Sentences with phrase «legal error it found»

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Not only has Rumsfeld threatened sources with legal prosecution, from the Briefing Room podium, on national television, he notes, but the Pentagon also refuses to confirm or deny much of the information that reporters do manage to find out, thus ensuring that the news that does reach the public is often riddled with guesswork and error.
It said the other legal error apparent on the face of the record could be found under Article 10 of the NPP Constitution, which deals with the removal and suspension of elected officers from the level of constituency, regional and national officers.
Following a legal tussle that resulted in a Supreme Court order that the EC allowed the affected candidates correct the errors and resubmit their forms, the three candidates were subsequently found to have amended the errors on their forms hence given the nod to represent their parties in the elections.
Finally, you may also find quite interesting the concluding Amicus section that points out the numerous science - related legal errors the EPA committed which taken together all but guaranteed that its EF - related analytical process was grossly flawed.
The court determined that the Bankruptcy Court's failure to find undue hardship before confirming the plan was a legal error, but was enforceable because United failed to timely appeal the order.
Second, Strathy C.J.O. found no error in the lower court's finding that the Rochon pleading demonstrated a more informed and sophisticated understanding of the legal issues.
A panel reviewing a decision of a single judge under s. 680 (1) is to be guided by three principles: absent palpable and overriding error, the review panel must show deference to the judge's findings of fact; the review panel may intervene and substitute its decision for that of the judge where it is satisfied the judge erred in law or in principle, and the error was material to the outcome; in the absence of legal error, the review panel may intervene and substitute its decision for that of the judge where it concludes the decision was clearly unwarranted.
In other words, once emerging good writers learn a legal - writing concept or rule from others» criticism, rarely will you find the same error in future work.
Although Markman assigned claim construction to the trial judge, it did not expressly state whether factual findings subsumed in that issue are subject to de novo review (as normally would be the case for legal rulings) or to review for «clear error» (as normally would apply to judicial fact findings).
However, if the legal principle is not readily extricable from the findings or inferences of fact, then the judge's conclusions should not be overturned absent palpable and overriding error (Housen at paras. 26 - 36).
The Court of Appeal found that the trial judge made an error of law by ignoring the legal doctrine that an agreement that is signed in counterparts forms a binding agreement as demonstrated in Foley v R., [2000] 4 CTC 2016 (TCC).1
Although the Court of Appeal did not find that Judge Lenehan had erred in law by stating that «a drunk can consent», his application of the legal test for a person's capacity to consent to sexual activity was a legal error.
When this style is selected, PerfectIt also checks spelling, capitalization, hyphenation and italicization in legal terms based on Black's Law Dictionary; finds errors in case citations based on The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation; and suggests style tips from The Red Book: A Manual On Legal Style by Bryan Garner and The Elements of Style by Strunk & Wlegal terms based on Black's Law Dictionary; finds errors in case citations based on The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation; and suggests style tips from The Red Book: A Manual On Legal Style by Bryan Garner and The Elements of Style by Strunk & WLegal Style by Bryan Garner and The Elements of Style by Strunk & White.
A U.S. Department of Justice investigation of Ferguson, Mo., after the Michael Brown shooting found 16,000 arrest warrants in a town with a population of just 21,000 — many, easily challenged errors in tickets, notices, legal process.
While citation styles in other disciplines have moved increasingly towards greater simplicity and clarity, concentrating on malleable concepts and abandoning the use of arcane bibliographic terms and obscure abbreviations, all legal citation guides continue to share and suffer from the same conceptual error: namely, that there should be a rule for every possible source to which a legal professional might refer and, better yet, an abbreviation for every source in which the reference might be found.
If you were injured by the negligence and errors of a medical provider or institution such as a clinic or hospital, find out about your legal options.
The American Bar Association (ABA) has found that appointments and deadline related errors account for most legal malpractice claims.
In this issue of Legal News, find out if your car insurance policy is protecting your family, what the greatest gift of love ever given was, and what the consequences are for pharmacy errors.
The Legal Ombudsman has the power to «determine» a complaint, and notably, if the Legal Ombudsman decides the complaint is founded, to order redress in a variety of forms (to apologize, to pay monetary compensation, to correct an error...).
Continue reading «Section 1717: Although Legal Error Present In Not Finding Fee Entitlement, Fee Denial Affirmed Because Of Failure To Apportion»»
The House of Lords held, however, that the legal test applied by the SIAC was not an error of law and that the SIAC was entitled on the facts to find as it had done.
The Court observed that it could not interfere with those findings in the absence of a finding that the chambers judge had committed a palpable and overriding error in making them, or had proceeded on the wrong legal principle or applied the wrong legal test to them.
AI has already been helping lawyers work more effectively, such as providing legal research through automated searches of case law and statutes, other discoverable information, proofreading, error correction, finding missing information, document formatting and correcting inconsistent language use.
Indeed, although many medical professionals perform their jobs with the utmost care, errors do happen, and those harmed as a result of possible negligence on the part of a medical professional should consider finding experienced counsel to help them navigate the legal system.
Given that expert evidence has fea - tured for centuries in the English legal system it is surprising that some simple and glaring errors are still made or found in the courts.
Given the manifest errors in it, I find it depressing that a Bencher, a leading member of the legal profession, would make such an argument)-- and other opponents of TWU is that with a modicum of critical analysis they fall apart (see, for an examination of other, similar, arguments).
«We feel that the findings are not justified on the evidence and that there are significant legal errors in the decision.
Proofreading: Legal secretaries should be able to proofread documents that they or others have typed, and correct errors found in spelling and usage.
«The legal errors in the arbitration award concerned the remedy for parental alienation, not the finding that parental alienation had occurred.
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