Sentences with phrase «legal measures»

The current government has had to resort to drastic legal measures in response.
This report requires countries to scale up their efforts to monitor and enforce national legal measures.
Nursing home abuse and neglect is stopped only by reporting abuse in nursing homes and taking the appropriate legal measures.
If it is not permitted, what legal measures prevent them from doing so?
Other legal measures might include creating a sovereign patent pool and a prior art library to help Canadian small and medium - sized enterprises when they encounter litigation threats.
Lawmakers are working to to keep it open, while advocates are considering legal measures of their own.
This issue may take several days in order to resolve and might come to a point, where legal measures are needed in order to get things done.
Many mail order brides face abusive conditions here but there are legal measures available to protect them, they just don't always know about them.
In addition, most financial providers will seek legal measures when you can't pay on time.
This is what international legal measures, soft or hard, should do — give an enabling structure to this latent willingness to help.
By putting these in place over your business name, logo or products, you are taking the right legal measures to prevent theft or other unfair business practices.
The report, released today, emphasizes both measures to prevent and limit climate change as well as legal measures to respond to the effects of global warming.
The North American country will become only the second nation — and the first developing nation — taking legal measures to combat climate change
QUOINE Corp. is one of the first fully compliant and licensed (License No: 00002) cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, based on legal measures issued by Financial Services Agency of Japan.
Joseph Otoo of Mayer Brown looks at the domestic legal measures which Zimbabwe will need to take if
With Parliament set to resume, Coalition calls for effective legal measures to protect the privacy of every resident of Canada against government intrusion
QUOINE Corp. is one of the first fully compliant and licensed (License No: 00002) cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, based on legal measures issued by Financial Services Agency of Japan.
The acronym stands for the Haute Autorité pour la Diffusion des Oeuvres et la Protection des Droits sur Internet (HADOPI), a body which co-ordinates a variety of legal measures against illegal downloading including sanctions against parents of downloaders.
Of the 194 countries analysed in the report, 135 have in place some form of legal measure related to the International Code of Marketing of Breast - Milk Substitutes and subsequent resolutions adopted by the World Health Assembly (the Code).
Taking certain legal measures can help mitigate legal and financial risks, and can also have the added benefit of increasing communication and even solidifying a relationship.
Joseph Otoo of Mayer Brown looks at the domestic legal measures which Zimbabwe will need to take if it is to begin to attract international business in the post-Mugabe era.
Callahan himself opposes legal measures that would include the unborn in the community of caring.
As part of its policy to appease the Taliban and their sympathisers in the Afghan parliament, the Afghan government has in recent years adopted a number of controversial legal measures that narrow down the space for women's rights rather than expanding it further.
At the same time, restrictive legal measures tightened the government's control over NGOs, dissidents and the United Russia party.
The Minority wishes to serve notice to the Nana Akuffo Addo Government that it would not stand idly by for the government, either through its surrogates or through dubious legal measures, to hound legitimately qualified and appointed officials of state and especially those of the Electoral Commission who are independent, out of office.
The study, led by researchers at the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity and published in the research journal Obesity, the official journal of The Obesity Society (TOS), is the first to document a positive change in public attitudes toward legal measures to address weight discrimination.
Two charter schools used perfectly legal measures to gain bonds from the city of Nashville, and that made some anti-charter elected officials upset because they didn't know it took place.
While some encourage legal measures banning declawing, others think declawing is a necessary last resort for some pet parents.
Without legal measures in place, there is no guarantee that animals sold in pet shops do not come from puppy mills, and we hope Maryland passes this bill into law, thus decreasing demand for animals from puppy mills.
If these sort of legal measures replicate themselves in other states then that could deter gamers trading in used titles — and while that would be a bad thing in terms of feet on retailers floors — critics of the second hand videogame industry will likely be happy that it seems to be nipping itself in the bud.
The prosecution can not take place yet though, at least not before Belgian minister of justice Koen Geens meets with industry stakeholders in order to discuss the potential legal measures.
Legal measures need to be refined, law enforcement action needs to be focused, integrated and visibly incisive, and communication to those driving this trade needs to be better targeted and implemented with the resources and approaches that have been shown to be effective in changing attitudes and behavior with respect to other issues of social concern....
The mediation process is so effective that it is recommended that all organisations change their policies and procedures to insert mediation before the formal grievance procedure is launched — it can also be effective when the grievance procedure has been nearly exhausted and more severe and costly legal measures are being considered.
The UK Government should scale up efforts to monitor and enforce legal measures against inappropriate advertising and marketing of formula milk, teats and bottles, a new report by Unicef, WHO and IBFAN found today.
The report presents the legal status of the Code, including to what extent Code provisions have been incorporated in national legal measures, and provides information on the efforts made by countries to monitor and enforce the Code through the establishment of formal mechanisms.
France doesn't want Amazon to monopolize its book market, so the country is threatening to take legal measures to prevent it.
Although the UNESCO statements make no mention of anticommercialism, the MacBride Report proposes in Recommendation # 58 that «effective legal measures should be designed to: limit the process of concentration and monopolization; [and]... reduce the influence of advertising upon editorial policy and broadcast programming.
Of the 194 countries analysed in the report, 135 have in place some form of legal measure related to the International Code of Marketing of Breast - Milk Substitutes and subsequent, relevant resolutions adopted by the World Health Assembly (the Code).
... Ubisoft will proceed to take all appropriate legal measures to protect its game and the interests of its customers.»
That the Australian Government report on political, financial and legal measures which can be used to facilitate State, Territory and local government involvement in regional agreements.
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