Sentences with phrase «legal body»

When there is plenty of justification, the facts are to be considered when the court or other legal body is determining the presence of negligence.
I'm happy for you to share my details with law firms, professional legal bodies and other carefully chosen third parties.
Not all engagements with official legal bodies are like this.
I have: provided legal advice via helpline to prisoners, helped draft parole application, done in - person interviews at a variety of prisons near Brisbane and drafted submissions to a variety of legal bodies including the Queensland Parole Board, the Courts, a coronial inquest and the Human Rights Commission.
This involvement with State legal bodies raises some important issues for legal AI.
Firm Profile Eduardo Biondi Advogados Associados is a law firm spe - cialising in the civil area, especially in the business, con - tractual, real estate, administrative, consumer, supplier defense, real estate development and legal structuring of developments, being composed of a specifically trained and qualified legal body to operate effectively in these areas.
He said: «The unwarranted issuing of travel bans against Mr Mustafa and his colleagues by Sudan's regulatory legal body highlights the lack of independence of the legal system.
«News organisations, regulators and relevant legal bodies therefore need to make sure, as changes and new measures are introduced, that these are not rooted in the past but seek to enable responsible investigative journalism to flourish in the future,» he said.
«It simply says that DOJ can not use a flawed legal argument, unsubstantiated by any other legal body as they did in Milwaukee, to start investigations of possible Title II violations.
Jointly drafted by Republican John Marshall Butler and Democrat Hubert Humphrey, the law was an extension of the Internal Security Act of 1950, and sought to outlaw the Communist Party by declaring that the party, as well as «Communist - Infiltrated Organizations» were «not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies».
They aren't — but a grade system that shows participating lawyers and firms a system of ranking would encourage legal professionals to partake in a cause that concerns administrative legal bodies, the legal profession, and most importantly, the very people we are meant to serve, our neighbours.
We have a serious interest and association with all the professional legal bodies around the UK as well as specialist medical negligence and catastrophic injury societies, you know you can trust us.
The legal profession and government legal bodies have made a concerted effort to broaden the profile of the judiciary, according to the first progress report of the Judicial Diversity Taskforce.
Most egregiously, judges and governing legal bodies often remain unaware of the background manipulations, tricks, and misleading advice that lawyers convey to unrepresented parties, with the effect that opposing counsel often functions as the facilitator and precipitating agent behind the mishandling of the self - represented litigant's own case.
While it is not a contract, because that would imply some super-federal legal body, it is indeed a compact.
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is the core legal body of the United Nations system in the field of international trade law.
While these measures may not be as obviously offensive on their face as the previous suspicious transaction reporting requirements, the various legal bodies nonetheless opposed the measures again on the basis that they undermine the solicitor - client relationship.
Our focus is opening up data in the legal sphere: court listings, judgments, information about reporting restrictions and expanding the Freedom of Information Act to include more legal bodies.
So at a point of time, they will have to create actual legal bodies and incorporate it in Europe, being submitted to these rules.»
The 524 - page report by the Australian Law Reform Commission, led by Indigenous judge Matthew Myers, was tabled in Federal Parliament last week and has been supported by Aboriginal legal bodies and human rights organisations across the nation.
Regulatory Agencies are not some supra - national legal body that does not have to bow to the whims of our legal system.
Yes, a hitting player has the onus to make sure he throws a clean, legal body check.
In some countries, State legal bodies, as well as regulators, have simply side - stepped the issue of New Wave legal tech and ignored it, allowing AI and legal tech companies to progress without much contact.
A small number of our lawyers are regulated by other professional legal bodies including The Bar Standards Board, the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, and in the case of lawyers admitted in other jurisdictions, the relevant regulatory body of their place of admission.
Eduardo Biondi Advogados Associados is a law firm specialising in the civil area, especially in the business, contractual, real estate, administrative, consumer, supplier defense, real estate development and legal structuring of developments, being composed of a specifically trained and qualified legal body to operate effectively in these areas.
Addressing a selection of UK suppliers and chaired by the chairman of one of the suppliers, it claims that it models and maintains professional criteria within the industry and manage areas of shared interest between legal professionals and software providers — including the Land Registry, LSC, Legislation Society & other legal bodies.
Through engagement and cooperation with political, regulatory and legal bodies, members commit to working together, as representatives of the UK cryptocurrency community to:
There is no legal body (at the moment of writing) that protects the right of investors (If any exists) You are completely left to yourself and the sincerity of the project developers.
Consequently, the legal body, in a statement that was signed by its Director of Information, Mr. Soji Oye, asked various Heads of Court to direct the six suspended Judges to resume their judicial duties with effect from June 7, «as there are already backlog of cases in their various Court for the past eight months».
But defending the decision, Mr Lamb said: «The Liberal Democrats have listened to the concerns of patient organisations, research charities, legal bodies, royal colleges and medical unions who have told us the Bill in its current form could actually put patient safety at risk.
Such an examination of the issue should involve patient organisations, legal bodies, royal colleges and medical unions.»
In addition, Mr Straw said the current appointments commission would be made a legal body and have a new duty to scrutinise political appointments not only for propriety but also for «suitability», to ensure the House of Lords was full of the right people.
Most disability groups oppose assisted dying, as do religious groups and some legal bodies.
It operates on behalf of the academy trust, which is the legal body responsible for running the academy - these will be the governing body members I am referring to in this article.
It operates on behalf of the academy trust, which is the legal body (charitable company) responsible for running the academy or academies within the multi-academy trust.
Yahoo isn't the original source for all this information, it is the legal body which oversees the firms listed on the stock exchanges in a country (i.e. SEC in US).
Though, as far as Artificial Lawyer can see, legal AI companies here are not seeking out legal bodies or regulators in the UK to gain approval or official bona fides, even if they're happy to come along to events.
New York commercial law, also known as business law, is the legal body which governs the operations of business and commercial activities.
I doubt any legal body would take the time to actually care about these types of things but if for some reason they wanted to persue it could the web host be forced to provide what ever details they do have on people who respond?
Virginia commercial law, also known as business law, is the legal body which governs the operations of business and commercial activities.
Since the Brexit vote on 23 June, the legal body has contacted ministers and officials across the UK government.
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