Sentences with phrase «legal code»

A legal code is a collection of laws or rules that has been established by a government or authority, which serves as a guide for people to follow in order to know what is considered legal and illegal in a specific jurisdiction. It is a set of written regulations that govern various aspects of society, such as personal conduct, business transactions, and public behavior. Full definition
The evolution of technology is changing various job functions, and legal coding specialist is one of them.
Many laws go into property investment, including legal codes for expansion, business licenses, contract and lease agreements, fair housing laws, and so much more.
Sometimes numbers are sequential for the entire legal code, more often they are not.
Since this supplementary information is not part of the actual legal code itself, it is not in the public domain, and they are under no obligation to provide it to anyone.
Named after sections of the bankruptcy legal code, they're called Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
The dealer / user distinction found in many legal codes should be carried over to the politics and ethics of global warming.
It asks the questions and produces the visual mark and links to the resulting legal code for each combination of license terms.
It is about self - government, the on - ground practical application of the inherent sovereignty of Indigenous peoples anywhere, whether part of the explicit legal codes or not.
Many structures will begin with a list of legal definitions that are used throughout the sections under that structure, occasionally these will apply to the entire legal code.
Mr. Cochran had a vision that his law firm would both seek justice for victims of powerful organizations and seek real reform in legal code.
book «Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace», refers to the idea that computer code has progressively established itself as a predominant way to regulate behavior to the same degree as legal code.
Landlords can be overwhelmed with legal codes and details as they try to protect their property and income.
Rowan Williams told the Church of England Synod this afternoon that he had not been advocating the introduction of the Islamic legal code in the UK.
Although the core principles of law in the UAE are drawn from Sharia law, most legislation is comprised of a mix of Islamic and European concepts of civil law, which have a common root in the Egyptian legal code established in the late 19th to 20th centuries.
This Virginia Landlord Tenant Handbook includes the full legal code of the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act.
The US legal code regarding threatening a president is 18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency.
Although Leviticus 18 and 20 prohibit homosexual activity, why is it that prohibitions within the same legal codes that carry the same penalties (cf. not having intercourse during a woman's menstrual period, Lev.
In his own legal code promulgated at Melfi in 1231, Frederick followed the legal precedents of the era, including those of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, in condemning heresy, sacrilege, treason, usury, and counterfeiting (in that order) as structural crimes against the state.
The California Legal Code establishes a number of legal requirements that step - parents must fulfill, in order to eligible to adopt a partner's child.
For further information about child custody laws in Montana, speak with a qualified attorney in Montana or refer to the Montana legal code.
* Great speaking voice and superior customer service skills * Knowledge of state legal codes and precedents * Expertise with accounting and information retrieval software * Ability to type 70 wpm * Highly organized and reliable
«The secular application of the Ten Commandments is clearly seen in its adoption as the fundamental legal code of Western Civilization and the Common Law of the United States.»
For some conservative American critics, the word is sinister — connoting a draconian legal code that they contend threatens to subvert American law.
He built many churches; he issued the Justinian legal code, which profoundly influenced Western canon law and he tried to uphold orthodoxy by calling the Fifth Ecumenical Council, which condemned the Monophysites, who held that Christ had only a divine and not a human nature.
Sharia is many things; not just legal code.
Jewish legal codes varied according to circumstances of the people of Israel in different periods of their history.
Anti-Shari» a laws prohibiting judges from consulting Islamic laws have been passed in several states — in spite of the fact that at present there isn't the slightest danger of Shari'a usurping our secular legal code.
The German legal code will now read: «Marriage is entered into for life by two people of different or the same sex», AFP news agency reported.
Friday's event illustrates that Bahrain has categorically stopped paying lip - service to the international agreements on human rights that it promised to ingrain in its domestic legal code and constitution in 2012, amidst widespread public discontent.
@endolith - my understanding is that impeachment does not have to fit a specific legal code crime, but I could be wrong.
The earliest recorded legal codes that we know of date from 4400 years ago.
Abandoning leap seconds, for example, would create chaos for world governments, because most national legal codes and international treaties are based on civil time.
It's pretty clear why so many folk tales of the time involved the unspeakable horrors of what might happen to a family outside the comforting climbs and exacting legal codes of their tight - knit communities: If you didn't conform to society's by - laws, you were a sitting duck for the devil's mischief.
Even the Hammurabi Code which is the basis for today's legal code system.
Rhode Island was unique in allowing divorce based upon other, more ambiguous grounds, as well... [as] an omnibus clause in the state's legal code authorized divorce based upon... «gross misbehavior and wickedness in either of the parties repugnant to and inconsistent with the marriage contract»... the relative vagueness of the terms «gross misbehavior and wickedness» left room for interpretation by Rhode Island judges.
I couldn't find anything in the Texas Legal Code.
I looked at a few of the relevant state legal codes yesterday, and if the state regulators want to play hardball, they would go with the second interpretation, and pull the rug out from under the feet of those who were relying on the first interpretation.
Their rules of engagement are specific and their armed partners adhere to a stringent legal code.
This site is about Law, so the most relevant part of your answer is where you allude to «government regs», and this could be a great answer if you can give more details: can you cite the specific sections of the Italian legal code where this requirement is created, or at least give links where specifics can be found?
Guernsey became the first jurisdiction in the world to establish an individual legal code solely for the registration and protection of image rights, thus offering low tax benefits and greater legal protection.
• The Laws of Manu, the oldest Indian legal code, which we mentioned had cited by the International Court of Justice in 1996 and in one of the major constitutional judgments of the Phillipines.
Its flagship products aggregate legal codes, case law, and legal scholarship, among other legal sources, alongside extensive indexing.
Because the bankruptcy process is part of the U.S. and Pennsylvania legal codes, the rulings that come out of this are enforced and protected.
They do see, however, mutually shared advantages to international trade and investment, and in harmonizing legal codes.
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