Sentences with phrase «legal channels»

They advocate through legal channels for bills that promote the ethical treatment for animals.
«There is oversight through appropriate legal channels,» he said.
As 3D printing becomes more popular and more accessible to the average consumer, the key issue for businesses will be ensuring that their products are readily available through legal channels.
But when an ambitious district attorney named Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) comes forward to challenge Gotham City's villainy through proper legal channels, the man also known as Batman sees an opportunity to replace his vigilante persona with a figure of virtue who will truly inspire the best in the citizenry.
After providing a brief history of women in the legal profession, Stein's article analyzes blog entries on topics such as equal pay, institutional discrimination and gender dynamics and then suggests reasons why women lawyers seeking equality might turn to blogging in place of legal channels.
Xerox has fully disclosed the joint venture agreements, and the company will respond to Mr. Deason's legal claims through the appropriate legal channels in due course.»
Orengo said they would not seek redress through legal channels again, adding that they had tried once and failed.
For their part, Republicans have campaigned against the legislation over the years, saying a state with limited resources should help those who come to the country through legal channels first.
«With ongoing federal investigations into potential ethics violations by several state lawmakers, this report highlights that there are many legal channels through which special interests exert their influence in Sacramento,» Kathay Feng, executive director of CA Common Cause, said in a press release.
«A lot of people don't come here through the so - called legal channels,» said Marian McDonald, associate director for health disparities at the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) at CDC.
It is understood that Land Rover is continuing to investigate potential legal channels over what it regards as intellectual copyright and will not make an official statement on the matter while it is pursuing these claims.
And the fact that Libre will make their title available worldwide through legal channels makes me pretty happy!
Capture, breeding and marketing of exotic animals is often done outside legal channels, thereby compromising the animals» right to humane treatment and the public scrutiny imperative for disease identification and control.
That is, the NLRA's failings have left the traditional legal channel for collective action blocked, but this blockage has not dissipated the demand for organization.
If ѕоmеоnе wаntѕ tо contest thе ownership оf аnу раrt оf thе estate, thеу muѕt gо thrоugh thе аррrорriаtе legal channels.
Human Rights Commissions dispense «parallel justice,» «prosecuting» and «convicting» people outside of normal legal channels.
He or she can assist you in leveraging the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (UCAPA) to ensure that your child is not vulnerable to parental abduction, as well as communicating through the most appropriate international legal channels on your behalf.
A few lots still remain in the hands of banks or federal agencies and are winding their way through the various legal channels and bureaucracies of those entities.
If it were to be trademarked — through proper legal channels - no one other than the owner of the trademark would be entitled to use it or license it.
The perpetrator was a sophisticated, tech - savvy and unscrupulous sort, based abroad, and while my lawyer friend pursued the matter through appropriate legal channels, getting the offending material removed from major search engines was a cumbersome, lengthy and expensive process, during which time anyone searching my friend's name online was bombarded with an array of falsified documents, quotes and images intended to inflict as much reputational damage as possible.
Grandparents may see the need to go through legal channels for visitation rights if they do not trust one of the parents (such as a former son - or daughter - in - law) to allow them to see their grandchild otherwise.
«If I have a case that I feel needs to go to the D.A., I have to take my information to Tulsa Animal Welfare to pursue through legal channels,» Geen said.
Recognition can also occur through legal channels.
«Now that one of our mining sites has been forcefully closed down by the governor without regard to the court's pronouncement on maintaining the status quo at that particular site (and without any formal communication from the Edo State Government), BUA as a responsible corporate entity has instructed its lawyers to report back to the courts on this latest developments and pursue all legal channels to enforce its rights.»
A person who does not get his testosterone injections through legal channels, meaning from a licensed US pharmacy with a valid doctor's prescription, may be administering medication that is not what it seems, is diluted, expired, or made up of toxic chemicals.
The billionaire would hate the man, if only he weren't so appreciative of the Batman's work and the only real possibility that the city could have a legitimate hero who would take on crime through the proper legal channels.
A spokesman for Park View School said they would challenge the Ofsted report through the appropriate legal channels.
Publishers should want to encourage readers to find their authors» work through honest / legal channels, and without gouging the libraries.
Meanwhile, the brand name medications obtained by your veterinarian through legal channels are all FDA approved, meaning they have gone through rigorous research and testing to prove that they are safe and effective.
This is the gentle way of saying that Steam distributes games without obtaining licenses via the legal channel — and this is unlikely to persist forever.
I'm a structural engineer - in - training (< 5 years experience), so I am super pumped that tiny houses are following all the legal channels.
If Mr Randerson wishes to convey the science he should get on with that and leave «a comprehensive and carefully researched attempt to get to the bottom of the emails affair» to the legal channels where it belongs.
The right to sue for compensation through the civil courts is a remedy that is distinct from pursuing an abuser though the criminal courts, or through other available legal channels.
Despite such risks, people have been investing in millions as hoarding cash or transacting through legal channels have become increasingly risky,» Sanjay Sharma added.
As we've seen clarified in recent months regarding FISA requests, Apple is obligated to hand over certain user data if the proper legal channels are employed.
Parents who cease to make timely payments for child support, without going through the proper legal channels, will usually find that they accumulate arrears owed to the other parent that must be paid.
One suggestion is when all legal channels to improve the situation have been exhausted.
They are secured both by the deal and through the proper legal channels
Through legal channels, these companies obtain consumer information, such as mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mails.

Phrases with «legal channels»

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