Sentences with phrase «legal criteria»

Our propose and advise on the various legal criteria for investment sectors e.g. real estate, banking, stocks, oil and gas as well as various financial products to better protect our clients.
They include not only the form of the line - drawing commission, but also which legal criteria will govern its actions.
In addition, there are a variety of legal criteria that many owners don't know about, such as the Federal Fair Housing and HUD guidelines.
In order for internships in «for profit» companies to qualify as unpaid, they must meet six federal legal criteria as outlined in this United States Department of Labor fact sheet.
In fact, the respondents were relatively restrictive in defining close family even where legal criteria are fully met: only half of the respondents who actually had stepchildren defined those children as close family.
The Canadian government assesses each claim on its own merits, and according to specific legal criteria such as internal flight alternative, credibility, alternative places of claiming refugee status, and other criteria.
Where a State assesses the native title claim against legal criteria prior to entering negotiations with the claimant group it is important that there is a clear understanding by the group of what is required to satisfy the government's test.
Day care centers provide group environments of 12 children or more, while following minimal legal criteria of child to caregiver ratio.
«The purpose of the preliminary examination is to determine whether legal criteria for opening investigations are met in Nigeria.»
The Sky Blue team then dissects what can and can not be disputed within each credit report based on the statute of limitations and other legal criteria, some of which is federal and some of which varies from state to state.
A Japanese embassy spokesman said foreign judgments are recognized in Japan if they meet certain legal criteria under Japanese law.
A vague provision does not provide an adequate basis for legal debate, that is for reaching a conclusion as to its meaning by reasoned analysis applying legal criteria.
By contrast, in a litigated divorce, a judge decides all contested issues according to standard legal criteria that may not fit well with the needs of the parties.
(46) This emphasis on legal criteria can only raise the threshold for the commencement of negotiations or, once negotiations commence, reduce the scope of the negotiations to specific native title rights and interests.
The truth is that none of these are legal criteria for entering into an IVA.
DuMoulin Boskovich counsels know the complexities of the specific legal criteria that must be met in order to establish a committeeship.
Despite this flexibility the relationship between Victoria and the claimant groups still assumes that the State will have a discretion to enter into negotiations depending on its assessment of the claim against legal criteria.
While a number of states require the claimant group to provide the State with evidence in relation to legal criteria as a condition precedent to commencing negotiation, there are varying degrees to which the legal tests are applied.
In the United States, legal criteria must be met to be labeled pure vanilla extract.
The question becomes whether Paladino's actions meet the legal criteria for dismissal.
Sometimes it can even «reac [h] the legal criteria for harassment, so someone is not just saying rude things to you but is... potentially even threatening you or trying to wiggle their way into your life,» Phillips says.
But during his confirmation hearings, he said he had dropped the death penalty in an Alabama case when he learned it did not meet the legal criteria, weathering political attacks for the decision.
These legal criteria are present in a wide range of situations, often similar to personal injury claims.
«It will require us to look beyond the legal criteria and make sure clients are aware of the social acceptability of their project,» he says.
The narrow issue the Supreme Court will consider is whether Congress has the authority to confer a right to sue through legislation where the legal criteria for standing have not been met.
You may feel overcrowded; however, you will only get help if you meet the legal criteria.
In South Australia negotiation threshold issues are directed to ensuring that the negotiation process between the native title claim group and the government is productive rather than ensuring that the legal criteria for establishing native title is met.
Once the State concludes that the individual has met the legal criteria for The Program, an evaluation request is sent to The Program for this individual.
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