Sentences with phrase «legal gun owners»

This is just more harassment of legal gun owners with no practical crime - solving purpose.
The only people paying the price for this are legal gun owners who now have to decide to comply with the law or become criminals by retaining the equipment they have.
So legal gun owners will in effect not be able to legally purchase a hand gun for self protection.
Tenney said she agreed, and expressed her fear that the mass shooting will result in a backlash against legal gun owners.
These standardized statements serve as a shield, protecting politicians and policy makers from shouldering any of the blame for a system that allows for legal gun owners to open fire at a school, concert, and church congregation — a system they help create.
It's essentially the nations largest get together for gun owners and they won't let law abiding legal gun owners carry guns because someone who's supposedly pro 2A thinks its too «dangerous»?
Look at Chicago — still has a gun ban for the most part, yet killings are happening all over, and not by LEGAL gun owners.
Guns are very effective deterrents, and given that 99.9996 % of gun owners don't go out and kill anyone with guns (that's, 35000 murders (assuming one murder per gun owner, which is a generous number, divided by 100m gun owners, which own about 270m guns in the US), it's mind numbingly stupid to argue that GUNS are the problem, or that even legal gun owners are the problem, when you're more likely to get run over by a car (and 13 times more likely to just die of cancer).
It was Tenney and Dicker, who is part of the news media but conservative, that both raised party politics: Dicker saying legal gun owners tend to be Republicans and Tenney volunteering that many mass killers are Democrats.
Ulster County Sheriff Paul J Van Blarcum was the first New York State Sheriff to issue a public request urging legal gun owners who have a conceal pistol carry permit to take the initiative and carry their firearms whenever possible.
Branas says cleaning and greening vacant lots does not «affect legal gun owner rights,» meaning people who are otherwise bitterly divided over gun control could potentially agree on such efforts as a politically acceptable strategy to reduce gun violence.
But Webster can't say for certain whether more guns are moving to criminals — or whether legal gun owners are committing more crimes.
In Toronto in particular where there is less of an understanding of legal gun ownership, police officers and Crown Attorneys often use the same resources and treatment towards legal gun owners as they do to illegal gun owners.
My colleagues and I are calling on state leaders to immediately repeal the SAFE Act and follow proper procedure to introduce a revised law that effectively addresses issues associated with gun violence and does not impede on the rights of legal gun owners.
Safir, however, said there should be more requirements of legal gun owners.
I am a legal gun owner who submitted to background checks, completed the appropriate training, and take gun ownership seriously.
The SAFE Act didn't affect sportsmen, hunters or legal gun owners — but it reduced the risk to our children, to our families and to our communities.
In the interview, Tenney said it was unfair that legal gun owners would face the brunt of any effort to crack down on firearms.
A lot of legal gun owners are going to be targeted now.»
The answer is not to put more onerous rules on our legal gun owners
This was done to alarm the public as well as a failed attempt at shaming the legal gun owners of which I am one.
WHEREAS, the New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013 which was rushed to passage by the New York State Senate, Assembly and Governor, will have a detrimental effect on hunters, sportsmen and legal gun owners, as well as the Remington Arms Company; and
And I think that what scares me most is a lot of these legal gun owners are going to be targeted now.
We have many more crimes that are committed by people with illegal guns, and so our answer is always to go back to the legal gun owners
We are hopeful Albany will repeal, revisit and revise this bill so that we have legislation that doesn't infringe on the rights of legal gun owners
NRA lining the pockets of politicians is the only reason Floridians are legal gun owners?
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