forms of innovative legal agreements that are responsive to changes in technology.
All of these free sample legal agreements are contributed by professional designers, design associations, and lawyers and are representative of the basic contracts you would need for freelance design work and beyond.
Recognizing the limitations of existing frameworks, the crypto community came together to create standard legal agreements for the ICO market.
An insurance contract, also called an insurance policy, is a risk - distributing legal agreement between two parties: the insurer and the insured.
A live and active debate is just beginning about the kind of legal agreement that should take effect after 2020.
It is a sandbox in which you can draft legal agreements the way you think they should look like.
Without a binding legal agreement, however, there is no time limit on one partner pursuing a further financial claim.
However, we strongly encourage you to seek independent advice when making charitable gifts of annuities, securities, property, life insurance, wills, trusts, contracts and other legal agreements.
The good news is the collaborative process, which was designed to allow couples going through divorce to have difficult conversations and to reach legal agreements in a way that promotes respect, integrity, and kindness in divorce, can be adapted for prenup negotiations.
To become a Net Yaroze member, there was a basic legal agreement under which we provided the SDK, which was a slightly cut down version of the professional one, and under which members could share their work on our server.»
The Family Law Act 1975 provides for parties to a marriage or de facto relationship to enter into a binding legal agreement about the financial arrangements should their marriage or de facto relationship break down.
Despite the importance that TOS play in the governance of the Web, TOS are not treated as serious legal agreements as often as they should be.
2011: A breakthrough U.N. climate meeting in Durban calls for a universal legal agreement on climate change no later than 2015.
India's largest law firm, Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A Shroff & Co has licensed ContractExpress to automate the creation of complex legal agreements.
It's important to be aware how legal agreements work before signing or creating a document, as being well - informed can help you make the best legal decisions now and down the road.
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